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Operator Houston

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Everything posted by Operator Houston

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aBDF4tCmu8pZZZk_nKDMksNgMKko0ezUlVmriax6B2s/edit?usp=sharing have fun with this one Hoovy
  2. Fishy you cant leave maint AND sec, that’s not right
  3. Accepted! Contact an FTO for training.
  4. Accepted! Contact an FTO for training.
  5. Accepted! Contact an FTO for training.
  6. that gotta be on the geneva convention somewhere dawg
  7. Grammar/Typography 10/10 I did not notice any major grammar mistakes while reading this log. Well done. Presentation 10/10 Your format is amazing and I like your use of imagery on the log. Writing 9/10 This log is written quite well, however I would like to see more detail on analysis and conclusion areas in the future. Overall 29/30 (97%) Great job! Since you got over an 80% on this log you can use it on an RFA application.
  8. Grammar/Typography 9/10 No major mistakes in grammar, however use of pronouns would be useful. To be more specific, the repeated use of "SCP-049" could've been nullified by use of "he", "him", or "his". Presentation 10/10 The format was wonderful and it appears you put some real effort into making it look nice. Writing 7/10 Good job on the writing portion. However, a longer analysis and conclusion would've made this a lot better. Overall 26/30 (87%) Good job! Since you have gotten above an 80% you can use this on an RFA application!
  9. + Support even when medical is offline we still need healing
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rGrqhNLScuI_WGHQ0CXF3wVxIK6TyrFceJ8PW09i1EA/edit?usp=sharing Super epic test ong
  11. - Support I’m not sure if you can “greatly mature” from what you got removed and blacklisted for.
  12. Ok, well it seems you have included your combatant branch. Continued - Support • Not great application, from the looks of it there was zero effort put in • I have never seen you on the server before - Alpha 19
  13. + Support • Pretty active • good app • High ranks - Alpha 19
  14. +/- support + unnecessary roles should be cleared out yes, like how the research enlisted roles got condensed to one role. - however, divider roles help organize the role menu and are pretty important for organization.
  15. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y6LGxZ5yLIuVg1bfZf8PTALsXow9lCT-dREHz0FUidw/edit?usp=sharing This test was super fun to conduct and to test. Thank you to all to attended, as well as a big thanks to Hoovy for making this masterpiece happen;
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