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Command Rolecall (WO-COL)


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Name: Aaron Faustin

Rank: LtCol

Activity Status: LOA

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): Because i care about the players in and out of game and rather than be a "boss" i make sure i am a Leader who doesn't just order people around and discipline, I teach and mentor those who are serious about the server so they can one day be an officer and a leader themselves. Lately i've been on an LOA to finish up my courses at school but when i'm not on LOA i try and give upper enlisted (now it's WO's mainly) leadership jobs within the facility to give them training. I'm also EXTREMELY active on the forums and discord to help out there or answer any questions and just overall be involved in the lives of my fellow players and Security Members.

Any concerns: Not really, I'm pretty good about speaking with Chief and fellow high command with my concerns immediately.


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Name: Crimson

Rank: Captain

Activity Status: Active.

Reason you should stay command: I do my best to keep everyone in order when I'm in-game. Assign and lead patrols when I can and the time is right. Take command of D-Block when it becomes unstable or when the previous commanding officer leaves or goes idle. To go along with my activity status, I'm usually on about 2-3 times a week from around 5PM EST to around 11PM EST. (My apologies for not reaching 100+ words. This is all I got as I'm not really a writer.)

Any Concerns: Aside from GENSEC still being a bit weak (Compared to older GENSEC, it's a LOT better.), I don't have any other complaints.

Edited by CrimsonRaid44
"Autocorrect" misspell.
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Warrant Officer

Activity Status:


Reason you should stay command (100+ words):

In my minimal time as a command member I've rewritten the SOP to be much more informative, and have written a proposal to enact a mentorship program within GENSEC. I believe that I have many great ideas that will result in GENSEC being a much more professional force, as well as one that has stronger relationships. I hope to continue to remain a command member to build my leadership skills and have to continue to have a positive effect on the branch and server. My next proposal will be a revamping of the original squad program which will provide command members with new opportunities to build their leadership skills, build a sense of team belonging, and result in higher player retention.

Any concerns:

No concerns at this time!

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Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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Name: Lefty

Rank: MAJ

Activity Status: Active

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): I want to stay as GENSEC command because I basically get on everyday and do the best I can to make Security great. I've been in GENSEC for a while now and I intend to do so for a while and I hope to reach a higher rank in the future. I try to find out what GENSEC is doing wrong and try to fix it, I try to make a good example for all the other low ranks and I try my best to be a leader for everyone to follow. I am not only active on Security I am also active on the forums and discord  also the roster I check everyday to see that I am kept up to date with everything. Any issues I see any GENSEC personal are doing I try to address it to prevent it from happening again.

Any concerns: GENSEC Personal need to stop door blocking.

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    Activity Status:Almost everyday

    Reason you should stay command (100+ words):When i came to this community I was very happy because gensec was nice to me so that is the reason I try so hard I want to pay my respect to the people who were so nice to me if i stay I can try my best to help out and fix any problems I can because outside of school I am always treated like an idiot but gensec isn't just my power title etc it's my home and the family i belong to so once again if I stay i will try to help i will try to be nice and pay back the favor to those who were kind to me.

    Any concerns:none


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Name: Kade II

Rank: MAJ

Activity Status: Active (But on LOA)

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): Because I love what I do in security and i think that my skills as a player and a leader will help security prosper in the near future of gaming light. I also believe that security could use me in serval ways, as i mentioned before being a leader, supplying info, and being a role model for newer security. And because security gave me a life, before i would do nothing and now i have a reason to even get on gmod. And when I do I have a hell of a time, and i wish to keep it that way for the longest time possible.

Any concerns: People minging, and being toxic to others.

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Activity Status: A modified loa

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): why I think I should say in command Because of my experience and my knowledge of how security works and  I know how things are supposed to be run and if somebody's doing it wrong then I will deal And told them how they're supposed to view with a situation  with them also I feel like it would be very very detrimental to lose someone like me who has been here for a long long time. And if you keep me in command I will  Keep doing my job as command to look over all of the other security officers and i will make sure none of those pesky menges get on our team (because you know of their bad) 

Any concerns:  None that I'm aware also jet if you're reading this can I get roster access please


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Name: idfk

rank: director of research and security (higher than u lul)

acitve? Ye

Why should i stay? No u

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MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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7 hours ago, Timmemes said:

Name: idfk

rank: director of research and security (higher than u lul)

acitve? Ye

Why should i stay? No u

Denied. Inactive.

