You are overestimating the use and activity of multiple sub-branches, such as CBRN and MCU. These classes are rarely used due to the drawbacks and rank/lvl requirements you would need for these. For example, you must be an MSGT+ even to be allowed to get trained for CBRN. It takes at least more than 1 month+ to get to the rank of MSGT, and even if people get trained for the job, there is rarely anyone that plays it, and that is excluding the fact that you can only flag onto the job when 049 or 610 is breached you can't play it whenever. This also goes for MCU; when is the last time you've seen someone play MCU? It rarely gets played due to the level requirement of the job, and it would be much easier to join Medical instead of reaching lvl 50+. It's the same for FE. FE also has its limitations as a sub-branch.