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Everything posted by RAZE..

  1. He is also a Staff Member Also Is very respectful and helpful
  2. +support warn was not needed in This situation. I saw it happen first hand.
  3. I am not going to plus or minus support on this one because I was part of the situation. From my point of view I join a discord call that Prada was in and I was on staff at that point in time. Once Joined Prada said can you come to me I Made a sit and no one is taking it. Then hammy got on and took the sit because I was already in a sit. The sit was simply because Prada could not respawn and he called ems and he was waiting for 10 minutes. Once I went to hammy Prada was frozen and I asked why is he frozen hammy then said he wants to jump off of the building. I then asked Prada what is the problem he explained and I then had hammy unfreeze him. Prada then said this sit is finished can you please let me down.(remember this sit is Prada’s sit) hammy then told Prada no this sit is not over and was telling Prada that he was wasting staffs time. I then told hammy it seems that this sit was dealt with just set him down. Prada closes the sit and jumped of the fbi building to train someone for FBI. I then brought Prada back up to the roof and told him let the staff member put you down. I returned him and hammy said I am going to warn him for running from a sit. I said no need for that he closed the sit and I told him not to warn him because I brought Prada back up to the roof and told him to not do that again. Hammy then said I am warning. Then open the warn menu and warned him.
  4. you also are not the best known around the community
  5. +Support Needs Evidence but All have been banned already for it and they need to be extended.
  6. Name: Raze Rank: SAIC How Active are you on a 1-10 scale?: 4 Anything else we should know?: No just not the most active
  7. Please stop arguing about it. It will not make anything better to do so.
  8. LOL going to be a funny day
  9. Sometimes they taze you because you cant put your hands up fast enough
  10. -Support Valid warn from what Mar said
  11. Maybe some day you will be back for a 4th time
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