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Everything posted by Quangasaurusrex

  1. Your In-Game Name: Monkeybags Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:155903311 Staff member's In-Game Name: HamsterofTf2 What did they do?: Threatened to get me demoted to SNR , Disrespectful during sit, Warned me for "Lying to staff", kept me waiting for longer than I should have. Why I think this is wrong and why I made such a big deal out of it: The burden of proof SHOULD NOT be against me. I have evidence that I saw the printers, but I was warned because "There is no way I could see it." and "Lying to staff". They asked if I saw him open his fading door, I might have said he might have, I ended up saying twice "I don't remember". Evidence (REQUIRED): Long story short: I saw printers, warranted the guy, said "there was no way I could see it", and I got warned. I was in the warehouse for at least 30 minutes. I asked if I could get returned, and brought back after he viewed the video, he said no, that I have to wait, even though I could have been returned and brought back. I received permission from alton to be a lower rank. I can see it: What do you think is an acceptable punishment? - Demotion Misc: @Zerg Even said that he was being disrespectful during the encounter.
  2. gonna have to -support, sorry. You aren't as active as before. Also the pole is definitely not weighing in his favor.
  3. I really don't care about the format. We still know what he is trying to convey with or without it. But yeah, I think it's stupid that we need to advert it in general because everyone including civilians already know it is being robbed. Sometimes it doesn't show the location though, but neither does adverting it. I personally wouldn't have arrested you, and I don't think you should have been arrested.
  4. Pet peeve of mine is when people claim something will cause lag without actually using or inspecting the code. You can always remove parachutes and such, so we have just the launching out of the vehicle option. Now, ragdolls are heavy on the server (why is why tazing doesn't ragdoll you), so unless everyone ejected at the same time, or quite a few (which I can see happening), then it wouldn't be a problem. Also we don't have seatbelts, so I don't see this working since there is no way to prevent it other than driving normally.
  5. Ehh most of the time. sometimes lights don't show up.
  6. I'm gonna go ahead and chime in That's literally redundant. If it's not the server then what is it? an act from God? Also rockford in itself is a horribly made map, it reaches the maximum limitations you could add from the base. Why do you think people don't add anymore locations and have to remove it? I've edited rockford and I can definitely say that it literally sucks to edit, and is a horribly optimized map.
  7. This is the same with headlights, and police lights. We can pull over for headlights, and we still need to yield to lights. If lag causes it to not pop up And it should not be a rule Therefore we should not have to yield or pull over for police.
  8. I don't even play scprp but ok
  9. because we cant Just because you don't do it doesn't mean everyone else shouldn't be allowed to Not everyone is a TAC unit.
  10. Alton, (and according to him) Myan, and Matthew. Just because everyone does something wrong does not mean it is correct to do.
  11. by this logic, no laws are needed. That doesn't mean the law doesn't apply to you. It is required by law. That's the whole point of the suggestion. We can't pull you over or ticket you is the problem. We can't.
  12. Not according to Alton, Myan, or Matthew. With this logic, then laws should not be enforced. This literally makes no sense.
  13. Something that should be "enforced" and "not required" are contradictory statements. One cannot enforce something that does not exist. If a keybind is not binded, then the person can bind it.
  14. What you want to see? - Not using turn signals should be a ticketable and pulloverable offense Why should we add it? - It's literally a national law What are the advantages of having this? - It's literally a national law - RP Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - ALT + Left/Right click. It's not difficult. And before anyone goes "Oh not everyone knows how to do it", that's the whole point of a traffic stop - TEACHING THEM. Not everyone knows how to turn on their headlights and yet we can pull over for that.
  15. you would want the guy in prison when released, he will be arrested by any officer who sees him
  16. What you want to see? - rule change - if someone commits a crime in prison (i.e. spitting on a cop) in jail, we should be allowed to re-arrest them Why should we add it? - You should not be able to be able to commit crimes in jail What are the advantages of having this? - reduces mingery, more RP. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - The Illinois Law, (720 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 5/12-3.05.)
  17. Literally every FD I have seen has a sister department in the same building with PM's and EMTS
  18. That just means it is not a rule. If something is not explicitly stated anywhere, it cannot be held as a rule. I should not get in trouble for something that is not listed anywhere, and we are "expected" to know it. How am I suppose to find out if this is so called "rule" is true or not?
  19. Rank You are Applying For: Captain In-Game Name: Monkeybags SteamID: STEAM_1:1:155903311 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 weeks What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 1 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): Similarly from my previous post, I would like to re-iterate my knowledge on the basic traffic laws as well as laws in general. Knowing what case laws allow me to do certain actions when asked why that person is required to do what, is something I believe is fundamental to policing. To add on, I would say I am a very proactive in policing the city of Rockford. Strictly enforcing traffic laws, handing out arrest to those who deserve it is something I am very keen on doing. Right now, fines are low and do nothing except fill the pockets of the officer dishing out the fines. While there is nothing wrong with doing that, I believe having the person serve a sentence is a necessary good if civilians are going to drive like they currently do. My main goals are to keep the police department in check, and to keep standards higher than what are usually seen. Captain will allow me to deal with more directly the supervisory rank of Sergeant. I would also like to add I am not the strictest command member, and I believe that warnings in most cases get the point across. I believe in second chances, so being not as strict is something that I pride on. Furthermore, I believe there are times where being strict isn't necessary, and there are times to fool around if there are no calls or it is after hours. I am also not afraid to voice my opinion, even if it goes against the bandwagon as well. I would say I am an easily approachable individual, and that most people are not afraid of talking to me. Even though I have been a Lieutenant for three weeks, the minimum requirement to apply for captain, I would like to say that I am extremely active, before and after hours. So that activity would essentially be more hours than most. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  20. If they have a gun yeah. If you are a considerable amount of distance away and they don't have a weapon no.
  21. I'm glad I don't work in that trashhole anymore
  22. That's literally the whole point of the suggestion First off, it's not rude. Second off, I'm a developer myself so i'm not "acting" like it is or it isn't. This is the bare basics of coding. I wouldn't even consider it coding. You take the materials from whatever workshop thing you want you take those and put it in your own workshop file you force download it on the client by using resource.AddWorkshop("fileid") replace the current taser .mdl or whatever and change it with the new .mdl or whatever. Done. Congratulations you changed the current model without affecting how the taser itself functions.
  23. If we just want the looks, take the model from that workshop model, force download it on the client, and replace it with the taser we have now. It's not hard.
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