1. What's your in-game name?
2. What is your SteamID as shown on roster?:
3. How long have you been on the server?: 3/15/2023 (Australian Time zone so it may be a day earlier or after this)
4. How many warns on Gaminglight servers do you have?:
8, All from SCP-RP, listing them off below RDM, Exploiting, FailRP | RDM, FailRP, Selling ethereal to non CPT+, FailRP, NLR & MRDM | 3 from 2021, 4 from 2022, 1 from 2023
5. Why do you want to be an Officer? I want to be an officer so I can help improve the branch that I've spent time in, becoming an officer would help me learn new things in the stormtrooper corps that I may not have known before.
6. What time zone are you in? ACDT (Australian Central Daylight Time)
7. What can you do to improve the battalion? I will try to get more activity in the battalion by doing more Training for Scout, giving promotions to those who show great potential and doing SIMs, and I want to promote new ones so we can get more overall activity in the battalion, Currently there is only 1 officer and that is John, so I want to experience the officer position and recommend it to others if they are inclined too.
8. How do you differ from other applicants? I differ from other applicants because of my dedication to Stormtrooper Corps and I want to improve the battalion, I am on the server basically every day for a good 2-3 hours and while on I try to host SIMs and trainings.
I've also had past command experience on gaminglight servers so I know how a member of command should act. I know that I've only been playing imperial-RP for a good week now but I believe that I could help the battalion in many different ways.
Permission to apply for this position by; Tank Vice Commander Baja Blast
Tank Commander SeniorDeer