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Master Chief

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Master Chief

  1. I wish you well on your future endeavors!! Those experiment docs aren't going to approve themselves. lol
  2. + MASSIVE SUPPORT I dug, and I dug deep. Prepare for a long slideshow. First things first, establishing when the reporter arrived on the server. All times mentioned shown and discussed in this reply is in EST. Below establishes the profile picture tied with the reporter including the exact timestamp of when they finally connected to the server: 10:15:31 PM 18NOV22. Now, to establish the different RP names that they had during the time they were on. They logged on as ST PVT Mr Kuhn 1992 eventually changing to BIM Kuhn, MoH BIM Kuhn, and finally ST PVT GoofyLooneyTunesBugsBunny. From here forward I will be showing each and every Player Combat where the reporter was the Instigator in chronological order. Shortly after joining committed two counts of ARDM, but looked like they toed the line shortly thereafter as the next instance took place at least an hour later which is the next point below this one. One count of what would be an *RDM* IF it wasn't in the middle of a SIM as per the name at the time (BIM Kuhn). Continuing down the line are incidents taking place either involved at a PUBLIC EXECUTION (where friendly fire sometimes happens and he shoots one person accidentally) or when they were defending themselves or assisting in defending against a Bounty Hunter. The rest of the ARDMs that take place were accidental friendly fire during an event where people have already reported there was lag/connectivity issues. Also, as you can see in that last combat log where he was defending against a Bounty Hunter, he was pulled randomly, there were several Staff members in TeamSpeak that stated there was no ticket regarding the reporter as our Staff are like steroid-induced Cerberuses when it comes to taking tickets. There is no evidence pointing to any valid MRDM nor valid MARDM. Now, explicitly with just this information at hand along with the reporter's statement, there seems to be a confusing piece of information in that the warn for the ban-able offense took place at 9:40 PM 18NOV22 yet the ban took place FOUR hours later at 1:41 AM 19NOV22. Not to mention it is quite odd that an Admin would ban on behalf of a member of JMT when the reported individual is capable of banning by themselves. On top of this, the reporter was never pulled and told what they did wrong prior to receiving their punishment which is one of the absolute basics of being a Staff member, HOWEVER we have yet to hear @KLONDU's side. To both parties, if you have any clips in regards to the sit to provide more evidence that would be great. In light of all that I've seen from the evidence gathered thus far, I firmly believe there was an incredulous lack of due diligence in executing the duties of a Staff member in regards the the reported individual. EDIT: Utilizing Deep Storage and Advanced Search I was able to find evidence tied to the reporter's SteamID showing that it was NOT four hours apart between the warn and the ban it was within 60 seconds of each other. NOTE: When it comes to bans, they are logged as disconnections stating they the player is disconnecting due to being banned with the reasoning and length.
