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Bucks Ban/Warn appeal

Its Buck

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Steam Name:  [GL]Bacon/Buck

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076

Ingame Name: Buck

Ban Length:  1 week

Admin that Banned you: RookieBlue

Reason for Ban:  Abuse of ET Powers after Verbal warning 


Well, essentially I fucked up. It was off hours (11:30 PM EST ) at the time and I wanted to take some staff sits and have some good fun whilst doing so. I got on my administration job to take some sits and I knew I would be on the Job for a While. I modeled Myself as a cardboard box warrior that we are all familliar with and Love. I would take sits modeled as this and do them as I normally would. Once the sit ended I would go back to CI base/spawn and have some fun with them. I would run around the base while they chased me trying to kill me or  cuff me or even throw me in a box. At one point I stepped aside and was going to ask Someone if I could be trained for FTO Given my rank within CI was that of someone who would be eligible for FTO. People started to crowd around me and they all gathered. They were all still talking smack and having fun saying stuff like "I bet I could beat the box in a 1 v 1!" or "Cuff the box hurry!" . So with everyone having fun I spawned myself in the proton canon. I understand that is a huge no no. I slayed myself nearly 3 seconds later. I gave it to myself "for the memes" I had no intention of using it to hurt anyone in any way. It was all in good fun and not meant to be malicious in any way.  After about five or so minutes I went AFK and said goodnight to everyone in ooc.

However Someone did not see it that way I did. I was reported to JMT/SMT and within a few minutes of me going AFK I get a discord call from a friend. This is when I was informed of the situation at hand. SMT spoke with me regarding the situation and the consequences following it. I can understand that what I did was wrong and I can fully accept that.  During my talk with SMT they told me that I could appeal both my warn ban and staff removal. I dedicated a lot of my time to being staff on this server and loved every second of it. I am asking for another shot at being in the server and the staff team. 

Thank you for reading and I hope I will get to see everyone soon ❤️ 

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SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

ImperialRP: MC 1LT Bacon 3817 |  DT SGT FF5


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In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 

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~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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5 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 



Custom Classes | Cybernetic Protective Unit Owner | A Normal D-Class Owner


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26 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 



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26 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 

The punishment he received was very excessive imo, MAJOR +Support

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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27 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 


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45 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 

Honestly, the ban wasn't deserved I've done worse shit then this and only got perma-staff restricted....

 Retired CI LTCMDR | Proud Enuzer | Roblox Pro

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50 minutes ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 


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Background: https://gaminglight.com/forums/topic/74500-buck-staff-report/?tab=comments#comment-513214

Buck was recently involved in an incident where he was abusing his physgun powers while off duty. During my investigation into this, I was informed by a few other staff members that there were other instances of Buck utilizing his powers off duty, and was verbally warned by a Senior Admin regarding this conduct. After my investigation into the incident Buck received two strikes for utilizing his staff powers off duty which is prohibited, and continuously using staff powers off duty despite a previous verbal warning. At this time Buck was also issued a warning that further misconduct would result in an immidiate removal.



Yesterday, Rang informed me of an incident involving Buck abusing his staff powers, and I was provided a screenshot from Hoovy of Buck. In the screenshot, Buck can be seen on staff duty, having modeled himself as the cardboard box, sized himself to 0.5, uncloaked, and holding a proton cannon. Each of these actions separately are prohibited, especially the proton cannon with according the Event Team Weapon Guidelines is prohibited to be spawned in at any time. I was informed that Buck had been removed from the Event Team based on the misconduct, and since he engaged in this misconduct while on the staff team, I chose to also remove Buck from the staff team. Based on the continuous abuse of staff powers despite multiple warnings from a Senior Admin and myself about not placing himself in positions and making decisions that poorly reflect himself and the staff team, I issued a warning and one week ban for the abuse.

I then had the opportunity to speak with Buck over teamspeak, in which he informed me that someone had accused him of engaging in mass RDM with the proton cannon, which I investigated and determined to be unfounded. Buck also informed me that he slayed himself almost immediately after spawning the proton cannon, and did not use it at anytime, which I found to be true. I informed Buck he was welcome to appeal his removal from the staff team, to be ruled on by Rang, and appeal the warning and ban, to be ruled on by any of our other SMT personnel.

Staff members and event team members have a significant amount of power on the server, and must be held to a higher standard. The word and credibility of a staff member is taken over the word of our other players in the majority of cases because they have shown themselves to be of good character and reliable. Staff members that make poor decisions by abusing their staff and event team powers, especially on a consistent basis despite warnings from multiple levels, have to be held accountable for this misconduct. I believe the warning and ban to be proper in this instance due to Buck's consistent abuse of his powers, which has directly negatively affected players' ability to enjoy the server in the past, as referenced in Buck's staff report, as well as Buck's unprofessional behavior, which placed the staff team in a poor light.


Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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-/+ support
you already have 2 strikes on staff from previous incidents so you should know to be weary of doing things like this. from the people I talked to, no one gave you perms to do this and I think you are an event team trainee too so you need to be on the ET job and a supervisor to be using ET powers. however, I do think the ban is a bit harsh but if the head of staff thinks it is fit, then so be it. 

Former Head of Janitorial | HCZ man geerlvl 70 life wizard | Roblox Clothing Designer 


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1 hour ago, enuz 💣 said:

-/+ support
you already have 2 strikes on staff from previous incidents so you should know to be weary of doing things like this. from the people I talked to, no one gave you perms to do this and I think you are an event team trainee too so you need to be on the ET job and a supervisor to be using ET powers. however, I do think the ban is a bit harsh but if the head of staff thinks it is fit, then so be it. 

