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MOTD Update - CI callouts , Strip, Binds in general. - Denied


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21 hours ago, Dang said:

+ support

- Its absolutely unnecessary to add these silly and disturbing comments in advertisement binds. Quite simply the rule should be if you don't use the correct info within the advert it wont be valid. 


12 hours ago, Zack / Zarl said:

+ Support, I think I've lost at least 4 brain cells reading this, And I've only ever had 2 brain cells, so you do the math.


Demonically Inspired ..Nu7 CMDR rem love GIF


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Wow a lot of response on this. I know this is a semi serious RP server but theres binds that just seems to be inappropriate even for semi serious. To me semi serious means that if you want to you can be silly but you can be serious too. Its pretty hard to get in the mind set of being a trained E11 soldier when you teammates are acting like children. Also to the guy who said I was targeting one guy I didnt even realize it was the same bind to be fair. Also I do agree that if not banning these at least make it so information of what is happening is required as if not for the brackets at the end you would not realize what is going on.

Ranks: Security SM Greg | RRH Guardian Whiskey 11

Security Logo Designer | Premiere Club | #FreeMe 

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On 9/18/2021 at 11:56 AM, Cloaker said:

Furries are a war crime

Bruh why lol


As long as a reason is stated for the advert (ex: CI, cyanide, kidnap, strip, raid, etc.) I see no issue as long as the advert doesn’t break any MOTD rules. Even I admit some binds are “strange” for lack of a better word but it’s all in good fun.

Also for clarification, will this also involve /me or just adverts?

Retired LCZ Manager Pingas

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1 hour ago, Mind Stone said:

Bruh why lol


As long as a reason is stated for the advert (ex: CI, cyanide, kidnap, strip, raid, etc.) I see no issue as long as the advert doesn’t break any MOTD rules. Even I admit some binds are “strange” for lack of a better word but it’s all in good fun.

Also for clarification, will this also involve /me or just adverts?

The suggestion is for everything, but realistically I can only see adverts really being affected because they impact everyone and are super obvious.

Edited by Pillercat
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SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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3 hours ago, Pillercat said:

The suggestion is for everything, but realistically I can only see adverts really being affected because they impact everyone and are super obvious.

I would say mainly adverts because if its a /me its between a smaller amount of people who might not care if its serious. Server wide should be serious.

also this, it doesnt have any info other then a threat. A bind should be readable without the brackets 1797408051_Screenshot2021-09-21195102.png.312b7dd8507f8a3eb680190e2634b6fc.png

Edited by Grеg

Ranks: Security SM Greg | RRH Guardian Whiskey 11

Security Logo Designer | Premiere Club | #FreeMe 

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On 9/18/2021 at 8:52 PM, Pills said:


I mean this is a semi-serious RP server. Also it really is not that hard to read. 

Could you also be more specific about what you are trying to ban? It looks to me like you are targeting a specific bind to me


EX Head Of Staff SCP-RP | CI will forever be in my heart. 1/15/21 - 8/1/22 (CI CMDR Cosmic ITLY)

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On 9/18/2021 at 11:52 AM, Pills said:


I mean this is a semi-serious RP server. Also it really is not that hard to read. 

Could you also be more specific about what you are trying to ban? It looks to me like you are targeting a specific bind to me

-Support, I like having a freedom of what I can do to kill your self in a sticky area


Edited by BOx
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On 9/19/2021 at 8:18 PM, Sparkle said:


At the very least, start with the actual information needed to be conveyed then you can have your additions as wanted. Lets be honest, if we heard exactly those adverts over the radio, we'd be going for the turn off switch or not understand what's going on. We get "semi-serious" but at least make it semi-serious.



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back when I was in command of E11, I used to get on my enlisted for doing these kinds of binds personally

but, not everybody hates them and ultimately its up to the branch to change these kinds of things

trust me, I hate them too but if you have a problem with em talk to command of your branch or the command of their branch about it first and see if some middle ground could be met

Former E11 1LT/Head Ranger,  Former Event Team/Staff Member| GENSEC SGT Foundation Chef

ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif.133a59eca14307e607c6ed8c10b1d560.gif<- me when the quiet guy in D-block begins to reach into his pocket

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An entire rule just for binds? I get it, some are annoying and stupid, But this is a matter that should be handled branch to branch, Not an entire rule just for this one thing, I also feel like it's only really an issue when they are really long like in the second screenshot.

Edited by Mitchell Hugh

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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-over my 1 year and 6 month I have seen crazy binds like "the British are coming the British are coming" or "insert doom music".  The first 2 second I saw this suggestion I lost 2 of my brain cells.

 -While I do understand that there should be freedom on the binds we should still have restrictions on bind that are to be made to avoid binds leading to the funny epic role play or in short ERP which in my opinion you are all are getting pretty close to considering that there are inappropriate bind like the 3 shown.

-I believe what the punishment should is the 1st warning would be a verbal and the bind would be invalid, second should be a verbal and that bind would be invalid then finally 3rd warning would be a warn for "failure to make an appropriate bind" and that bind would be invalid (4th time or higher then that person would be then be jailed and the bind will once again be invalid.)

