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Master Chief

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Everything posted by Master Chief

  1. + Support Obviously unintentional.
  2. Daze has been a great leader ever since I have been in DT (which was Day 1 on the server). He's been a helpful and guiding voice and has shown me the ropes in how to address situations that were foreign to me. He's calm, well-collected, and creative which would be fantastic addition to DT Command as Vice Commander! Even though we are contenders for the same position I wish you the best of luck!
  3. Jpackis has been a great role model and voice of reason within DT. If there is something out of place or something is going awry he's been quick to address it or handle it as required. He is always ready with some interesting trivia on WW2 that you should talk to him about sometime! With his past experience in commanding positions, I think he'd make a great addition to DT Command as Vice Commander! Even though we are contenders for the same position I wish you the best of luck!
  4. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) DT SN03 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Death Troopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? Being a Death Trooper is something I've taken pride in and from the moment I became one I knew I was lucky as I had found the battalion for me Day 1 on the server. We are one of, if not the most serious battalion and that is one of the many things I've continuously held all DT to as I have risen through the ranks. With my prior enlisted experience, it felt like a home-away-from-home as while I was in we experienced trials and tribulations, but we did it together; we bonded over the menagerie that made us different while we talked about our perspectives on why things were happening the way they were happening. However, it emboldened me to push forward in how I approached issues and to be unafraid to voice myself when appropriate; it brought me to where I am today and how I conduct myself both in-game and IRL never stopping my constant inquiry. It didn't stop there, though, as I have always strived to improve myself and sought out where and how I can improve with my superiors and in doing so have grown my ability to guide and lead those both within and out of DT; obviously never ordering others around, just informing them or asking them guiding questions in their behavior/conduct. Having those discussions better suited me to being able to manage and become a role model not only for my subordinates, but for those in other battalions. I believe that unit cohesion is capable with clear, respectful communication being paramount in completing objectives; bad-mouthing one-another only fosters disdain and disrespect which is something I do not stand for. Since I became an Officer I have continued to learn how best to bring different units together via missions and trainings showing that while each battalion stands its own ground we are much more powerful than imaginable; if given a single life for a mission, nearly everyone would fall without Medical; without Purge/IQ/RG, battles with Jedi would be more harrowing; without extra ground forces like 501st/ST, we'd be struggling against the strain of a massive rebel invasion; without other specialties like IF/IC/Nova/STRM/et cetera, the rules of engagement would become so tangled that it would be chaos. The point I'm making is that realizing the strengths and weaknesses of one's own battalion as well as others is an important facet to face and an ever-growing one without proper guidance by leadership that is passed down through the ranks. I am aware that my reputation precedes me, but that's because I do my best to be there helping others regardless of their job or rank and I feel like my actions and impact thereof have and will continue to speak to my character. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Approximately 986 hours since 29MAR2022; 53.35% time spent on the server within 77 days. https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1087523335?servers[4604844]=3M 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? To lead and handle battalion relations; similar to an Executive Officer (XO) in the military, they are there to ensure that their troops are up to snuff and if there are inter-departmental issues (similar to cross-regimental issues) that they are handled between at the lowest level in the Command team of both. Specifically for Vice Commanders, they supervise Colonel and below and assist the Commander and Senior Commander with battalion operations. Should there be an issue that an Officer or Command Officer cannot handle then it would be routed to the Vice Commander. Vice Commanders, much like the Commander and Senior Commander, of a battalion set the tone and regulations of the battalion and should a change be required it is typically though discourse between required parties. Battalion Command is, while still engaging in usual day-to-day duties, have a pressing role of meetings to attend to as needed; in layman's terms enlisted are workers, NCOs are supervisors, Officers are Assistant managers, Command are Managers and the duties of Command include a lot more than the enlisted. The Vice Commander is there to assert the presence of Command leading by their words and their actions as they are the example that the rest of the battalion will be set by. