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Master Chief

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Master Chief

  1. +Support This looks fantastic! It isn't something incredibly fancy, and it in a way allows the Dark Web of PoliceRP to exist through the hits as the hitman would have a tablet with information regarding their targets.
  2. +MASSIVE SUPPORT I have never played PoliceRP, but if something like this isn't already a part of the game it definitely should be. It sounds like it would create powerful RP moments and would improve upon player agency and possibly resurrect Dispatch.
  3. +Support My interactions aside with El Chapo, they make a good point as even I was told the "line" is at the blast doors. However, my recommendation would be to revert back so passing the line *IS* an AOS. It would clear up confusion quickly and wouldn't need anything changed within the map.
  4. -Support There are people in High Command on ImperialRP that are fantastic leaders and they've been warned before. As Emmitt said, you agree to the rules and it is on the individual player to learn them regardless of how many there are before beginning to play. It's not the end of the world, your experiences in life and how you handle them speaks loudly without even a whisper. Learn and move forward.
  5. +Support This person is ready to become Staff. Well articulated and thought out application. Experience being Staff elsewhere is still experience and already would fit in perfectly as another Staff member.
  6. -Support Unless you have some type of evidence clipped around that timeframe this doesn't look good. Especially stating that someone shouldn't be an Admin when they've worked diligently to get to where they are. Learn and move on.
  7. +Support PoliceRP wildin'. Clearly broke the rules and since they've been on for a while they should be aware of them and not knowing that was RDM/Propblock would not be a valid excuse.
  8. +Support If the Admin's got your back then I'd recommend this warn be removed. However, I would like @Ridgelandto chime in so it is official.
  9. +MEGA SUPPORT I cannot express wholly how excited I am as I would be cursing up a storm with how absolutely ******* FANTASTIC THIS WOULD BE FOR BOTH PURGE & SPEC OPS! I think this would be beyond a worthwhile endeavor as it would promote camaraderie between Purge and other Spec Ops units. To be blunt, this might even be a Black group (if it is seen fit by HC+)! The loadout makes sense and the HP & Armor are very reasonable (SO/BO forces should be a bit more buffed in comparison to standard troopers of a battalion IMO). I'd recommend some type of Tryout for the Selectees to ensure they are up to snuff; I don't doubt Purge capabilities, but I know that even in DT our sub-branches' Selections are worse than normal. Last, but certainly not least.... THE NAME AND ITS REASONING SLAPS
  10. +Support From what others are saying and even seeing the people involved with banning you in the first place are backing you, you've got my support. Learn and move forward. If this somehow gets denied, try and wait the appropriate time and submit again; sometimes you gotta "play the game" even if you don't wholly agree with it.
  11. +Support From the get-go, Daze has always been the kind of person to keep it a buck, but maintained composure and maturity as required. This isn't a shot at anyone else either, I've just seen them go through the motions and have seen a lot more out of him; even if things don't go as planned he's always thinking of another way to keep things moving. I think he has more than made himself ready to don the title of SGM.
  12. If you go onto the ISB job and get your model correct and save it, switch back to admin, then model yourself to the proper model it will show exactly the same saved ISB model. No need to go into body groupings, just model and you're set! ^_^ To verify this just go to your Third Person Camera settings in your C menu (with Keys or a SWEP out), and change the "yaw" and you'll swing the camera around to face you. TMYK!
  13. +Support Though I don't have the grenade, from what I've seen the radius is quite small. I think buffing the radius would see more use out of those whom own it imo.
  14. +Support So long as things are taken into consideration to make sure the implementation is smooth and doesn't really take away from others' RP I think this a fantastic idea.
  15. Can't -Support this enough. MRDM'd. Read the MOTD (!motd) the next time you're on and take a look at the rules when exiting ST spawn.
  16. +Support - Always willing to guide and help others - Able to fluidly change between chill and stern as needed - Constantly goes above and beyond - One of, if not THE best Naval HC I've had the pleasure of working under - Immensely creative and as Darth Vader I believe a lot of great things would happen
  17. +SUPPORT Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to those who made the new body groupings change happen from the suggestion taking place to every single person involved in making it happen. Seriously, thank you. P.S. - I love the more functionality, look and feel of the Keys menu. Absolutely spectacular work.
  18. When it comes to Turkey Day food, stuffing is S-tier while green beans are respectively B-tier and D-tier of green bean casserole and green beans.
  19. +Support Look, some people might laugh at this and some might find my comment surprising, but if it is something y'all really want to do and take it seriously RP-wise then I'd be happy to see a fully-decked-out professional kitchen. Honestly it could bring about some dope moments.
  20. + Support We make mistakes sometimes, it happens.
  21. Nothing can ever replace what was ripped from one's self. You were a stellar leader and I wish you the absolute best in you and your kin's lives. We have the watch now. Fair winds and following seas, shipmate.
  22. He was brought to the sit as I inquired with the reporter if there was someone whom had evidence and I was given two names, both stated they had evidence against Shock. The first brought person procured a "meme clip." The second brought person (the appealer) stated that they were using pirated software to provide the evidence which I thought was suspicious. After some time their story changed to include either the Shock or ST after they stated they heard Shock say it and had jumped in on the gaslighting the reporter was bringing forth. I had discussed a best course of action on admin chat and since they all falsely accused the Shock member I decided on warning all three with a false sit. I encouraged this appeal to be made if they deemed necessary providing links and steps afterwards, hoping I would see the clip in question. The gagging took place as each one of them continuously were railroading the conversation and would not yield the floor. Edit: One thing I failed to mention was that the report was one of Racism claiming that the individual the report was made against, someone well-known whom enforces the rules of the server through and through on both of their lives (DT & Shock), had said a racial slur.
  23. What would you like to see: Create an interrogation quarter, either separate or confined within the realm of the brig. It would have five separate rooms that are spaced apart so that only those in there can hear for interrogations so people outside of the room cannot interfere or intrude (by yelling or something). How would it help the server and/or the player base: It would allow the facilitation of each interrogating battalion to be able to clearly and effectively communicate between themselves and would-be interrogatees. More often than not, if there is more than one person to be interrogated they are left to the wayside and essentially ignored every once in a while being used as a device to get the interrogatee to talk via torture or other coercion. Just the other day we had quite a fantastic Black Ops event hosted by Racc and each battalion had their own prisoner to interrogate; I loved this and the idea of having each interrogating battalion have their own session of interrogation. However, as you can imagine, cramming four battalions and four prisoners into the current interro room made things intense. If wanted, the rooms could even be customized for each battalion, but that's more of a bells-and-whistles thing. Do you think this suggestion will help the server as a whole: I do, it'll not only be a way for interrogation battalions to be able to do what they need to with a bit of privacy from others, but it'll also open up possibilities depending on location; the rooms could be used for a fun event like "what's behind door number _?" I'm spitballing, but I do sincerely think it would help the server not only in event situations, passive or otherwise, but it would also assist in preventing congestion in the future. Respectfully Submitted: SCO/II7
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