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Everything posted by M A N D O

  1. Crunch is a great guy, and is very dedicated to both Naval and Shock!
  2. + Support Clearly just an accident
  3. + Support Evidence is pretty clear, and the player in question deserves a racism warn/ban
  4. + Support Amongst Naval, Astro has long been acknowledged as former Security Director Proteus' right hand man. Rear Admiral Astro has: A professional attitude A record of strong activity A strong reputation in the battalions overseen by SO's (DT/Shock) Strong dedication to the Security Battalion I feel strongly that Astro is the best person for the job - and moreover, I think he is ready.
  5. That's all I needed to hear. We have both adults and literal children on this server. Such links are very inappropriate and should not be taken lightly. - Support
  6. + Support Professional on his RP job Possesses previous experience on the staff team Has a good reputation in the community Good luck!
  7. - Support Wow, this app must have taken you hours. No, but in all seriousness, you didn't follow the format and just skipped multiple questions. Not sure what you're expecting to hear back with such a low effort app.
  8. You did not specify what the links were. What were they?
  9. When I joined Gaminglight, I dabbled as a hitman for a bit. I was trained that, if a person with an RP rank below Vice Commander puts a hit on someone VCMDR+, the hit is Fail RP. Gamma is below VCMDR, so my training told me that the many hits he was placing on command members was wrong. If that is not the rule, I support removing the warn.
  10. + Support Professional Respectful to all Naval Active and on the job quite often Keep up the good work, and good luck!
  11. - Support From what I have seen, you are not ready for a specialty. The things we look for in people requesting to join a specialty: You need to be consistently active You need to be respectful You need to be mature/professional Do these things first. Then, there is no stopping where you can go in Naval. Good luck.
  12. +Support An efficient, dutiful and responsible enlisted member of the crew Displays professional behavior in all RP interactions (that I have observed) Possesses prior Naval experience Has a good reputation in the battalion Good luck!
  13. As I have only spent one year on ImperialRP, and only 3 months in Naval, I was not aware of previous transfers. I retract my statement about the transfer being "unprecedented" and stand corrected @TAlila | Tay Keith!.
  14. - Support Odin, you joined Naval three weeks ago as an Admiral, an unprecedented transfer rank for Naval. You just got the lore rank of Admiral Garrick Versio yesterday. I like you. You are well respected throughout the server. You are very active. All good things! But why are you in a rush man? Why are you applying for this after just getting here? We have Admirals who have waited for this opportunity for many months... seems disrespectful to even apply. Since the server opened years ago, the highest you could transfer into Naval as was the rank of Commodore. As I mentioned before, you received Admiral as a transfer, a first for our battalion. If I received the opportunity to transfer into Naval at this this exceptionally high rank, I would be humble as fuck. I would not dream of making apps this early. Just feels wrong. Again, I think you're a good dude. I think you are a great leader. But this is kinda fucky.
  15. - Support Nothing personal, but the fact is that Security is the most popular - and most competitive - specialty in Naval. To be strongly considered for a spot in Security: You need to be active You need to be respectful You need to be mature/professional Right now, I don't believe that you possess all of these qualities. I am not saying that I don't think you will ever get there... I am saying that right now, you need to show more activity, be professional, and show us you have what it takes to be in this sought after specialty. Regardless, good luck.
  16. + Support A very strong contender for this position, as one of the longest serving High Command members on the server. Strong leader Has been in HC for over half a year Dedicated to the server and its people Approachable, and treats others with respect Highly active - ranked 14th on the all-time leaderboard for playtime on the server Good luck Ducks!
  17. Mega +Support! Let me tell you a little about one of my favorite people on GL ImperialRP! Seaman is: Extremely excited about people having a great time on our server Passionate about crafting/supporting engaging RP experiences Mature beyond his years, possessing sometimes unreal patience A person that possesses the even-keeled temperament and consistent focus required to lead Committed to honest, fair and equitable treatment of all under him - he chooses no favorites and treats everyone equally While he may not have been here as long as others pursuing this esteemed role on the server, the phrase "quality over quantity" comes to mind - Seaman has risen through the ranks consistently because he displays the patience, professionalism, and passion required for a position in High Command. At the end of the day, I strongly feel two things: Seaman is the best person for the role of Thrawn for multiple reasons. When it comes to choosing the right Thrawn, time on the server matters way, way less than a positive attitude and strong leadership capability. Good luck Seaman, you got this man!
  18. + Support Dependable person who always steps up to help others Runs solid events and mega events Highly active, with plenty of time on the server Is respected on the server Has the temperament and qualities people look for in a leader Good luck Coco!
  19. +/- Support + Active member of the community + Respected in Inferno (as Gold Roger) + Have seen nothing unprofessional from him during his time in Naval - This app is fairly short - App answers don't really address what Gareek can BRING to Gunnery that is new or helpful. Based on the casual tone of the answers, it seems that he just wants to join because he is bored doing sectors as a Crewman. Gareek, all I can say is that your days as a crewman end relatively quickly. Doing your job as an Enlisted member in Naval is important, and sets a strong foundation for the rest of your time in our battalion. It isn't some big waste of time. With this being said, you have been operating professionally and have displayed strong activity. Keep up the good work. Good luck.
  20. + Support Highly active member of Naval AO is in sore need of qualified officers Understands what is expected in the specialty Has made big improvements in his demeanor and professionalism in the last month Josef has made very big strides lately, both in terms of professionalism and in knowing when it's best to joke around versus when its best to get serious. Josef, I am personally proud of you and your commitment to changing the narrative around your reputation in Naval. Keep it up! Just... next time write a little more on your apps, alright? Good luck.
  21. Vice Admiral on deck! (sniffle)
  22. + Support Has prior experience in staff from what I understand Responded well in the most important questions Understands the ULX system and moderator commands already Has always been pretty professional in our previous RP interactions Akiara, if you do join us, just be as active as you can. Glad to see you back, and good luck.
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