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Vehicle Damage?


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What you want to see? -  Able to kill people if you run into them with cars

Why should we add it? - When people see this they will automatically think of -support. If you going into depth it makes rp a bit better. First of if gives PD a reason to call someone code red if they run into them/drive toward with a intent to kill. Them it would also stop minges from running into the rode and blocking cars with there body. Then people would use sidewalks more rather than running into the rode

What are the advantages of having this? - Reasons stated above

Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

Links to any content - N/a

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Sure it's a great idea and it improves roleplay. But, if you think about the minges that just joined the server, they would just buy a cheap car and run people over way too many times and staff would have to get on to deal with a lot of car death match sits. It would make a lot of the player base unhappy and unsatisfied with them getting strucked by a vehicle and lose their armor and guns that they have, and staff has to get on duty a lot to deal with this kind of matter.

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Hello Ruinz,

Overall this is a great suggestion it would fit really well SeriousRP, But the server does lag a lot and it's very hard to drive... But when it comes to minges like Dane said, They will just buy a cheap car and run as much people over and staff would be called a lot because of a CMD report. It would make a lot of the players unhappy and they won't get to enjoy playing, You will have people targeting you a lot and overall this suggestion wouldn't work out for the server.


~ Senior-Moderator Munchies

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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Huge - Support

While i would love this to be a thing but then this would cause way more rdm cases and people have horrible driving as it is with lag and poor control over some vehicles this would result in almost a purge effect and in turn for 1k you could have a machine capable of mass rdm its bad enough with gun dealers self supplying to rdm but if a citizen can walk out of spawn to a car dealer which would give them such a strong weapon staff calls would be blowing up this is way too much risk for the future of PoliceRP.


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On 9/3/2018 at 3:54 PM, Munchies1 said:

Hello Ruinz,

Overall this is a great suggestion it would fit really well SeriousRP, But the server does lag a lot and it's very hard to drive... But when it comes to minges like Dane said, They will just buy a cheap car and run as much people over and staff would be called a lot because of a CMD report. It would make a lot of the players unhappy and they won't get to enjoy playing, You will have people targeting you a lot and overall this suggestion wouldn't work out for the server.


~ Senior-Moderator Munchies



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