  3. In-Game Name: Master Chief Steam Name: [TSC]Master Chief[GL] SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26503771 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin - ImperialRP How often are you online on the forums? 3-4+ times a week; I receive emails from following nearly every topic in the ImperialRP section of the Forums and respond when I am able. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? Since I have been in Staff for the ImperialRP I believe I have done a great job in growing, learning to temper my resolve more than before, as well as providing insight to others from an unbiased perspective. As a Forums Diplomat it runs in a similar vein where I am able to not only handle administrative duties, but when situations arise that require a firm understanding and execution of the rules I believe I would excel if given the opportunity. In situations where I have been on the receiving end of unscrupulous remarks, I've made it a point to separate my emotions from the situation. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? Honestly, I don't think that I've made a difficult decision as of yet. With the Staff Guidelines in place they have been a steady barometer of what's acceptable and what's not. If someone breaks the rules it has to be addressed. I guess in a way when it comes to pushing buttons people shouldn't be pushing (EC/Hyperspace), if they're new they would receive a verbal warning, shown how to access and directed to read the MOTD, remind them that further instances of same/similar behavior will result in a formal FailRP warning, then sent on their way; however, if they were unruly and heinous from the get-go then it's a close and shut case, give them the same as the aforementioned, but a jail sentence with continued behavior also resulting in a formal warning. Also, if there ever came a time for a difficult decision I would seek advisement from peers and supervisors to get an idea of how best to move forward. Edit: Upon further introspect, in a non-GL-related manner, there was a time where I was requested by one of my best mates to prevent another from showing at his first wedding; the other mate was head over feet for a girl in attendance and the groom just didn't want any shenanigans taking place that would set off his soon-to-be missus. I hated being put in that situation as they are both my top mates, but instead of "throwing him out on his ass" (his ex-wife was a bridezilla [and more] to the umpteenth degree) I stood with in the back instead of with the party in case I heard his car pull up. It did and I went out and told him that I had nothing against him and that him and I were fine, but I couldn't allow him to enter and that he needed to exit the area immediately. He didn't take it well. He was shouting, verbally fighting with me on the topic coming up with a slew of reasons, and when he finally asked why he couldn't, I told him point-blank. Ripped off the band-aid. He became more flustered growing louder, but I reminded him of whose wedding it was and that him having his act happening outside with them nearly complete with the ceremony inside would not bode well. I wanted to mend things between the two of them and told him if he wanted to still be friends with him that he would need to vacate immediately. Staying calm and collected the entire time, but hearing him out. I am more in-tune with my emotions that others may think (DT and Kio can vouch for that) and it was heart-wrenching to have to turn him away, but everything worked out in the end and we're all still best mates. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? Inform them that they would need to submit a proper ban appeal in the appropriate server, guiding them if needed. I would also give them the link to the Forum Rules point out Rule #4 that states "Making spam posts or continuously posting content in incorrect locations is prohibited." If they continued to spam continuously, I would request a possible Content Moderation on the individual. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? Inform both parties "It is prohibited to insult, flame, or harass other community members" including that if they wanted to comment on the warning appeal that they must do so in a + or - Support manner and to be respectful of everyone that may comment in the post. I would also tell them that if they continued they may be put on Content Moderation, limiting what they can post throughout the forums.
  4. One of, if not the rarest response I have seen in regards to a ban appeal. I sincerely wish you the best in-game & IRL and I look forward to your appeal in the future.
  5. -MASSIVE SUPPORT Nah. First, you haven't been really active at all until roughly 2 weeks ago in GL-SCPRP. Even when you were active, after the incident with GL-IRP, you continued causing issues. Now you want to come back after a year? If anything, I'd say give it time, maybe prove yourself on the SCP-RP then give this another try after a few months or so. Until then, it's a no from me.
  6. Just a heads up, your word count for both questions requiring a minimum of 100 and 75 are currently 89 and 66 respectively. Little tip: you can use Google Doc to draft it up before pasting it and hold CTRL+SHIFT+C and it will give you a word count; if you highlight a selection and hit those hotkeys it will give you only the selection's word count.
  7. Probably best if you just copy and pasted what's in the link so that people don't have to click on anything. You never know.
  8. Gotta explicitly say something like "reduce cooldown of armorkit by 10 seconds," "increase the amount the armorkit can hold by 50," something along those lines.
  9. I thought this was a straight-up resignation at first. Keep kicking ass and taking names! I'll continue doing my best to not kill DT.
  10. As of 14:53 EST on 19SEP22: NO SUPPORT (Neither - nor +) I would like to hear from @deathday88 (Start). Also, I want to know when Start was originally removed before his most recent return. In regards to those bans, you could make a separate appeal to see if you could get them removed. Before I declare support one way or the other, I would like to see more info from both sides. I understand you stated your case, but for instance it took roughly 2 months for you to report this though I'm aware people don't check their warns frequently especially if they've been adhering to the MOTD and other guidelines.
