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Everything posted by IgnisNuts

  1. -Support Removal from staff is way too harsh from him just putting a dislike on the forums. The other part was already handled in a staff sit, no need to bring it to the forums.
  2. -Support Heck no, the raid timer is already long enough as is. If you were wanting to extend it though you could've just asked CI Gamma!
  3. Man... Sad to see you go dude. Lot's of fun times while you were around! STAY GOATED!!!!!
  4. Not to mention if you brought it up with him, he sounds like he would've been more than willing to delete some props.
  5. +Support They def aren't like what they used to be when they first came out with the broken auger. Now auger has been nerfed into the ground, maybe nerfed a bit too harshly, but it wouldn't make too big a difference for them to be allowed into D-Block.
  6. What bug is occurring? : The CI Delta Command job has a max of 200 hp, but spawns in with 175 hp instead of it's 200. Is it tied to a specific job, swep, player model, etc? : No Has it only occurred once, or is it continuous? : Continuous Please provide screenshots or a short video of the bug in action:
  7. If this were to happen then someone can just make a sit, even though it rarely happens. - Support This sounds like it would be great idea, but this would easily be abused. Not to mention that 343 is more considered by multiple people that it's a spectator SCP. Would be really cool for it to have more RP to it, but would be abused a bunch because that's what happened beforehand when 343 was allowed to tell people of the things happening on the site or if CI were about to raid.
  8. +Support Maynard is allowed to kill Nu7 this ain't no RDM.
  9. -Support Coldsilver Alpha Unit increase in slots seems a little undeeded as soon as there is multiple SCP breached yall can just hop on the job, and kill the the SCP's removing the RP of recontaining them incentivizing more of SCP Deathmatch than SCP Roleplay. Not to mention trying to increase damage on the etheral, it's already a super powerful weapon, and was heavily nerfed so you guys could even use it. Giving Combat Engineers/ Aux Unit the same health/armor as other Heavy classes on the server seems a little overboard since Engi's already have 200/200 which is powerful in itself if you know how to use it. Another thing that seems overboard is giving Pathfinder's 200/200 since they are supposed to be the scouting kind of class because they have access to Invis. +Support To everything else
  10. +Support Mans is always a great time to be around, not to mention he's pretty good at combat.
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