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Master Chief

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Master Chief

  1. - Support While I know Kat has good intentions and a wealth of experience, if this app was put in within days of returning, definitely give it a bit to ensure you don't get snagged on anything. I'm aware the training is commenced before receiving your privileges though and in the end it is SMTs decision. Either way, welcome back to the community and may you continue to prosper.
  2. +Support While the current "scope" has enough rough geometry that you have a point at the top while sighting in and can use a reference shot (as it wasn't perfect depending on distance), it is much more difficult than about 95% of other weapons' sights. This addon will help not only in bringing in more members for battalions that use the E-11D, but it will allow those with great accuracy to be even better. Be excellent to each other.
  3. +support Heh, westar go brrrrrrrrrr
  4. +Support - He takes insulin. - He genuinely cares and I've seen it in action - Shadow may need the help, but I haven't been around to see what's what - A solid choice for a VCMDR
  5. My Dear ImperialRP Gaminglighters: It has been a long ride this past year and some change (510 days to be exact). A lot has happened in my life and I will not burden you all with it, but it burdens me. Those expecting an @, don't; there are way too many people for me to put something together especially in my current state of mind. However, just remember the good times and that I truly want nothing but the best for y'all because for some time y'all have been like a family. Sometimes family has to move away for one reason or another. I love GL, but the burden I spoke of is internal and I won't go further with it. I will miss the laughs and goofy shenanigans that have been had throughout. I know a few of y'all don't care for myself, and that's fine, I still wish you the best. It sucks that the events that happened in my life happened and I'm at a point where I just can't spend time on the server anymore. I know that GL will be just fine, some of y'all don't know just how much SMT really does care, but it is what it is. Only mentioning them and this because I want to quash any rumors before they might begin. No, I'm not walking away from GL because I didn't get VCMDR, I'm walking away for my mental health. I'm genuinely happy that I wasn't selected because if I was I'd still be in the same boat as I am right now, but even worse as there'd be more pressure than before, more pressure to ensure I don't let people down. While that is a part of me another is that I keep things a buck, hence this post, but I digress. Death Troopers are going to be great, they will go onward and upward with the most-solid command team I've seen in a while; yeah, one-man-army is nice and all (a single VCMDR/CMDR), but a team builds greatness and allows for better communication and more thorough discourse. I really wish I were able to stick around and help and I will be a DM away to those that wish to remain in contact, but as my brother has told me before "you have to help yourself first before you can help others, because if you spend all your time helping others who's going to help you?" That's not a shot at anyone here, that's just something I keep in the back of my head rent-free, but he's right. I haven't been focusing on myself. I've been focusing on everything else around me, but myself. It's time that changed. Again, I wish you all the best and I love Gaminglight. I wouldn't consider this goodbye forever, but, for now, I have so much in front of me that it calls for me to do one thing. Finish the fight.
