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The CI Zero

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Everything posted by The CI Zero

  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yG2a9oDnIp_395CuJ38KK3pMHPa8PUv48qQSxybhtRg/edit?usp=sharing (This is my first log so go easy on me)
  2. -Support This would make cc's and the money sunk into them go to waste. CI and MTF don't always have a medic on. Special ops will loose a big part of their kit. D class will have no way of recovering making already difficult riots almost impossible. Would give the feeling of people forcing themselves on medical just to keep their side alive. Medical activity is still good from what Iv'e seen people who do not have medkits go to medbay. Just wouldn't make much sense from a gameplay standpoint.
  3. Well 280 mostly deals with lights and so it's more changing lights so he can be viable
  4. He's a active RnD with great performance +support
  5. Post name: General Suggestion - Lights out and 280 buff What are you suggesting? - Make the successful roll for lights on CI have a 3-5 minute cooldown before foundation can turn back on or make CI break the lights and having to make maintenance roll for it like 280. The other buff is to change 280 with a similar effect. Make 280 self breach knock out lights with some sort of way to make it longer to better experience for 280 players. Some suggestions would be like a 106 rc with whoever is rolling to rc fails lights cannot be attempted to be repaired for another 5-10 minutes. How would this change better the server? - It would make for more tactical assaults with CI giving MTF more of a challenge when working without lights giving more potential to open up a new lights out PT. It would also give gensec the ability to fight D block in the dark to test skills on defending in dark. Finally it would give a better reason to play 280 with also giving MTF more experience in the rc sequence of 280. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Other foundation members will have to navigate and deal with lights out as well as making D block a bit more rough during these blackouts. Who would this change mostly benefit? - SCP's due to MTF and maintenance dealing with 280 rather than their self breach. CI so they can raid in the dark making them harder to spot and giving more tactical advantage. D class giving them the cover of darkness to riot.
  6. Name: Zero Rank: SM Discord ID: WondrousZero415#1584 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:214372897 Ideas for CI: Nothing really everything is going pretty well How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing? Command is doing pretty good nothing too much to say.
  7. The CI Zero

    Zero's LOA

    Name: Zero Rank: SM Callsign: XA23 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 10/26/2020 - 10/29/2020 Reason: Getting burnout from gmod and trying to do a bit more school Note: I might end LOA early depending how long this burnout lasts
  8. Godspeed dan hopefully your travels heed you well
  9. Take care Dylan have a good LOA
  10. How much time do you think i should put into the server before applying again?
  11. In Game Name: Zero Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:214372897 Job applying for: Red Right Hand If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Noble How many Strikes do you have: 0 in both CI and E11 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: To protect the highest of command from terrorist GOI and other threats to their safety from Threats inside or out of the facility. Why should we accept you: I am an active player of the server that plays very regularly with great passion. I follow orders well, hard-working, and am not afraid to face newer challenges. I love the military parts of this RP server ad wish to expand on that by protecting the high command of the foundation so they can lead and expand the foundations information and resources. I am willing to also put in the hours for this role to work and am willing to face consequences and power through them if the situation does come up. Finally I am good at filling out rp scenarios when it shows. I hope I make a great addition to your facility.
  12. Name: Zero Rank: PVT Discord: WondrousZero415#1584 Activity: Very active Idea's for CI: N/A How am I doing: School work is annoying but I manage
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