Pretty much this. The event team rules forbid you from even spawning in the proton cannon. It doesn't say that you can spawn it in "for the memes" and then slay yourself. On the staff side, you're required to be cloaked while on the job. As Rookie said, you have multiple infractions in this one situation alone and you were on a one strike policy.

SCP-RP Head of Staff | Ethics Committee Chairman

Former Nu-7 VCMDR l Former GenSec CPT

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1 hour ago, enuz 💣 said:

-/+ support
you already have 2 strikes on staff from previous incidents so you should know to be weary of doing things like this. from the people I talked to, no one gave you perms to do this and I think you are an event team trainee too so you need to be on the ET job and a supervisor to be using ET powers. however, I do think the ban is a bit harsh but if the head of staff thinks it is fit, then so be it. 

I agree with enuz here. You are still an trainee meaning you cannot use your ET Powers without Supervision by an Member+. And The Proton cannon is not to be played around with as this weapon is strictly forbidden for us to spawn in or use. +/-Support




Former: DT CPT , CGO - Tenn Graneet 31st VCMDR -> Havoc CMDR

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You have been staff on GamingLight servers for a while now. Staff in Imperial, Staff in SCP, ET in SCP. You know the rules and should know to follow them. You have been given the chances with power and have lost them. 

You cant be uncloaked on the staff job, you cant spawn resticted weapons "for the memes", you cant scale yourself unless its for an event or testing for an event, and there is so much more you have done. The chances were given, whats done is done. 

I would suggest the ban being lowered to 1-3 days instead of a week. The week is a bit harsh.


SCP-RP: G.O.C MAJ | Alpha-1 SGT 'Rose' | Strike Team Hammer 'Goose'Event Team Member     

Retired: E11 LTCOL Omi9 MAJ Nu7 LTCOL OH3 | Senior Mod | Event Team Member



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36 minutes ago, Southpaw said:


You have been staff on GamingLight servers for a while now. Staff in Imperial, Staff in SCP, ET in SCP. You know the rules and should know to follow them. You have been given the chances with power and have lost them. 

You cant be uncloaked on the staff job, you cant spawn resticted weapons "for the memes", you cant scale yourself unless its for an event or testing for an event, and there is so much more you have done. The chances were given, whats done is done. 

I would suggest the ban being lowered to 1-3 days instead of a week. The week is a bit harsh.



Free From GL ❤️

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I personally believe a one week ban is a bit harsh for the situation, and would Support lowering it to 1-3 days.
Although you did constantly abuse your powers, despite having been given verbal warnings, I would have to agree that a one week ban on-top of the ET removal and staff restriction is a bit too much.

Edited by Starstep
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9 hours ago, Rektify said:

In my opinion, +Support for the Ban Appeal

As far as I know, Buck did not kill anyone with the proton cannon. I don't think Buck had any bad intention whatsoever. The 1 week ban seems excessive on top of his staff restriction and removal from ET. Again, just my opinion. 

The removal from ET was justified. Several Guidelines were broken, and have been dealt with. However, I see no reason why you should receive further punishment. Removal from ET, serves as the active punishment for the misconduct provided. A warning and a ban seems off the rails to me. Considering he broke ET Guidelines, no MOTD Rule. Removal from Staff is debatable. However, I can understand that being performed as well.


For me, it’s a +Support. He broke ET/Staff guidelines. He made both ET and Staff look ridiculous. As such, he’s been punished for it. Further punishment is unnecessary, as he did not break any MOTD rules.

With Best Regards,
CI R&D Deputy Director Of Operations

|| - Retired SCP-RP Event Team Leader || Retired SCP-RP Admin || -Retired CI R&D Head of Research||

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my reasoning for this is that buck, while he has engaged in misconduct and disobayed the staff guidelines and ET guidelines, i still believe buck can change for the better, he is an amazing staff and knows what hes doing. yes he has had multiple chances of improving and been given multiple warnings for this "abuse" i believe that buck was simply trying to have some fun, something i have heard multiple of GLs staff members complain about is the boredom that comes with being on staff and there being no sits, and yet the moment you flag onto a normal job to have fun multiple sits come through, this is something that believe it or not people have asked me if i ever minge around while on staff, i will admit, i have minged on staff before, however not to a breaking rules extent as this.

even so, i believe that buck was simply having some fun, yes spawning the proton is a no no and i fully support bucks ET removal for this (sorry buck but its just true) however his staff removal i believe is overkill, yes he has been striked twice all ready for using powers off duty but even after all this buck still excells in his staff duties and as i mentioned prior, staff can sometimes be frustrating with the constant flagging on and off staff job, and yet you have to wait till senior admin to takes sits on your normal job, this in my personal opinion is not unfair as so to speak but is... and please dont hurt me for saying this, i believe its ridiculous. the reason i believe this is because i think senior mod+ should have the responsibility to take sits off duty.

and so in my conclusion i state that buck should be given just one more chance to prove himself, everyone makes mistakes, some make mistakes too often, but even those people are capable of change and improvement.

thanks for reading and giving me your time kindest regards -logan 


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I do aggree that the punishments recived were too excessive but you still need to understand the limits of your staff powers. Just becuase you can spawn in something does not mean you should do it. I dont think you deserved a ban and removal but for the future please think before you do something like this and dont go againsed your guidlines.

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The ET And Staff Removal/Restriction will stand.

You broke multiple rules against the event team and staff rules.

Even though these rules were broken I cannot justify a 7 day ban for you.

The ban will be removed but please take this as an opportunity to improve on your behaviors.

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