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Everything posted by Alonzo

  1. +Support Realistic Crime / Drug Dealing Another way to make money More stuff for FBI and Gov to crack down on / go undercover for.
  2. In-Game Name: Alonzo Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:648559329 ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): Platinum/Moderator How many hours do you have on the server?: 480 + What is your general knowledge on the rules?: Good. I've been playing the server for almost 3 months now and I've spent over a month as moderator. I read the MOTD reguarly. How many warns do you have? (No more than 15): 2 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+): I feel I'd be a good fit for the event team because I would love to create fun late night events for the server and also because when I'm working (5 days week IRL) I always hop on when I get off (11PM EST) on my working days and I'd like to create fun events for people that are playing the server at night or later times. RP is my favorite type of gameplay and since I started playing on GamingLight and being part of events I love how much fun they are and would like to be apart of the team and create a fun event with prizes for players on the server, I feel like event's are super fun for the community and it's fun to be apart of an event and not be RP'ing all of the time. I feel like players would also love to be in Events and and I could come up with some good ideas for events as well. I've been staff for a little bit now and I have a good understanding of the rules and the MOTD in general and I would like to further move up in staff and become apart of the Event Team! Describe an event you could create (Be specific): Two events I could think of creating would be 1. A TDM with on a part of the map where I'd put two teams of players on a part of the map where they could do almost like a Search & Destroy type gamemode. Two teams of four to six players face off against each other, with the objective of this being to destroy one of two objectives on the map using weapons, or to kill all enemy players. The second one would be 2. A racing event where players go 1V1 and race around the map and move up against eachother in the race as the losers continue to be disqualified and finally the top two players go against eachother and the one who wins wins the race. If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? (Must be in EST timezone) Monday - Friday: Any time after 11:30 PM EST or on my days off anytime EST. (usually tuesday wensday) Saturday and Sunday: Any time after 11:30 PM EST Have you read the Event Team Guidelines? Yes I have
  3. -Support if you’re mugged and you don’t have a firearm out you must surrender to FearRP and drop the 5K and if we’re acting as we would IRL any logical person would drop the money rather than be shot.
  4. +support Extremely helpful to new and older members of PD, extremely fair and active in the PD, has proven responsible with the rank of major and SWAT TL; Trumpo definitely deserves the rank of colonel. +1
  5. +1 +active +always willing to help +great staff member
  6. +Support Never had negative interactions Active 1 Warn Good playtime
  7. -support in almost 90% of circumstances in real life the US Marshals don’t drive marked vehicles, they drive unmarked vehicles.
  8. +huge support +Extremely helpful when it comes to other people asking questions, needing help, and caring for the community. +Active +Mature +Kind
  9. That’s a real dog i forget the name but it’s a real dog
  10. Yeah that’s why I don’t have two cause I prolly wouldn’t use my other one unless for discord
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