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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +Support This is a great idea but I think there are some problems. 1. I do not know if SMT will set up a system where "et can enable the job to be available". 2. If SMT cannot do (1.) than a system of ET being able to demote/remove/whitelist needs to be in check. If you know what I mean. 3. This will only spawn with keys, right?
  2. @ShadowPLI believe this is already being dealt with but +support
  3. sparkle said it perfectly
  4. +support @Nenea Tanti your side?
  5. +support LTAP is 3 days and Racism is 7 days? 3+7= 10 day ban.
  6. +support Earlier today I used the vape on d-block door and you couldn't see through it. If this gets smaller can the KOS rule be gone? (If its to the point of not being a smoke grenade)
  7. o7 Ash I mean Napsnap
  8. also you said "They are not redacted and they are redacted for the first job"
  9. Pills

    Recon's Global LOA

    After further consideration and being a Maintenance command member. We will sadly have to decline your offer but don't worry! You can always try again in 8 days. jkjk have fun on vacation!
  10. Pills

    False ban

    -Support 1. We don't give two flying fucks if you are allowed to say it. The word is still bannable. 2. If you read denied ban appeals you can see people put that exact reason and get denied. 3. You keep responding to your own ban appeal causing a meaningless argument because this is getting denied anyways. 4. In your reasoning you admitted to dissing a staff member. 5. I get that reasoning may be stupid but if certain players are allowed to say it because they are black. Racist players who are not can just lie and say they are. Hence letting racist people get a free pass on saying the n-word.
  11. +/- Support In order to avoid bias from myself, I will not be responding but I will bring up some points. 1. I feel as if both players may be in the wrong here. a. Cloaker should have not said anything about the "bias" from you and stayed on topic. (CI and D-Class not allowed to kill each other with RP reason suggestion) b. Jeb Threep could have worded that combat branches do not only do combat and stop being "bias" against CI (the bias part is in " " because it is not confirmed. 2. Cloaker assumed the Jeb Threep was biased when it could be his actual opinion. He was back around when maintenance was tech/jan. Who knows what his opinions are. They are opinions! Also please don't be like the last 5 reports and argue. Keep it to a +/- Support.
  12. +Support -Good guy -good app (i think)
  13. +Support awwwwwwww yeahhhhh\ old 008 is back!!!
  14. +Support I would say shooting CI for no reason (even though in-rp they won't know what CI is) is still just stupid.
  15. -Massive Support -You are not ET I do not trust you (if I did not anymore) -You are not a Major in Gensec nor a Sergeant Major -It doesn't matter if you were talking about A1 back then or RRH A1. There is no way you are/were in either of them. -What in the fuck is a "10000 minge" -Lied in app -You minge all the time -No SteamID in app -Banned from the discord I honestly only have one thing to say to you.
  16. That is still way too long. Since you can have your raid end in 1 minute or 13 minutes depending on how much people are, skill levels of people, etc.
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