  6. Honestly thought this was a new IC job you were proposing at first. Coffee is important.
  7. 1. What is your IGN? (In-Game Name): Master Chief | DT COL II7 | DT SV02 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Death Troopers 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I am aware that DT has been hurting for some time now. I want to bring about more cross-battalion relations not just for RG and IPO things, but get side-by-side with all battalions to show that DT is not only capable, but helpful. I want to promote more RP possibilities through these instances as it would help broaden DTs capabilities, but without stepping on anyones' toes. Death Troopers are always in need of good leaders and to mentor those that want to, that truly want it, because wherever you see a good leader there are multiple individuals that helped shape that person into who they are not just in their actions, but their behavior and conduct. One thing I would like to instate is a mentorship program. While I do believe the old adage "it takes a village," sometimes there are those that prefer one-on-one time and it does help narrow focus into areas that might require addressing. To explain: -- After discussing and deciding on a time, once a week, to prevent burnout on both sides, a mentor and mentee will meet for discourse; during this time the mentor will ask what the mentee wishes to gain, what they wish to improve upon, etc. However, if the concept is new to the mentee, then the mentor will set a few reachable goals within a reasonable timeframe and meet with the mentee each week to discuss progress. -- Command Officers: MAJ - COL are automatically consigned to become mentors to the Officers. -- Officers: 2LT - CPT are automatically consigned to become mentors to the NCOs. -- Throughout their duties and responsibilities, NCOs already take an informal role as mentors collectively to the Enlisted and already have enough on their plate keeping the Enlisted in shape and hosting tryouts/trainings. -- When becoming a mentee, you will have to list out the available mentors in the section above yours and submit your request directly to the DT Command Team; for example: an NCO would list out who they would want as their mentor from the Officers (2LT - CPT) -- A Google Form would need to be established to sign up and prevent any unauthorized access for the Mentorship Program, but it wouldn't take more than a few minutes to submit it (and the subsequent Google Sheet to keep track) to the appropriate party(ies). Whether or not I am accepted into the DT Command Team, I believe this would be a great step in the right direction and I believe bringing this up here sets the tone for how I would help build Death Troopers upon setting them up to succeed. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? As of 11AUG23 @ 1314 CST, ~5,583 hours and 39 minutes; approximately 30-35% of that is AFK time. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? Everyone that wants to climb the ranks should be doing their best to set the example for others and guiding everyone under their purview to better themselves; providing feedback in a constructive critiquing manner. The higher one climbs, the more they will be taking on a supervisory role which is critical to those that seek to do the same as they will be looking to you as a role model so make sure that you genuinely give constructive criticism when needed and praise when it's warranted. For an example of constructive criticism, pull someone that's having difficulty aside and discuss things like: "Hey, I wanted to meet with you and see how things are going. Everything going alright?" *take in what they say, ensure you are respectful and caring* If they do address what needs to be talked about -> "Yeah, I noticed that. What do you think needs to be done to improve this?" If they don't address what needs to be talked about -> address what was originally brought up, then -> "This has been productive, nice work! However, there's one last thing I want to discuss. *bring up topic* Do you have any ideas on how this can be worked on?" *ensure that your door is open in DMs and to let you know there is anything you can do to help them* Being in a Command position isn't just about being a mentor though, you have to be able to make difficult choices in holding others accountable, inspire others, discuss changes to documents with your Command Team (disseminating for feedback from subordinates if it should call for it), submit doc changes to HCOM, work on cross-battalion relations at the Command Team level, and overall conduct yourself in a manner that doesn't besmirch the title bestowed. Overall, and to answer simply, your job as a Command member is to keep ISD troops engaged and entertained, to be both the voice of your troops to HCOM -AND- the voice of HCOM to your troops, working with your battalion to see if updates are required or requested, handled, and then submitted accordingly, and to ensure your troops are maintaining themselves in accordance with their respective SOPs across the board. With my experience, I believe I could help lead Death Troopers once again to a brighter future. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander?: I have proven myself as a leader before, being promoted from Captain to Vice Commander as I held DT standards to the letter. Though it was an adjustment, it was rocky to maintain everything at first. However, I ended up finding my footing and am ready to step into the role if selected. Now, while an application should essentially by a selling point for one's self, it wouldn't be right (at least for me) to not address any outstanding issues in regards to myself that have manifested since the last time I was in DT Command. For full transparency, I have known that my active (not AFK) time on the server has been spotty at best, my availability in TeamSpeak has declined from its usual nearly 8+ hours to roughly 2 hours if I was lucky, and my loggings have been nearly non-existent to what I used to push. While it is not an excuse of me failing to uphold standards, I was in dire straits fiscally and had to do what I needed IRL to ensure I didn't lose the house. However, in light of all this, recently I have been able to secure assets where I will be able to spend more time online; I would still work a short bit from 0800-1200 CST, but after that I would be free. Before the middle of last October, I dedicated nearly all my time on the server (due to mental health issues) to the point that it affected my relationship (no one's fault but my own) to a degree that I would not return from. I lived, breathed, and dreamt of ImperialRP because I enjoyed the people I would RP with, the building of camaraderie with DT, the community, the Staff, all of it (good and bad) -- it was unhealthy though. Not the laughs and good things that took place, but because I wasn't in the best mental space I latched on to something, anything, that would help me feel something other than the deep depression. Now don't get it twisted, this isn't some damn sob story. I'm blunt, transparent (as appropriate), and do what needs to be done. With my experience I know when to be tactful, when to lay down the law, and, from the last time I was a Vice Commander, how to allow myself some slack to have fun instead of being deemed "The Hammer of DT" where even if something was said in the wrong way I handled it swiftly and firmly. I make sure to try and get others to laugh a lot more than just being a hard-ass drone like I used to be because everyone is going through something they're not talking about so, if but for a moment, I can say something to result in their forgetting their troubles then I'm doing my job right. 7. How often can you be Online?: Realistically, at least an 2-3+ hours 4-5 days a week (possibly more). 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?): No. My sincerest thanks to those whom have read through this, I sincerely appreciate your time. I understand this application may have seemed last-minute, similar to my last VCMDR application, but, just like before, I took a week to put this up because everything fluctuates and I wanted to ensure I got everything in that needed to be put down. Respectfully Submitted, II7
  8. +MASSIVE SUPPORT I believe he is apposite for the position.
