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Huntt is being very unprofessional.


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Your In-Game Name: Wump

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:188178723

Staff member's In-Game Name: Huntt

What did they do? I had just gotten back from being AFK, i changed my job to VIP Thief. Mind you during all of this i only had a physgun out, i never even touched my scroll wheel. I'm walking down the street and i get pulled up by Huntt, saying i shot an EMS. And i said no i didn't, and told him to check logs for proof that i didn't. He then told me that i did when i know i didn't, i then ask him why he's lying to me and i told him he was being corrupt, so he warned me for staff diss. He then told me "I'm only going to give you a verbal warning since it's your first time shooting EMS. So i called Mikey to come check logs so i could prove this kid was lying, he then checked logs and there was no log of me shooting anybody, or even an EMS. Mikey told me to @ him but it turns out there is multiple Mikey's on the forums. But he is apart of my proof.

Evidence (REQUIRED): [AWarn] You have been warned by [GL]stoneship478: Staff diss[AWarn] Type !warn to see a list of your warnings.Moderator| Huntt: !warn wump Staff diss, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1780966669 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1780966706

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? A demotion, considering i pm'd him in game and he continued to lie straight to my face.

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So i got a staff call as he shot an ems car a saw him put away a gun and get in somones car and start to drive away (with out adverting carjack ) so i brought him to a roof and said that i saw it but i wasnt sure if it 100% was him so i didnt warn him as it could have been false so i went to put him down from the roof and he proceeds to call me corrupt and then i warn him for staff diss. and in my opinion he is being dissrespect full in this report by caling me a kid. 

22 minutes ago, Bopplayer36 said:

i could prove this kid was lying,


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1. Calling you a kid isn't disrespectful, i am also a "kid". 2. I called you corrupt because you were standing by your statement saying i did it. And i got in the car and got out of it. I didn't drive it anywhere. Literally got in and out, nobody told me to get out, i did it myself. I know the rules i'm not dumb enough to break them. I called you corrupt after you were insisting that i had just shot an EMS member and that you checked the logs and saw that i did it, when you can check the logs and see that i literally didn't. It's crazy how your still lying.

Edited by Bopplayer36
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I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.


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9 minutes ago, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -Babe Ruth

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." -Thomas A. Edison

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Seuss

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1 hour ago, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



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1 hour ago, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



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I don’t see how I’m being disrespectful when he’s lying to your faces, I’m sure most of you would feel the same way if somebody tried doing these things to you, and that they were proven unjust.

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13 hours ago, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.




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18 hours ago, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



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- Support

Only one person here who is being unprofessional and has an attitude. And that is you

Edited by therealdredgen
I didnt finish my sentence

PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

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On 6/25/2019 at 10:19 PM, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



Ex. Superadmin - AnimeRP Ex. Senior Admin (AND FIRST) - PoliceRP   Ex. Senior Moderator - PoliceRP
Ex. Admin - Clonewars Ex. Admin - DarkRP 

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On 6/25/2019 at 5:19 PM, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



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On 6/25/2019 at 5:19 PM, Willy said:

I'm leaning towards a - Support for the following reasons

- By the response above, it seems like you like to get into arguments and it gets you heated up some I bet there was some attitude within the conversation from your side.

- Calling staff different names isn't the best thing to do when they are trying to dissolve a situation

- Next time, if he false warned you. Don't get yourself in trouble calling him names, make a warn appeal and you'll see from there. Calling staff Names doesn't do anything for you or goes no where.



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1. Calling him a "Kid" in a derogatory way, which im going to assume you did based on your attitude on the forums, is disrespectful

2. Invalidly calling one of my staff members corrupt is staff disrespect.

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