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Not Daft

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Everything posted by Not Daft

  1. Cool Kids Club Ever want a unique, *cough* unattainable gun? Wanna show off to all them kids that you are a cool kid? Now you can! To contact us, PM me through the forums for a Discord link, to our Official Discord Current Inventory: HK MP5 Colt 1911 Nova Magpul PDR G3SG1 (removed from sale)
  2. *Yes I realise im appealing a warn for myself and because I was dumb and stupid enough to warn myself it probably will stay* Your In-game: Daftcoops Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60544212 The admin's name in-game: lil daft The admin's steam name (If you know it): GL Gavink what a noob name amiright? What warning did you receive: 2 for respawning with EMS online, 1 for failrp Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Will upload the screenshots along w/ my other ones for all my appeals Why do you think this warn was false: For the EMS ones, for the day there was this bug where if you left clicked it respawned you which it shouldnt but technically I respawned w/ EMS online (I didnt wait the 3 mins), so I warned my self on both occasions with a stupid message to follow it. This is me as the warning staff saying its false. The other one is that I false kidnapped the first time so I did it again before cooldown which at the time i thought was a broken rule so i warned myself, which is also false Any extra information: that staff rlly needs a demoted
  3. Not Daft

    CW 2.0

    -/+Support I guess obviously classes will get free weapon changes although do consider this: It will take a LONG time to implement this. First zeeptin has to select the weapons. Then he has to add it to the content pack. Then he has to find all weapon IDs. Then he has to go to every normal job, and change every single weapon. Then custom classes. He has to spend a few weeks changing every custom class owners class weapons. Zeeptin mostly likes TFA due to it be optimized, and overall clean looking Now im not saying that CW is laggy, but I've been on some Darkrp servers with it, and overall Then there is the hardest part: Deciding what classes get what weapons. All the guns are gonna be a bit different then their TFA counterparts. For example, on Gaminglight WalkingdeadRP, the server had CW. That was, awesome really, but you gotta realise that it was a much smaller server then PRP, so CW worked better on it. The thing is tho, for example, the Glock on it, was OP as HECK. It killed almost instantly if used right, and was just a pistol! but the glock that OFCs get is a different story. It barely can kill most people with full armor within 15-20 shots It will take weeks of testing to figure out the guns powers and which classes get which. Overall, it is POSSIBLE, and may turn out great, but imagine the incredible difficulty of making it work that zeeptin has to go through!
  4. This may sound dumb but what is MDT? im confused xD snookie for LTG
  5. I live very close to dallas to the point where im considered in dallas but trust me its kind of boring I would either like to live in North Dakota, Brazil, Scotland, or on mars
  6. Not Daft


    What? nahh... *dont spoil it xD*
  7. Not Daft


    Dont U just HATE it when u spill all your glocks? Like honestly such a pain!
  8. I would like to note, tho, that I went on duty this morning , although that does not excuse, But I would NOT like a staff restriction but i do indeed deserve a strike
  9. +Support Some things deserve warnings, but after all, this is a game and it was a joke, and I did not see ANY sits being called in admin chat, so it didnt harm the server in any way shape or form
  10. +Support Although when I did agree to stay active that means I could hop on tommorow but honestly im not fit for staff so i should probably have a restriction
  11. +Support I actually saw this guy buying Donor Mod and he was minging while he waited for it to come through...
  12. Not Daft

    Job Commands

    List of Job commands currently Known Vip Thief : /vipthief Thief : /thief Protitute : /prostitute NASA : /nasa Assasin: /assassin Admin on duty: /administration meth cook citizen : /citizen gun dealer: /gundealer officer: /officer LCPL : /lcpl snr: /SNR Shot caller: /shotcaller MORE TO BE ADDED
  13. Donk Bonk ........ 2017 gang back in cronk yo gucci my thing in the jive yo dayum
  14. Can i be a honorary person due to me being minecraft
  15. actually peco gave me 1k robux so fite me
  16. In-Game Name: daft punksie Steam Name: GL Gavink SteamID: STEAM_1:1:156037317 Are you a Moderator+? Yes (My tags havent been given yet) How many post do you have on the website? As of posting this --> 828 How often are you online on the forums? Very often What timezone are you in? UTC -1 Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? Its been the perfect role for me but I was staff restricted since the start of summer 2017 to January, when valk left and Snar decided my res was unneeded. I wanted to be one since the day it was added! I am one of the most active forum people even if I dont post much anymore I'm always checking out posts! I like the forums and even if im on LOA i still look at them! Not much more to say tho. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Yes, I never give false warns (I never have been reported for false warning), I always read a post carefully before judging it. I always make sure its really not a appropriate post before reacting. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would hide their messages, and politely tell them if that they feel their ban was unjust to appeal in the ban appeal section, and link them the format 0
  17. accepted you are granted the daft meme reward. I used to think u wer no fun but now ur a daft punk
  18. Im not sure what to I'd ask SMT but ill keep thinking honestly this warn seems false
  19. i like microsoft for my ipads and apple for my google phone
  20. Any kind would be sufficient (A pic of it being open, or a witness who is trust worthy)
  21. All good I probably am about to appeal a few month old warns but 3 months is the limit but i cant support until evidence appears and no one should support until evidence appears unless they witness.
  22. I can sort of see why he might wait because I have a few warns to appeal but i've never had time to or have remembered to appeal them also you need proof that it was open or proof at all
  23. +Support Good app good friend Sort of nice Active Follows rules
  24. Not Daft


    little do you all know this is my grand plot to become THE senate and say, "No, i AM the senate!" then kill someone
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