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Allowing E-11 to enter D Block - Denied

Nenea Tanti

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e11 inside d block would be super unfair for d class and it will kill the player count of d class since when gensec and nu7 are in d block d class cant escape then how about e11 with them 

this is not going to be balanced 

you could have made a suggestion about e11 can enter d block for the reason to grab d class if there is no one that could help them 

not for being inside 24/7 

i really think this thing is going to kill d class activity and they going to think this server is boring 

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If youre grabbing dclass make it like behemoth and goliath, no weapons pulled out and none shot


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Just like what J0LT said, I think E11 should be able to enter D block just to grab D class or to kill CI. E11 shouldn't linger in D block and should only be there if they need something.

Edited by recon
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As long as they are there for only what is necessary. The currently written circumstance lock prevents badly needed tasks to be completed. Nu7 isn't always gonna be around. Some leniency can be afforded.

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+/- Support

I would be fine with E-11 entering to Grab Class-D for re-containment and for when CI are inside D-Block but when it comes to assisting Security with Class-D I'm against it, things like this need to be stated or they can be abused.

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I think E-11 should be able to enter D-Block if CI is in there (which I think is already in the rules), that is all. Helping GenSec with D-Class would be too strong, really.



Edited by Jintao


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On 5/19/2021 at 5:05 PM, MexicanGuy said:


Most e11 jobs have around 175 | 175, too powerful against dclass. Also CI rarely stays in dblock and Gensec just have a buff.....


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It'll end up being that you originally go into dblock for dclass, but end up 'enacting self defense' and proceed to mow down the poor dclass wave. I just generally dislike the idea of E11 in dblock for any reason.


Former SCP:RP Event Team Leader (5/15/19 - 12/31/19)

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- Support

To be honest, I think it will be unfair for D-Classes you're making them impossible to escape from D-Block and much HARDER for CI to retrieve  D-classes if E-11 defending in D-Block. The rule is perfectly fine and its perfectly balance as well. D-Class can somewhat escape, Gensec can somewhat defend, and CI can somewhat save D-class.

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Bro y’all are acting like E11 is replacing GENSEC. 

This is literally just so E11 can actually recontain and feed SCPs

It’s not like they are planning to use it as an excuse to just kill D class as they please. 

Plus it’s not like Nu7 aren’t the exact same. 

in CI branch update they evened it out so alpha is on par with E11 enlisted. 

And on top of all of this they can only enter on orange (or yellow with command perms) They will have better things to do then sit and shoot D class. Plus as soon as the code changes their out.

there is no harm in adding this. 


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On 5/19/2021 at 3:20 PM, Jack (utility one) said:

-support +support after the resent edit!
As much as I love E11 this would be way to OP. E11 is the strongest branch, stats wise, and to bring them inside D-clock with everyone else would be to much. But I do think rules need to be in place for camping CI, to which E11 I think can enter IF there are CI in there and must leave after they are all killed, which may even be a stretch at that. Overall I'm hesitant/against it for  E11 to enter in general but I'm OK with them being in there ONLY if CI is and security, Nu7, and all other facility combatants are dead. As staying in the hallways seems to still be good.

He makes a great point. I think they should only enter if attacking CI, or grabbing D class. then they should LEAVE after. D class have it hard enough


+/- Support

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On 5/21/2021 at 5:58 PM, Hoovy said:


It'll end up being that you originally go into dblock for dclass, but end up 'enacting self defense' and proceed to mow down the poor dclass wave. I just generally dislike the idea of E11 in dblock for any reason.



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On 5/21/2021 at 5:58 PM, Hoovy said:


It'll end up being that you originally go into dblock for dclass, but end up 'enacting self defense' and proceed to mow down the poor dclass wave. I just generally dislike the idea of E11 in dblock for any reason.


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Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

"A good soldier obeys without question. A good officer commands without doubt."


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