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[GL] Spoon

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Everything posted by [GL] Spoon

  1. FBI best Main USMS best sub HRT best assistant tac Right @Lime King
  2. Lime King so smart @Lime King
  3. @ICEThank for being a good friend fam. I'm going to miss you on the server and feel free to come back anytime.
  4. + Support -Day one of the map when the hills were up everyone was having an amazing time. -Adds more State RP as they'll primarily be patrolling the hills. -Benefits criminals by making them have bases farther away from spawn. -ETC
  5. -Support -not only is that a hefty accusation that would make both Gaminglight and Ecott look bad. It's still player diss.
  6. What you want to see? - I would like to see SMT add back the Camera tool not to be mistaken for the Camera Prop( in Q menu) Why should we add it? - I believe it was removed for subpartial reason and should be re-added back so people can take pictures of their Crime Families and even department photos. What are the advantages of having this? - Allows the individual player to be able to access the ability to get a clear and GUI free photo of a bust, family, or government officials. Could be used for people to be able to make dope montages that only help boost the creativeness of the server. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone on the server Links to any content - N/A Side note: I am aware that the Camera Flash was a huge concern. But there are still warns that can be given for Camera spamming as there was in the past. Camera Spamming was a very small population of people doing it that eventually ruined it for the larger majority. Players can no longer take photos of friends, evidence for their gov jobs, and even record without having the GUI things all up in their screen. It would be cool to see this return.
  7. Your in game name: Spoon The player's in game name: Neon Soprano The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:520884512 What did the player do: Breaking NLR?????? Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/kxfomJW7faOAl/d1337fIAdkeG?invite=cr-MSxZRDgsMTA0MjExMzMs What do you believe should happen to the player: Clarification on this rule break or a warn? Any extra information: Backstory, Sic was 2v1ing Soprano Family members when he was semi-victorious taking down Neon. EMS arrived on scene and revived Neon and Neon immediately went back to shooting sic. Under my knowledge I believed that if you were respawned by EMS you had to leave the scene. I was told by Balloon to move this to the forums to get the Communities opinion as well as SMT to decide what this is and what should happen.
  8. Scythes of Paradise was made to benefit the server and give players who are tired of playing solo or missing out on running around with a team mowing people down. This family also introduces another option of family besides the main ones (no hate towards any family at all) this family was strictly created to add another selection to the server. We are a neutral family looking to keep to ourselves and would not like to be at war with anyone, I strongly emphasize to all of my members that toxicity is not condoned and they are not allowed to start beef with other families. If a player from my family is attempting to start something with your organization, please message me on discord @Spoon#0087 or @Killing#5832 Scythes of Paradise Application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ASCbGpdaYqkxumgMqW2FF_GXbw2WqnsS-ouKY6mrVrc/edit?pli=1&pli=1 Scythes of Paradise Roster: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PZIfjdnnpxRepOtQMdOor1p-bh-Bcuc70o4L8dossns/edit?ts=6025c0e7#gid=0 Scythes of Paradise SOP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mUwrPgpCGKiwav8s1099uCpdc4gvHLWScSLXfHdRPXo/edit Scythes of Paradise Discord: https://discord.gg/sUS5gVwyM3
  9. Top 1 Favorite Major. Going to miss ya homie.
  10. In-Game Name: Spoon SteamID: STEAM_0:0:516348201 Current Rank: Major How long have you been in your current rank?: 6+ Weeks (requirement for Major is 4+ weeks.) What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 3 Permission: Deputy Commissioner Solomon, Chief Tactical Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): There are many reasons I believe that I should be given the honor of receiving the Major Rank. I ask that you take into consideration all the incredible feats I have accomplished during my time on Gaming light. I've reached the rank of DCOS in FBI, Captain in State, 1st Lieutenant of HRT, USMS Head Marshal, and lastly your very own Police Department Captain. This alone demonstrates to you, my peers, that I am capable of holding such a high ranking, and high demanding rank. Now some of you may question my ability to balance between this department and others, and my answer to that is that I am always capable of splitting my time evenly between my departments. I put up about 400 hours in this last month alone, according to my battle metrics of course. When it comes to my ability of being approachable, I find that I am very much so. Multiple people of all ranks and departments have expressed how easy it is to come and approach me to ask questions that they are otherwise afraid to ask others. Now anyone that knows me knows that I always look out for my lower ranking members, ensuring that they are getting the training they need to get to where they need to be. I personally like to see the best in people even when others are willing to shut them out over seeing them act up once or twice. I believe people have the ability to change and I like to think that because of that belief, it makes me stand out in comparison to other applicants. If this department and its command would honor me in allowing me to become a Major, I can ensure you that you will not regret that choice whatsoever. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  11. +support -Active -Great Role Model -Has Command Range -Friendly -Knowledgeable
  12. +Massive Support -At first I used to be mad that Seb was allowed to come to PD because I didn't think he would be a good fit but so far Seb has made me regret and eat my words. Seb is not only active within the Police Department, but he is always checking in with everyone that he can to make sure they are well situated and doing everything that they are supposed to. He shows up to meetings and gives good information for the lower ranks to eat up. And when it comes to helping his fellow low command members he is always there with answers. Seb is someone who has become a Role model for me and I believe he would be an amazing Colonel. He also has past leadership experiences in multiple other departments so that dude got range all I'm sayin.
  13. -support -Not player diss simple as that.
  14. Name: Spoon Rank: SSGT Reason: I'm in too many departments and I feel like I'm letting alot of people down.
  15. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORMAT BY THE END DATE OR BE REMOVED! Name: Rank: Activity 1-10 (be honest): (please respond to this roll call by commenting on this post)
  16. Hope to see you around on FBI mate!
  17. -Support -Player diss is already a rule, if you feel someone is flat out dissing, make a player report. If this is passed, then we take steps towards not being able to say anything. - Department Diss, and Player Diss and Staff Diss ARE important because you need these individuals to continue on the server. Although I agree that Families are becoming a bigger role, they aren't NEEDED per say. -Everyone has different levels of what is considered "dissing". For example, calling a family mingy may not be considered diss from the person that said it, but the family could interpret that as diss. Just adds more unneeded tension and an excuse to warn more people. -
  18. Your in game name: Spoon The player's in game name: Damien The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:166545950 What did the player do: As seen in the Clip below as I was leaving Spawn, I witnessed Damien Restraining an AFK player. In addition to restraining the AFK Player, he did not even press a Kidnap bind or advert it making the entire scenario FailRP. This is simply a report for a player breaking the rules in which some of us hold dear. Evidence (required):https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/gsIfwK6Ry1q4R/d1337l3xGr4C?invite=cr-MSwyTlcsMTA0MjExMzMs What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn For FailRP Any extra information: Sorry for the short clip since I'm not too familiar with medal. but right after this Damien came up saying dont unrestrain him, when I was on my way to unrestrain this individual.
  19. -Support -USMS already accepts between FBI and PD, and does exactly what you wish this new department to do.
  20. -Support -Phamel was already spoken to about this situation. -I was at the wedding myself, and during the time there was crime happening and not enough gov responding. Tayson was in fact at the wedding. Although the demotion system is reserved for High Command/Staff, it still doesn't take away from the fact that government duties were not being performed while on gov. -Since Phamel was already talked to about this situation, this player report seems unnecessary.
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