  11. In-Game Name: Master Chief / DT SCO / DT VCMDR II7 Steam Name: [GL][TSC]Master Chief SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26503771 What is your Discord username?: Mjolnirsen#8354 What is your Staff rank in Gaminglight?: Moderator How often are you on TeamSpeak?: Roughly ~2-3 hours as of late due to IRL, but typically ~4-8 hours and even if I'm not on the server I hop onto TS to see how things are going in DT and if there's anything that is needing addressing. How often do you use Discord?: Everyday; if I am not on I make sure to keep tabs on what's going on across the Command, Staff, and ImperialRP Discord. Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum): Ever since I joined the community my goal has been to help others and guide as much as I can. Helping people has always been a part of who I am since a young age and into being an adult. I've always done my best to help newcomers learn the ropes and acclimate to the server and as a member of Staff on ImperialRP I've consistently been doing my best to continue to improve upon my capabilities both interpersonally and intrapersonally. Coinciding with my nature, I have always been technically-inclined as computers have always fascinated me and their possibilities, but I learned through the years that not everyone has the same inclination which would further my continuum of assisting others even explaining things in a quick synopsis using analogies to simplify the jargon. I feel that with my knowledge and background in troubleshooting stemming from both my time as a CTM in the Navy and my BS in Computer Science tied with my ever-existing want to assist others that I would become an invaluable member of the Support Team. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels?: I would check to see if there was a ticket issued and go from there, but if not it would be something along the lines of: "Hello there, [person]! My name is Master Chief. How can I help you?" ~or~ "Hello! My name is Master Chief! Let's get this problem solved, [person]!" or something similarly improvised to try and raise spirits, if possible, followed by asking questions regarding the technical issue and if I ended up not knowing the answer to something I would inquire with other Support Team members to see if they might know how to best resolve the issue. Respectfully Submitted, DT SCO/II7
  12. -Support People bust their ass to keep the server up and running, anyone caught exploiting/glitching have earned their spot. You can follow the format by editing your original post and adhere to how the Ban Appeal format looks. You want to be taken seriously, right? Then use the correct format.
  13. +Support I do believe that there was something like this implemented in the past, but there was a bad bug where people would end up shooting up their own vehicles or something to that regard. Regardless, I think something like this would be an invaluable addition if it is able to be successfully implemented without a hitch!
  14. Unfortunately then, I have to give my -Support to this. If there was anyone else around that may have happened to clip and have working audio I'd be willing to take it into consideration regarding my support status.
  15. @Icer Do you by chance have a backup of the edited file? You might be able to get the audio back that way or if you recorded the entire session. Unfortunately though, if the audio devices weren't set up properly then this will most likely go no-where.
  16. I am unaware of the rules surrounding NLR in PoliceRP and as things look I will have to give a +/-Support as I would have hoped some type of counter-evidence was given, or pointed out something within the logs by a Staff member with proof. However, the photos provided while giving a snippet in areas of the logs doesn't give the absolute full picture of the chaos that ensued so it's a lack of evidence from Staff and evidence that just looks off from the offender. For clipping, I'd recommend Medal as it's a lightweight clipping tool and you can utilize your CPU as the renderer if your GPU is less-powerful than the CPU. As a note, when it comes to the photos provided, specifically the respawns, I would recommend a higher definition if possible because I could not make out any names that were Blue or Dark Red. @Cuke, could you provide any evidence or shed light on anything else? @ZoeyPlaysGames, was there any other Staff online that witnessed that could attest or provide evidence?
  17. +Support This is pretty neat and it would incentivize criminals to not just drive crazy and damage the vehicle!
  18. I actually like this idea! you can keep it in no problem but let it be just like a normal ticket something you can fine! this is a good idea! Exactly this is a -roleplaying server- and in real life that is NOT how it works and it completely ruins the fun. However you can easily meet in the middle like Foxlet said and have a option to deny it and be wanted instead of it instantly ruining the mood and role play experience. I can't agree with this thought-process more, +Support to MEET IN THE MIDDLE!
  19. Before declaring support I too would like to be shed light on the reasoning for this.
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