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Not Daft

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Everything posted by Not Daft

  1. Uhm +Support I think? aslong as no 10 codes because even tho ive been aru,swat,state,ss,fbi,pd low command ive never known a single code...
  2. Not Daft


    What you want to see? - A senate (3 Jobs titles senator, which would be vote for (not same vote as mayor, just default DarkRP vote) Why should we add it? - Adds more job for SS to do, more for RP, more fun, boosts the RP part of GOV more What are the advantages of having this? - Senate could be great! You could hold votes on passing new laws rather then 1 guy going "Yo lets has cumminism!?" , resulting in more fun. Plus people probably wont be focused on killing mayor way more, and Senate could do so much Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A Required, but PM would be like Dispatch and HL2 Models or stuff
  3. Not Daft

    Daft Punk

    What is your in-game name?: Daft Punk What is your steam name?: Gavink What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:60544212 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) A StarwarsRP (NOTN) with Server Guard, VapeNation Darkrp, CrixRP SkyrimRP (Admin), Gaminglight PoliceRP (Mod, 3 months) Gaminglight Milrp (Mod, 1 month), Legacy Servers (Head-Of-Design), CrixRP NarcosRP. [All over length of 2 years] What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) December 2016 (over a year ago) What date did you make your forums account? DEC 8 of 2016 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? 21 (2 are bugged from milrp) Have you donated? Yes, on 3 GL servers (PRP,MILRP,WDRP) What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes. Timezone: UTC-1 Permission (Admin+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I have immense experience, from every game mode and staffing type possible, aswell as experience from being staff on Gaminglight, and more specifically, PoliceRP. When I was staff I never recieved a single complaint. No one ever complained I was abusive, I was kind. I always was fair and tried to be understanding and considerate. I also, have been with GL for a long time and have proven loyalty. I never (try to) cause problems. I always was active and am currently active. I am well known and hopefully well liked. I always listened to both sides. I also enjoy being on duty, which some people probably don't. I don't mind being TMod or Mod for a long time, and wont complain like some people. I will do my job diligently and properly like I should, follow handbook , follow protocol, and not pick sides. I overall am fit for staff as much as anyone can be fit. Im not a grumpy person or a poo poo head I enjoy fun, but also can be stern when necessary. I will work hard and earn every rank i recieve. Thanks for your time How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Ask them to stop, and do it politely, if they refuse then gag them or mute them depending on what chat they are using (Voice or Mic),Unmute them after i explain what they did wrong, if they continue, Warn them once for swearing which would be diss if it was directed at me (Example: (F*** you ur moms a *****)), and if they do it again then minge them for 600 seconds.
  4. but WILL they do it?
  5. +Support Yeah there are a lot of subdivisions but also a lot of players!
  6. im from texas and i like iffratelis pizza dont u?
  7. +support also why was it edited 30 Jan 2017 by zeeptin?
  8. -Support wah wah wah someone killed u on gmod
  9. Guys i KNOW he doesnt have to be on duty but what im saying is he wouldnt explain or tell me what I did wrong just jumped to warning me and wouldnt let me explain, it isnt about being able to warn off duty
  10. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/912417222212175494/CF902CA0A56A62E47B6263FF8D06DF5D27CE50B6/
  11. Not Daft

    More guns

    a note to add: No lag or more memory used, as already on server
  12. Your In-game: Daft Punk Umbrella Corp Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:60544212 The admin's name in-game: Nimo The admin's steam name (If you know it): Diamond Aura What warning did you receive: FearRP/FailRP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Screen shot wont upload Why do you think this warn was false: Because he wouldnt give me a sit to explain myself, Didnt even give me time, and for FearRP? I was in a base with 5 other members dont think that counts as fearp, but even if it was, Wouldnt explain it to just warned with no sit Any extra information: No sit + I was in a base with 5 other guys
  13. Not Daft

    More guns

    I already made one of these before for more CSGO guns and those were added What you want to see? - More guns List: UZI, FN P90, STEN, MP9, HK UMP45 , MP40 Colt Python, Ragin Bull, Raging Bull Scoped, Add Fist to Hobo for self defense Maybe some melee? Why should we add it? - More RP and more fun, more variety What are the advantages of having this? - More guns more fun more players Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - Already on server
  14. both sides are doing something wrong but people like naby dont even deserve staff tbh because they are rude, and condescending, which isnt diss its my opinion. Last thing GL needs are bullies who go out their way to be rude and jerks to players. Not cool
  15. Alright ive seen it long enough but ive noticed for some reason in GL there is always atleast ONE person who gets beef and never gets a break, and people are always on his case, and all he/she is doing is trying to have fun and be helpful. For example, Ryan The Epic Guy is personally a fine staff, although he has a few hiccups, and YES some of his posts are cringe/unneeded, but some post which I see NOTHING wrong with get -rep, which is basically system abuse. He isnt the only guy. Throughtout my time in GL I've seen people come and go trying their best but being brought down by others. From what I see, Ryan may not be the greatest guy yes, but he trys SO HARD to be the guy you like, and you treat him like garbage some times, and its not cool. For example he did a 72 hour notice which Im pretty sure is a prank, which, whats wrong with him doing that? Snar, Valk, and many others before probably have, so why cant he? He is as special as them, (Not trying to diss anyone), and its VERY, VERY rude how you guys are treating him! I wont have it! Treat others how YOU wanna be treated! Ryan isnt the only one being treated this way but his case is probably the most extreme. I remember Valk treating him like garbage a long time ago, and If i were in his situation i wouldve just left because life is hard enough, but no he stayed, which makes him abviously loyal and persistent. Dont be mean
  16. Gang Name: Pen Fifteen (or Pen 15) Leader : The Almighty, highly praised and known throughout the world as the silent minge-- I mean Silent Roleplayer, Daft Punk Application Format ------------------------- Name: Sith Name: Do you think the Jedi are evil?: What is your meaning of life?: Do you know what ABT is and have you ever been there?: Do you have EXACTLY 42.0 Vbucks? (Requirement) Minecraft Username: Solo Wins on Fortnite: TK's on MilRP: Hours Listening to Vanilla Ice?: Iron Daggers smithed on Skyrim? 250 CC Grand Prix wins on Mario Kart? (1st place only)? And last but not least How many pairs of flaming sketchers?
  17. yeah if it was a SERIOUS rp then people would be bullied and called bad words... trust me ik it
  18. Not Daft

    Mercenary Gang

    Whats your ingame name? Bird Assasin Daft Whats your steam name? Gavink Have you read our info? I think so Do you understand our Code of Conduct? Yes Do you agree not to disclose any info about the gang to cops or anybody? Yes I hate cops and I hate anybody How many warns do you have? 20 something (Most are dupes and 1 i am 2 lazy to appeal) Why do you want to join Mercenary? I have wanted to join for over a year now but peco has said no Did anyone recommend you? If so who? heck no
  19. i was sm but then I joined and theys was like "Ur inactive go back to SGT" then I joined tommorow and theys was "Demoted again for being inactive go to LCPL" Now im LCPL +Support
  20. +Support holy moly macarolo +Good app +good memes +good job +good experience +good posture +good typing +good idea +good snipeing skills
  21. > Be me > Become mayor > Taxes 100% and terrible laws > Make it communist > Be so bad that U start a revolt with the civvilians < Civilains take over city > A group of atleast 15 (No joke) thiefs chase me > Last stand in a indusrtial ware house with the few FBI remaining and FBI Ass. Director Firestone > few survive >Escape with ur life and 1 FBI > gun shots in distance, city in chaos, crims chasing U still > mom says its bed time so u leave
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