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? Never has my resolve, spirit, or communication wavered. Communication is absolutely key in ensuring you can trust another; it is a test, if you will, to see if one is able to meet obligations or not. One in a commanding position should be trusted to perform and more so excel to exemplify their capability and tenacity. With DT, it is the only life I have and one that I not only hold close, but push everyone to succeed in. I am not here to watch people fail, I am here to answer any questions they may have and usher them to succeed if they desire. Utilizing the Chain of Command is critical and being able to address issues and delegate tasks are vital in running a battalion; the Command members have quite a lot on their plate managing the battalion (seeing to SOPs, handling relations, etc.) that they have to be able to step back and let their subordinates work on becoming a leader so that they have a chance one day to do the same. Everything I do on the server is not only in service of DT, but of the community as a whole. It is why I wanted to become a TM so that I may quickly address urgent issues and correct distasteful behavior as need be to create a more inclusive environment. When I come up with things that need to be changed or offer suggestions I follow through with Google Docs submitted through the chain that way everyone involved in the decision-making process is not only included, but are greeted by a format I created to better outline and streamline the process; we may look at paperwork enough IRL and I ensure to think of those reading would prefer to see something succinct and pondered thoroughly to cover any angle if critiqued. Becoming a Command member means that you are expected to continue your performance and beyond, but become part of the larger whole voicing on matters of the same scale and I guarantee I would excel in such an environment as my critical thinking has gotten me to where I am now. Death Troopers are a part of my life and when all's said and done I will still be here because I thrive on challenge and continuing to improve and help others. 7. How often can you be Online? Typically 4-6+ hours a day, usually more. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) I do not. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, DT SN03/II7 **submitted in colorblind-friendly formatting**
  5. What is your in-game name?: Master Chief What is your steam name?: Mjolnirsen What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:26503771 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Going on three months (might be 2.5). What date did you make your forums account? 02APR2022 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Apprentice. How many warns do you have on the server? Zero. Have you donated? Yes. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines?: Yes. You will be tested on it: Understood. Timezone: PDT (UTC−08:00) Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I have a level head on my shoulder and make sure to be unbiased, but firm. There are human beings behind each model and I always do my best to make sure everyone is having a good time. Recently, as an ST there was another ST stating how they felt about the server over radio after being on for a few hours early this morning (09JUN22) and I went out of my way to hear them out and see what the issue was; turned out they were RDM'd an hour prior after being told "[they] wasted [RDMer's] f****** time" according to them [no I don't have a clip, but the logs showed the RDM take place]. I explained how some things that might seem like RDM aren't (DTs for example) and that that individual isn't what this server is and that while we have serious battalions, we also have fun ones that aren't as serious and that they should really give it a fair shot. The person made the sit and I waited for them to return because I wanted to follow up (~15-30 minutes, it was early morning for me). When he returned he thanked me for hearing him out and he's excited to return with a group of his friends that came from another server that was shut down. I'm sure anyone who sees this who knows me in-game will be able to back up the fact that I do my best to ensure others are following the rules, but still are having fun (within the obvious limits). People get on ImperialRP to have a good time, not to deal with extra trash/drama and that's how it should be. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Calmly, I would freeze them in place followed by gagging them informing them that that kind of language is not necessary. I would then make sure that any and all evidence would be gathered and reviewed accordingly; if there was no evidence I would check logs to verify. I would tell them what they did wrong and what the punishment would be. I'd fill out the necessary information and provide all documentation required to submit the would-be ban. I would then ask the reporting individual if there was anything else and then return them back to their original position.
  6. Don't take this as a negative, just think about your experiences and what relevant ones would shine in this application; recall what you did and your thought processes through them so we can get a better idea of you and how you are.