  9. APPROVED See a MAJ+ for training.
  10. What do you want to see?: A selection system via checkmark box or other means to select gear to be deleted in bulk. Why should we add it?: Currently it takes roughly 3 seconds to delete each item individually, however, when you have large amounts of items and you are trying to remove them all quickly, if your mouse hovers away from the right-click menu it cannot go back to selecting either option and you have to right-click again to try again. For those that may have large amounts, for example 100 gear, in their inventory to delete it would take roughly 5 minutes to purge a full gear inventory. What are the advantages of having this?: Saving time. Who is it mainly for?: Everyone. Links to any content: N/A
  11. What do you want to see?: Addition of a "MAX" button for each skill allowing skill points to be allocated (if available) to their respective maximums in "!levels." Why should we add it?: It currently takes roughly 3 minutes and 5 seconds to set all skills and for those that host tryouts where they are resetting their skills to allow fairness, the time adds up when it could be easily done with each skill to click one button once. What are the advantages of having this?: Saving time. Who is it mainly for?: NCO+, but honestly everyone that partakes in a tryout. Links to any content: N/A
  12. Hmmmm...."Trail Moderator"....I mean, there aren't any official Imperial Parks on the server, but plenty of dunes. You like sand? We got sand!
  13. Fair winds and following seas to you and your future endeavors.
  14. Fair winds and following seas, brother. See you, space cowboy.
  15. Fair winds and following seas.
  16. You gotta help yourself before helping others my guy. May what needs to be done is done swiftly and safely. Until next time, fair winds and following seas.
  17. I just checked your account with GL and it doesn't show any bans or warns, so I would recommend joining the Official Gaminglight Discord and make a ticket in regards to joining the servers. You will be able to receive help there. https://discord.gg/CqQk4fMr
  18. What is your in-game name?: Master Chief // Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax What is your steam name?: [TSC]Master Chief[GL] What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:26503771 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) No, the only staffing experience I've had has been on GL-IRP with a wide varying degree of sits. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 31MAR22 What date did you make your forums account? 02APR22 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Admin How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Super Admin Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: CST Permission (Admin+ need this): Manager - Beckett Head of Staff - Rux Head Admin - Bub Lead Admin - Bear, Bon Super Admin - Iceberkk, JackForPrez Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length): It's not that I believe I "deserve" the rank of Super Admin, I believe I am ready if the community and those in JMT/SMT+ believe I am. The first rule I've always strived to adhere to is maintaining decorum and fair treatment to all parties to determine the next steps. Many times I've noted and stepped in after a sit or brought utilizing tactfulness to explain to a Staff member that being combative or yelling goes no where and how best to move forward. I've maintained overseeing other sits to ensure that the proper procedures are carried out complimenting the authority of the Staff member taking the sit. One thing that is pivotal to creating a cohesive and positive environment is positive reinforcement and if I see someone doing good work I make sure they're aware of it, if there are things to improve upon I give guidance and my thought process to help make sense as needed. Respect and professionalism are essential and paramount to being a great and effective member of the Staff team which I have strived successfully since day 1 to abide by. Subordinate personnel will be looking to their superiors for guidance which I believe I have held the standard of for quite some time. I do firmly believe my reputation precedes me in that I assure other Staff and members of the community are having fun while following the rules. I actively temper myself with humility as no one person makes the team; the opposite style of thinking, essentially an "peacocking" or "holier than thou" attitude, only leads to derisiveness and isolation festering a hostile working environment which those in higher positions of authority must ensure are corrected appropriately. