Post name: “General Suggestion – D class killing CI MOTD change.
What are you suggesting? - Change the motd to not allow D class to purposely kill CI
How would this change better the server? - the number of times I have been killed by some cocky D class when raiding CI is Infuriating. When CI finally come off raid timer, we sometimes use our raid to go help D class escape but when we get killed it practically makes us loose a valuable part of our raid. CI have one life when raiding so it gets infuriating when we get killed by the people we are supposed to protect. In CI SOP we are not allowed to attack D class unless they interfere with our raid which may not sound bad at first but if they go to armory and get a big weapon just to kill CI you can die quick. So, this will hopefully make D class and CI relations better and encourage more D block raids. Sometimes we don’t even try to raid if a certain amount of D class is on that try to kill CI so it would make it more encouraging to raid for D block if this was added.
Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Maybe make the D class freedom a bit less but that’s about it.
Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI and D class because CI will be able to do better raids and D class can cooperate with people trying to help them and not have a cocky D class kill their rescuers further improving relations.