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Everything posted by Mag1c

  1. +Support Maybe not a permanent ban because there is little evidence to use but definitely a long ban
  2. Mag1c

    hanxi bruh moment

    +Support As you can see, Jimmy was being a meanie
  3. Mag1c

    Magic's LOA

    In-Game Name: Magic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:106454852 Rank: Admin Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 12/23/2020 - 12/31/2020 Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): I am going somewhere and I am not taking my pc
  4. Mag1c

    Magic's LOA

    Name: Magic Rank: SNR SA LOA Time: 12/23/2020 - 12/31/2020 Reason (Private if needed): I am going somewhere and I am not taking my pc
  5. https://gyazo.com/19cbe90daf3f2f6d9491a26df88b189a https://gyazo.com/b0d8ec905260f73e0d02ada1b606a71b https://gyazo.com/6b705894693d40002a46da0439b8cd18
  6. -/+ Support I think I just started seeing him active again I don't know if he was joking but I have seen him being toxic The last question they would be banned for You were a superadmin though
  7. @Pvp_Savage6767Uhh, wanna explain something? There is literally no evidence of player targeting.
  8. +Support Has Always Been Bad Pretty Bad Sometimes He is Pretty Bad
  9. @Duncan McOkiner The first sound sounds nice but that second one haunts me, it's like someone attempted ASMR xD
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