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: I would calmly ask them what is happening a couple times. Assuming they don't stop I would gag them informing them of why they were gagged and explain why they were pulled. Then I'd ask if they'd be willing to remain calm while the sit continued, if they cooperate I would ungag (if continued cursing, re-gag). I would allow them to speak their side to find the reasoning; I'd already be drafting up their details for the official warn and ban. I'd follow up with explaining them the rules of the server showing them how to access and read the MOTD. Finally, I would explain the result of their actions after ensuring the MRDM count was correct wishing them the best (as everyone is going through something they're not talking about) and to read the MOTD should they return. I do apologize if this application seems "barebones," but I'm currently seeing to things IRL, but wanted to ensure I got this up sooner than later. Sincerest thanks to those that read through.
  19. *reads application* "ive never abused either my RP rank"
  20. I will miss you. ❤ Congrats on the promo!!!
  21. A couple pointers before I declare my support: Though the question states "why do you believe that you deserve the rank," when formulating a response you want to focus away from the word "deserve" itself (IMO) as when I see the word repeated in the response it seems more like someone whom might have entitlement tendencies even though that may not be the case at all. Use different phrases like "I believe I'm a good fit for the position for [reason 1, 2, 3, etc.]." When you state that you have "0 active" warns it makes it seem you have warns from the past which, if that is the case, you need to post as you have to be transparent. +Support + willing to learn + no warns since they've been back + been putting in hours on the server over the last month and a half, though recently has been fairly absent (see below) + well articulated response to MRDM scenario + though I haven't had much interaction with them, based on the application alone, I believe they would be a good fit
  22. I don't have the mental fortitude to go about the last time a report came up so here's the bullet points. you warned three brand new STs; I don't know how many *expletive* times Staff has talked about not warning people whom are brand new and instead guiding them towards the MOTD and just being overall personable when dealing with things unsurprisingly, the three new STs, whom now have a formal warning (as per what I quoted from you) within hours of joining the server because they killed you, are kinda peeved and started going against your wishes; had you handled things differently we probably wouldn't be here you stated that they were screaming German in OOC when in fact they were just typing normally, maybe with exclamation points I don't remember, but I didn't see any all-caps messages when it all was going down your de facto and assumptive reasoning is that they were "minging;" I actually was in a sit with someone because they had referred to Death Troopers in a negative way that needed to be addressed and wouldn't you believe it Joker (who took the ticket) was able to speak with them and explain both sides without any incident I saw your message in OOC and I got the vibe of 1984, do what you're told or you will not be (more or less) you were supposed to be focused on acting instead of dealing with those speaking German in OOC which you could have asked any admin to do....speaking of which, let's take a look at those you warned.......alright........ THEY WERE BRAND NEW PEOPLE AND JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE SHOOTING AT YOU AND INSTEAD OF MAKING A TICKET TO ALLOW SOMEONE ELSE TO HANDLE IT YOU............I'm done. Here's all their profiles: +MASSIVE SUPPORT If you thought they were saying something bad, you could have gone to Google Translate and thrown it in. You didn't. You could have asked other Staff to help or put up a ticket for another Staff member to take because handling sits involving yourself is against policy. You didn't. You could have asked to pull Joker to get some insight or asked if anyone knew German to better understand what was going on. You didn't. You had ample opportunities to ask instead of just do. You didn't. This is not the first time that your behavior and conduct within Staff has been in question and countless times you've not performed your due diligence in the execution of your duties as a member of Staff, thus I cannot advocate more for your removal from Staff.
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