The problem is that E-11 is similar to Nu-7 but Nu-7 spawns on site, but it doesn't justify the massive HP/AP buff. E-11 as also very good class that makes E-11 a great branch like Rangers who are very OP, nearly SF level.
People can be denied. Someone can buy Bronze 5 mins after joining the server and get on E-11 Trainee.
D-Block is never in a state where E-11 should be camping in front on Code Red.
So you being a branch were you need to pay makes it so you should have SF HP when you get your first promotion in it, while in other branch, you must work teeth and nails got get SF.
I know forums get heated really quickly, and same as you, I try to be the most respectful possible while saying what I think but it's not always easy. I think a big cause of it are the forums in general, as this is not a place where only 2 people speak but multiple people get involved very quickly and this causes situations to get heated quickly. Yesterday, I spoke to Hale in MP and I had a lovely, respectful discussion, no need to insult each other moms or any hate. Overall I think E-11 would be too OP if this gets accepted and would create a chain reaction in which all branch would want to have better HP/AP and overall make PvP unplayable. My answer will stay as - Support, feel free to answer to me through Forums or Discord if you wish to correct me on something you or anyone believe incorrect.