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Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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Name : Lance

Rank :LT

Activity Status: Active

Reason you should stay  command(100+ words)

Why I believe I should stay in command, well in my eyes as far as I have played as security I've known how to run and control Gensec personnel, even though i do not have a mic which makes my job as LT a bit more difficult as i have to type to get peoples attention. Other than that I am a easy person to deal with when it comes to my higher ups giving me orders, But when it comes to me giving other security orders that are under me, I tend to be a bit more strict with them.  I do this for the only reason to try or attempt to make my security better, as this is all I want for the Security which is for us all to become better( than we already are) at what we do as Security

Any Concerns: My only concerns with Security is most of the SOs as most of the time they are not doing there jobs, not following NLR and the biggest one is that they are not closing the doors behind them. ( this is not me trying to bash out SOs, but its the honest truth in my opinion)  

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Name: Death

Rank: CPT

Activity Status: Active Also Kinda Got A1 To Control so Cant be on 24/7

Reason you should stay command (100+ words):  Reason Why u should keep Me in Security Gues i aint Affraid to Put down my Foot And Bring Order to Security And Non Mingy Times
Also i am in EST So i Am On Alot during the Day Watching for Minges in Security Wich i Would be great For Security and Me
Also i wanna Stay Cause Security is my First Ever Low Command Position i Manage to Get in SCRP And Yet i am Still thankfull to Command for This Spot Hopefully i can keep Fullfilling This Duty and Get to Stay In Gensec With amazing Friendly Command 
Thanks For Reading my Why u should keep me 

Any concerns: N/A

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6 minutes ago, DeathBringer402 said:

Name: Death

Rank: CPT

Activity Status: Active Also Kinda Got A1 To Control so Cant be on 24/7

Reason you should stay command (100+ words):  Reason Why u should keep Me in Security Gues i aint Affraid to Put down my Foot And Bring Order to Security And Non Mingy Times
Also i am in EST So i Am On Alot during the Day Watching for Minges in Security Wich i Would be great For Security and Me
Also i wanna Stay Cause Security is my First Ever Low Command Position i Manage to Get in SCRP And Yet i am Still thankfull to Command for This Spot Hopefully i can keep Fullfilling This Duty and Get to Stay In Gensec With amazing Friendly Command 
Thanks For Reading my Why u should keep me 

Any concerns: N/A

You will be marked semi active due to A1

MilRP: Spetsnaz SCOL | Retired SZ and DI Major General  || JvS: Retired Sith Council | Reserve Sentry Darth | Retired Administrator




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Name: Security CPT War Gamer

Rank: CPT

Activity Status: Active(even while I have to deal with being staff)

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): I have always tried to be helpful for command and players within the security force. I've been making sure everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. I'm usually always online if anyone needed me, and just had issues they wanted to talk about. Even though I'm now a Gaming Light SCP-RP staff member, and can't be on the security CPT job all the time; in between sits I always make sure that Security is doing their jobs. I've gotten rid of many mingey people in my time in command to make our department greater and greater each time. And I think that I have proven myself to be a good command personnel and that I can get tasks done when needed.

Any concerns: The fact that we lost 3 HCMD


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Name: coolgamey

 Rank: LT

Activity Status: active

The reason you should stay in command (100+ words): The reason I should stay command...well I can't really give a good reason to why I should stay command I mean there are people more qualified than me to be command but  I like being low command I like leading squads and I like helping out even though I don't have anything for a good reason I should stay command. I just like helping out on the server and making sure everyone's doing what they're supposed to be doing I mean you can take from this what you will but I not going to boast about why I'm the perfect  low command because honesty I'm not - coolgamey

Any concerns: none at the moment 

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7 hours ago, War Gamer said:

Name: Security CPT War Gamer

Rank: CPT

Activity Status: Active(even while I have to deal with being staff)

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): I have always tried to be helpful for command and players within the security force. I've been making sure everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. I'm usually always online if anyone needed me, and just had issues they wanted to talk about. Even though I'm now a Gaming Light SCP-RP staff member, and can't be on the security CPT job all the time; in between sits I always make sure that Security is doing their jobs. I've gotten rid of many mingey people in my time in command to make our department greater and greater each time. And I think that I have proven myself to be a good command personnel and that I can get tasks done when needed.

Any concerns: The fact that we lost 3 HCMD


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1 hour ago, War Gamer said:

Two resigned and chief is on loa so makes that 3 when he comes back ot is 2

Just cause I'm on loa doesn't mean that I an lost. You guys can always find me on discord.

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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Name: Brass

Rank: Warrant Officer

Activity Status: Active

Reason you should stay command (100+ words): I should stay in command because I take my job as a part of GENSEC very seriously. I respect the chain of command and have absolutely zero patience for minging or disrespect from my subordinates, and will not hesitate to reinstate the order that should be expected of all GENSEC personell. I also enjoy the opprotunity to teach lower ranking security the ropes and having the ability to watch them as they themselves climb the ranks to be the best security they can be. Finally, being in a GENSEC command position has put me in one of the best positions I can possibly be in for leading my fellow security into the fight, as well as setting an example for those below me to follow.

Any concerns: We've been seeinng an awful lot of High command go on LOA or resignations recently, and it certainly is worrying.




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I was not satisfied with my font size.
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Name: Matricies

Rank: WO

Activity Status: Active (Almost Every Day for at least 2+ hours)

Reason you should stay command (100+ words):

As a new junior command officer, this opportunity given to me is to learn new leadership skills and constantly grow to become a better command member for the future. Not only am I very active but  have shown that I am able to handle assignments, deal with certain security situations and be a proper role model for learning security members to look up to and learn from so that they can proceed and become more effective security officers. I believe that the skills I offer in leadership, accountability and responsibility make me a valuable member of security command and I will continue to improve upon those skills to help improve the quality of security and the satisfaction that members have in our foundation branch.

Any concerns: None really

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