  7. +support Takes things seriously Solid PvP skills Good tactics on the ground (running on fumes, apologies if too short)
  8. [In-Game Name] Master Chief [Call-sign] SN03/II7 [Rank] 1LT [Which lore squad member are you applying for] C37 [Why do you believe you deserve this position] On the battlefield I enjoy rending enemies, flanking them, and faking them out just to get the upper hand; I'm not afraid to get into the fray and blast others apart. I don't give up or give in. During the selection process I tried countless times and even afterwards worked on my off time to prove that I could perform better and I did just that. I continuously will barrage enemies with guerilla warfare or distract them long enough to get fire focused on them even if it costs me my life. Like a bloodhound, if there is a target, there's a flurry of bolts destined to body them with. Since joining DT I've been steadfast in what we stand for and I haven't been afraid to do what's needed done and I feel while there might be room for improvement, I've always been open to constructive criticism. I fervently guard my VIPs and I'm not afraid to speak up nor do I cower when admitting fault when it comes to guarding regulations. [Why do you want to be a part of Unit TI-23] While I have enjoyed my time in Seeker, TI-23 has called to me since I was a Private. They set the example of elite Death Troopers. From how deadly they are to how swiftly they can take out enemy elites and combatants even with different weaponry; with their differing specialties they're able to support each other in one way or another allowing either the VIP to come to no harm or to fervently execute whatever order is given to them. To me it is a brotherhood as everyone is on the same footing and all hold each other to the higher standards it calls for. With my knowledge and skills, I feel that I would be a boon to The Undying. [What does Unit TI-23 do] As the most elite of DT, they serve as the superior naval protection unit. Always working as one, always working as a unit. They do not tolerate failure. Each individual within Unit TI-23 is an elite specialist of their field. [[Edit 2: V07 is the marksman laying down powerful blaster rounds into the heads of enemies from kilometers away. C37 is the close-quarters specialist that rips through enemies and is always the first one in and last one out. M36 is the medical specialist ensuring that everyone in Unit TI-23 and whomever they're guarding stays alive and jacked with near unlimited ammo and stims. L21 is the engineering specialist where anywhere and everywhere is their terrain to command as they are able to turn a barren landscape into a fortress where they can rain down suppressive fire. F16 is the Squad Leader of Unit TI-23 where they have a little bit of everything and is able to switch between professions in a matter of seconds able to assist any other Unit member.]] [How active can you be] Approximately 3-4+ hours a day, usually more in upwards of 8-10 or higher depending if it's weekday or weekend. [[Edit: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/1087523335 with my total time played on the server I've averaged 13.31 hours over 60 days]] [Do you understand that if you are accepted into Unit TI-23, you will be on a 1-strike system] Unequivocally.
  9. +support -swift with weaponry -good comrade -actively listens -serious when needed
  10. +support -approachable yet serious -good teacher -remains calm under pressure -palpable combat skills
  11. In-Game name: Master Chief SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26503771 Rank: Command Sergeant Major How long have you been in your current rank?: Since 04/28/2022 What experiences in leadership do you have?: I was enlisted in the US Navy from '08-'12 and reached the rank of E-5. I had approximately 8 subordinates I oversaw in daily duties including training and maintenance in a variety of classified and non-classified learning topics. Supervised 40+ working parties ranging from logistics to sweepers. Logistics involved were when we would receive goods from another ship and people had to stack up near one another to get things unloaded quickly. Sweepers were when in port to ensure the ship and pier were presentable. On top of my normal duties, I volunteered for an onboard Repair Locker (firefighting unit) where I worked my way up from #6 Hoseman to Nozzleman and eventually held Team Leader for one and a half years of the three I was stationed there. As Team Leader you make sure that each Nozzleman doesn't overwork themselves by relieving them with the next Hoseman in line (the equipment is fairly heavy) all while guiding and directing the fire team. Being mentored by senior authority, I learned tactfulness onboard my ship where I saw the delicate balance between being a good leader and being outright unkind/too kind. After my military time I learned the art of mindfulness which helps one focus on where they are in the moment they are. There is a lot more to mindfulness in regards to mental health such as learning to forgive others that may have transgressed against you. I was the resident sage for my fraternity for four and a half years and held VP of Loss Prevention for one year while at University. I handled issues involving safety to prevent loss, but more so inter-fraternal relations between brothers. When a situation that needed addressing would arise I would be called upon to prevent fighting physically and/or verbally coming to amicable standings between parties. Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) I want to help mold DT and create leaders not only within the game, but in real life. To help others overcome their issues and foster greatness where it resides (which everyone is capable of in my opinion). I want DT not only to be seen as a serious battalion, but one that encourages comradery not only amongst our ranks but within others as well (including ISO/IBO). I want to make DT proud to be DT at its core, not because we enforce standards, but that we become the standard other battalions may seek to hold theirs to. I want to, and have begun, doing my best to spread esprit de corps within DT and beyond; encouraging others to keep up their good work/duties and to not only increase one's joy from being on the server, but to strengthen relations between DT and all other battalions regardless if there was strife in the past. I want to assist in bringing about a new era (not just an operation) within DT and the server where people always look forward to hopping on and interacting with others taking part in whatever the day brings even if there are none planned because that's how much the server and its residents mean to them and their own IRL morale. I want to show others that perceived weaknesses in their eyes can become strengths. I struggled with ADHD, and sometimes still do even while medicated as my mind is in a constant state of flux. However, I have found personal ways to alleviate this by keeping a notepad nearby and anything that comes across where I can't mention it or something I need to do comes to mind I write it then and there; doing this has increased my productivity greatly and I feel others may be able to do the same and wish to assist in showing them that something that seems like it's out of their grasp or crippling could be turned on its head. Before leaving High School, I learned at a leadership retreat that 1/3rd of the people you meet will either like you, dislike you, or not care one way or the other; I keep this in mind as a humbling reality check and a tool. I use it to not be afraid to approach those I either know or think may not see eye-to-eye with me or my actions as they might have insight that I could utilize to improve myself. I keep this in mind as I continue to push forward doing my best. I enjoy brainstorming with others thinking and coming up with thought-provoking questions or questions "outside the box." What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) I am never not asking questions to ensure we don't break rules unknown. If I am wrong on something I will admit it; I ensure to take personal responsibility. I am not afraid to be firm with others when they overstep or blatantly disregard boundaries (i.e. recent events). While that event was new to me on the server, I reacted swiftly and sharply as the situation required. During the PT of one of the offenders I iterated why they were there and how to better handle the situation next time. I am constantly learning and growing my intrapersonal and interpersonal skills adapting to situations as they arise and taking care of them appropriately. I have pulled aside people individually from DT, and plan to do the same outside of DT in the future, inquiring to areas they have seen I have room to grow or improve. I take others into consideration and the fact that there are other human beings behind the screens. If others think less of me I do not hold it personally against them, people are entitled to their opinion and I am able to separate professional from personal. For instance, if someone were to hold hostility towards me I would not step in their way of a promotion and I would continue to help guide them with hopes of them seeing the err of their transgression. Should they not, it would not bother me as we are all on our own paths and I would wish them the best regardless. I take initiative. From day one I've inquired if confused, I've questioned guidelines in the way of seeking clearer boundaries, and I'm currently on a campaign to completely review all SOPs available to avoid possibly future issues. When the minging-hour shows influx of like-people, I have taken/still take to the ST as an undercover agent to collect as many clips as needed along with Steam IDs to streamline the job of admins The highest I've gathered was about seven clips on 9 different people for a variety of breaches towards the MOTD. I do this to make the server a better place to be, while (unknowing at the time) coincidingly helping Administration personnel meet quotas. I used to not be a leader in any regard. I used to be silent and would just follow and think less of myself for one reason or another, but during my time in the Navy I learned that people (while difficult to some) may choose whether or not to weather internal and/or external adversity, mental and/or physical, to reach their goals. I believe I am quite adept at picking up subtleties in other's voices (inflection, tone, etc.) and in doing so I am able to discern if things are going well. If it ends up not being so, I offer them an ear to actively listen to what they say. This trait of mine helps ensure that no one has the feeling of being left out or being left behind. Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position? Unequivocally. Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion? Absolutely. Submitted with Respects, DT S41/II7
  12. Fair winds and following seas.
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