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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. Moved to correct Section :3
  2. He said that ot check for a blacklist ban from our servers. But to my knowledge/what I saw you are not blacklisted
  3. I would like to make the note of how we have used this entity before. So its known to be useable in multiplayer. It was insane we had 2 nukes caused by it. And the entity somehow (Maybe cause of grav guns/someone spawned it in) near d-block and we lost d-block cause of it. Its a great swep.
  4. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-008 2. Link(s) to player models: None 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=785873160&searchtext=SCP-008 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? Really strong zombie's. 5. Why should we add this SCP? We already have this scp but the current one has the ability to cause a perma red screen on players forcing them to rejoin to get rid of it. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCp-008 is the FUCKING zombie Plague. :3 7. Extra information: SCp-008 is already in the server but its broken. This scp entity was used by us in the past and ended up causing 2 nukes lol. It got to fucking d-block and the entity somehow got spawned in the hallway to d-block. Also according to the description it works with the scp-500. So that could create some interesting RP if we have the timer set to be a decent amount of time.
  5. -Support As read above my reasons are already stated.
  6. Should've made a staff sit if he was falsely getting cuffed by 912.
  7. For the rule about feeding and such what I meant is that it should be clarrified for certain scp's that can easily self breach. like 035 he can easily just run out (There is no rule saying he can't) then mtf have to kill him/get killed every time. What I want added is that for any SCP that is not able to easily be killed/isn't able to be fear-rp'd to have a rule like 076's of how he is not able to run out of their containment chamber. So like 939 if you open the main gates he can just run out as you can throw d-class over the ledge. Or with 5208's how they can't run out of their CC since they can easily do that and can't be fear-rp'd to be told to stay in. Because right now only 076 is restricted from leaving his cc while being given a challenger. The SCP's I believe should be restricted from leaving their containment while being given a d-class/challenger is. 5208-GL SCP-035-1 SCP-1265-A SCP-966 scp-098 The reason why other scp's are not on here are because they are either too easy to recontain by either jsut looking at them/fearrping them. Like 173 and 049. But all the scp's listed above have to be murdered to be re-contained and if they breach ever time they are requesting food then it will be them breaching whenever they request food and giving it to them would be useless.
  8. So I hopped inside of a flipped upside down heli on Millitary rp. I shot the missiles blew up the Heli and killed 30 US Soldiers. Didn't' get banned tho.
  9. I'm going to put this out here as one of the people who play on the Redacted job. I have no fucking clue why it was made or its purpose. I agree with Enuz and I don't care if this job gets removed. Its job is kindoff useless and shouldn't exist in my opinion. Its legit kindoff a minge job and should be removed.
  10. What are you suggesting? - Description Update for Event team How would this change better the server? - Make it so ppl can't complain about ET rping Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None Who would this change mostly benefit? - Eh nobody. Its a Quality Of Life update. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - I would really like to roleplay PLEASE https://imgur.com/a/ihumQhP What it should say is: God like people who host events for the server.
  11. I as a forum diplomat will have to agree with the final note of this. Do not cause any arguments or I will have to start hiding the posts that involve arguments and I will end up having to lock this if it gets too out of control.
  12. She was not on a ROA when she was promoted to senior admin. I will not be replying on a +/-support yet. I just want to see rangs resposne to the acusations/report reasons.
  13. AGREED. But the way to test if models are not in the server is search up the model path that is in the bodygroups menu. Then attempt to spawn it in. If it doesn't pop up a thing saying you can't then its not in the server.
  14. Name : Chief ET Rank : Advisor Donator Rank : Plat How Active are You? (1-10) Server, 8/10 | ET, 2/10 Are you Interested in being an SET : HMMMMM Maybe How do you intend to bring more RP into Events? : Creating more roleplay based scenarios for the player base to engage themselves in.
  15. 343 had this rule specifically made so he wouldn't meta. Cause there's no way to stop him, he's immortal, its just unfair to who he's against as they can't stop him from gaining evidence.
  16. +Support Super helpful for 682. Its very annoying when 682 is just lit the fuck up by a infill and he can't find him anymore.
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