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Everything posted by Gyara

  1. Bro I ain't gonna lie but I think that's your IP
  2. Gyara

    Ceese ban appeal

    +support I remember ceese; he never did anything terrible and had no warnings. He never had any "alt account" that I am aware of either, which makes me think the console accidentally made a mistake and falsely banned him. (I also can't find any reason for the ban on "Gaminglight Tools." website)
  3. -support no evidence lmao
  4. -support, Touching grass is healthy for you
  5. -Support You are overestimating the use and activity of multiple sub-branches, such as CBRN and MCU. These classes are rarely used due to the drawbacks and rank/lvl requirements you would need for these. For example, you must be an MSGT+ even to be allowed to get trained for CBRN. It takes at least more than 1 month+ to get to the rank of MSGT, and even if people get trained for the job, there is rarely anyone that plays it, and that is excluding the fact that you can only flag onto the job when 049 or 610 is breached you can't play it whenever. This also goes for MCU; when is the last time you've seen someone play MCU? It rarely gets played due to the level requirement of the job, and it would be much easier to join Medical instead of reaching lvl 50+. It's the same for FE. FE also has its limitations as a sub-branch.
  6. +support Why should someone get warned for saying "you seem like you suck the exhaust out of cars" and "you fucking idiots," "are you mental?", "get a grip on reality" it seems stupid.
  7. You need a better phone, that is the lowest quality picture I've ever seen in my entire life you fricken loser. +support, I changed my mind I think this dude does deserve a second chance at least
  8. MASSIVE +SUPPORT Please, I am Begging for 2191 to get nerfed; he is overpowered, and it's absurdly annoying. Every time 2191 gets breached, it's so irritating to deal with. It takes hours literally to re-contain him, and during off-hours, it is physically and mentally impossible to actually re-contain him. The site goes to hell every time he is breached; 2191 is an actual problem that needs to be dealt with. Not to mention even if you have a MASSIVE group of people, its still absurdly hard to re-contain him it's just so annoying
  9. Gyara


    Isn't fries without the skin just mushy potato?
  11. Fusion D5 isn't relevant enough for that smh I personally want a bigger LCZ and possibly a re-texture of the entire map lmao
  12. Did they change this rule? I didn't know that either tbh. +Support, It should've at least been a verbal!
  13. +Support Lmao, this warn was pretty stupid. More stupid then @FusionThunder It was also Kieran's first warn, it should atleast be a verbal
  14. Imagine Resigning, FUCK YOU jk jk imma miss you tho man goodluck to you in D5!!!
  15. +support Evidence is more clear then my Relationship Status
  16. Kiwi is chill asf he would make a great fit for staff
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