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Everything posted by Pills

  1. -Support The timer is only 10 mins when given perms. It is normally 15 mins. Just because Research and Gensec get destroyed in the morning does not mean the same during on/active hours.
  2. +Support Oh my... uncloaked and modeled? Not knowing what metagame is??? Childish responses and ignoring sits?!?! If you think that is how the staff team goes then you need to removed from the staff team. That is not at all acceptable.
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wvfiP9TrOL9GoUau4hiMCjV6xZg-n4ArqS-2ztE2dSo/edit?usp=sharing
  4. +support hellllll yeahhhh good app
  5. +support -Promote medical activity!!!
  6. +Support -It honestly makes it way too hard to see your surroundings
  7. +/- support (until he responds) 1. @Redspeeds what's your Perspective on this? 2. He is either player targeting or saying since you might touch it (and nobody else is) he is just calling out what will happen to continue his event. For example if I were hoping that a researcher would try to touch SCP-[Event] and then this would cause researcher to teleport to a dimension. I would say "hopefully researcher [Example] try and touch the SCP" 3. It seems like these may be taken out of context. Do you happen to have more? Because "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869322212505686036/869325065068638328/Garrys_Mod_2021.07.26_-_22.50.18.02_Trim.mp4" is trimmed as seen by the name.
  8. @jackcat135 I want to hear his perspective on this. Although I do agree with soul here.
  9. Pills

    oh no

    -Support this is torturing yourself. Please do not commit self harm
  10. +Support Bruh you telling me I was FailRPing all this time...
  11. You were promoted on RoA. I believe ROA is something you cannot be promoted on according to staff member. I am assuming you are on RoA because at least 5 others have told me you were. Sorry if this is wrong.
  12. -support -used to be Nu7 -Dissed CI -too many warns
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