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Everything posted by Pills

  1. +/- Support (will change later) - Question 8-1. You can demote them with /demote yourself using command power. Also I feel as you can do a bit more for this question - Question 8-2. I feel you could do some things different here. (Not saying wrong) -You have only been on MTF when I have seen you.
  2. +/- Support I feel like this would be great. But I feel like it needs to be more exact like needs to not be code red or 12 MTF. Maintenance going to fix it would not be easy either.
  4. +Support even though others would say that 10 may be wrong. I believe that other objectives maybe more important than a roll for your life.
  5. +support -He definitely did not wait his NLR. -metagame/powergame -player dissing
  6. -Support -I really don't see a need for it. -I see lots of people dying/not putting it on because of this. -What if the cloaked side had thermals? Would they be able to cloak, would there be floating thermal googles, etc?
  7. +support I beat a E4 on beta op. (Maybe they were just bad)
  8. -Support for giving vamp a melee weapon +support if you just make it so robots can't shoot 2191 Note: My +support is only if people want to add it.
  9. -Support I see you think the Ares Shrike was "good" and the XM shotgun is "good". 1. Please play the class and do maybe 3 raids. You will see how "good" the weapons are. 2. "175hp, 150ap". So you want to CI Tank class to be a less tanky than every single CI class? 3. MTF don't dread like you suppose because the class gets outranked by any enlisted class, any command class, and most CCs. Which is in every single raid.
  10. Any words with the letters A, E, I, O, U, and Y
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