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Not Daft

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Everything posted by Not Daft

  1. can someone help me with my french homework
  2. i think kids shouldnt have that and at school we have vape talks like every week like damn
  3. eat my 2 inch punisher
  4. ya i was like thinkin u were a squeaker for some reason but i joined u in TS and you were deep like I was like omfg thats deeper then bill in monica like wtf dang true hardcore lmao fire
  5. ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka (2) I cant help this posting Deep inside the post Spection you just dont realise how hot ur face is when you post it, in the pic so hd you let me know, why i nut AHHHHH AHHhhhhh ahhhh Im hooked on this post, we high on the replies soon we get pics
  6. IN the SWRP ban appeals forum, there is just no accepted area. that slightly scares me but
  7. Same for me, happens on both website and mobile
  8. No disrespect meant, but the first time around I left for school, 2nd time was Valk threatening me with a variety of things, 3rd time was me being bullied by a select few people who are banned now, and that adds up to 4 ( i think I cant count and you know this) I've tried, and also I do agree I am not that good at my job, but I played every day for the entire summer, except for my 2 loas that lasted like 5 days in total, I'm the only remaining GM/Commander who didn't split from the server still left besides William K or Link, so out of all the old commanders / gms, im the one of the few who didn't leave over small frustrations
  9. Not Daft

    Mario Kart

    What you want to see? - A TS channel in game rooms dedicated to Mario Kart Wii, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Why should we add it? - Because its a very popular game What are the advantages of having this? - Gaminglight will boost in players 133747343% within 30 seconds Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - n/a
  10. My new song Tell me what you think! I put a lot of my heart into it! read the lyrics about it
  11. Takes a true man to hold a job like this and a lot of dedication, cheers to you!
  12. +Support Remember when he was staff he actually helped me when I needed it and made me feel good about myself
  13. Untitled Song.mp3 Listen to dafts fire rap, pm me on ts (jedi) or on forums for my youtube I got nolans perms (retared staff) gab0's song #6.mp3 Untitled Song (1).mp3 gab0's song #6.mp3
  14. Your In-game: daft punk Your SteamID: dont kno The player's name in-game: fortnite name is Snorlax The player's steam name (If you know it): [gamnglit] snorlax [rank higher then zoopetin] What did the player do: rdm me on fortnite. we were playing playground LTM and we were going down a ramp, then he 1 pumped me and i lost my dual pisstols. i have emotional truama aswell as PTSD. I also lost my shield and my heavy shotgun, aswell as all my mats. so aboosive! Evidence (REQUIRED): snar deleted fortnite so i have none What do you believe should happen to the player: demotion, denotion, and deportion to owner
  15. In-game Name: daft punk Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60544212 Discord Name and ID (e.g tcoops#5175): oreo supreme#5202 Why do you want to join the Carter family?: because I am very good criminal who has much fun and likes to shoot people also because I want to kill everyone and commit genocide aswell as take over the government and form a canibalistic sect that specializes in bio genic weapons to kill the bacteria we call humans Which division do you want to be part of?: merchanic Do you understand and agree to follow our rules and regulations?: yes ma'am
  16. In relation to what he said here: https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/27342-why-was-i-banned/ "know that I was fired from CrixRP because Confiqqq is a *** ". Direct words from him. Want to know why he was really banned? You really wanna know? Ok here is a direct, unedited screen shot from Confiqqqs DM's Read carefully why he was banned. If I sound like I'm hell bent on him staying out, I probably am. Don't want someone who bullied me back.
  17. should I do weekly days where I rap things like esskeetit, welcome to the party, ect?
  18. -Support Huge ass bully on another community Veeeery big bully Would not advise letting such a bully here
  19. You probably wern't around, but back in the day, if you for example, had ex-swat commander Derek Vinyard or some one else (forgot name), you got banned perm. The rule as of now has been lifted
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