-I believe if people were allowed to continue with inappropriate binds this could drive people to leave the server and then SMT will most likely prohibit of making binds in general.

-Also im pretty sure that this would a server thing and not a branch thing considering that binds are used by almost everyone, but I could be wrong (if an smt or jmt confirm if this would be a branch problem or a server wide problem that would be lovely).

ok that all have a good day/night 

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- The adverts you listed get the point across. The second one even has something that anyone can easily read as "Notices CI" so that's a CI Callout before the bracket part of CI/GOI.
- Adds a nice touch to the adverts
- Should be up to each branch to decide how strict they want binds to be, not a server rule, and not something that should be required as a change for branches.

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Massive -support

Alright, look. Some binds are pretty stupid, some are pretty cringe, but heres the thing: its an advert, in a chat, that scrolls quickly. The message will have came and fuckin' went in no time. Its a little bit of fun and a bit of sprucing things up. Half of the people here are so against it because "oh semi serious isnt an excuse you should be serious with your adverts" bruh, as long as the message is put across, who cares?

I understand in the case of weird or gross shit, but most binds are just dumb fun. A rule like this would cause more problems than it would solve, be a pain for staff to determine in some cases how much a bind is allowed to be silly, which would cause discretion issues and players getting pissed at "well this staff thought it was fine" and so on so forth.

At the end of the day, we are playing Gmod, an inherently pretty fuckin' stupid game. A bind thats dumb fun is harmless, and while there are some I look at and let out internal groans at, most are fine. Here are some of my personal favorites, just to remind you what bit of fun we could be missing out on just because people can't just look at the important part of an advert:

Pops one of these and forgets about her
Ooh! Piece of candy!
Aight Imma fuck wit'chu
I do not vibe with this universe.

*Eats a shit ton of carrots*
Bravo six, going dark.
I just tripped over this goddamn stealth ops foot!
Aight, this definitely aint lag 

Being Captured:
*Taps comms aggressively to tell everyone I am in deep shit*
Unhand me, heathen!
They lied to me, we aren't going to Disneyland!!!


GOI Callouts:
Oh hey guys hows it go- wait i'm nOT ON A CI JOB AHHH
This isn't in the budget!
Oh shit, the IRS is here!
Ayo, is that Thin?


This shits just fun, man

Daddy D Boi |Previously CI SGM XB1 and RAM|Formerly Agent Starboi| CCs: Frank West | Doctor Samuel Hayden | Solid Snake | CI Recon Force | Drip Hank Hill | The O7 Bois (Owner of Sunsetters)
The Femboi With The Fubar

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8 hours ago, Ya Boi Sawrunner said:

Massive -support

never said that you can't have funny binds just that the bind needs to include what you are actually calling out as example the "do not vibe with this universe" would not work but "Pops one of these and forgets about her" anyways I've already decided if I see these binds I'm going to the branch lead not SMT

Ranks: Security SM Greg | RRH Guardian Whiskey 11

Security Logo Designer | Premiere Club | #FreeMe 

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49 minutes ago, Grеg said:

never said that you can't have funny binds just that the bind needs to include what you are actually calling out as example the "do not vibe with this universe" would not work but "Pops one of these and forgets about her" anyways I've already decided if I see these binds I'm going to the branch lead not SMT

Please make sure you follow CoC with the branches. I don't think HCMD would really enjoy being messaged about binds that some people do not like. LCMD/SCMD should be able to sort this out and if needed they can go to HCMD.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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+/- Support

The Binds are overall cringe in general and are somewhat annoying, but I'm mainly fine with it. The adverts let people be creative in chat it also lets people have fun and express themselves. I think it's a little bit cringe but in my opinion, I think that it should be limited to a certain extent and not completely removed.

If someone has a big problem with it bring it up with Command in your Branch

Edited by Gyara

Former Nu7 Command Member

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On 9/30/2021 at 4:41 PM, Evil said:

 -While I do understand that there should be freedom on the binds we should still have restrictions on bind that are to be made to avoid binds leading to the funny epic role play or in short ERP which in my opinion you are all are getting pretty close to considering that there are inappropriate bind like the 3 shown.

So lemme get this straight, saying something like in an anime is ERP? those binds listen contained no ERP of any sorts... 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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+ Support

I already had to step in on several occassions with people making way out of line binds for when we're getting raided or entering the site. Semi serious rp or not but this is just so unnecessary and an absolute mood killer.

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                                                                                O5 Overseer Council | The Cowboy

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+support to binds regarding anything referencing anything ERP related (UwU, Kitten, E girl shit)  

-support to simple binds 

[PA] The Scary people with guns are here! [CI/GOI] 

[ACT] swallows little red pill [cyanide roll off]

[PA]  Scary people with guns are here and made me shit myself! [CI/GOI] 

Or just something simple that is short yet can be funny. 


As for branch command I would say make it up to them to allow use of stuff regarding Furries and stuff along those lines 

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SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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