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Operator Houston

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Everything posted by Operator Houston

  1. Yeah, just because someone gets striked on a branch doesn't make them immune to server warns. IMO should be held responsible inside and outside of the branch.
  2. Literally just use strategy and group up with other people. That’s what MTF is supposed to do anyways.
  3. + Support Silly learned from their mistake IMO, go Silly!
  4. Accepted. Please contact an Nu-7 FTO for your training.
  5. Denied. Re-apply in 1 week.
  6. + Support Tydrix is honestly one of the most qualified for the position of Senior Admin. Good luck Tydrix!
  7. + Support, love the lore accuracy as well as Maint getting stuff to do.
  8. Yeah, we're lucky RIG/RIS don't just "shutdown" when sent into pocket dimension. -Support
  9. NOOOOO YOURE NOT ALLOWED NO NO NO No nonono no... I will miss you a lot Tazza ;-;
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