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Everything posted by Mary

  1. I have also seen you minge heavily on CI Massive -Support
  2. +Support Yeah, this would help us get D-Class when no GENSEC or Nu7 are online.
  3. Stop fighting here, take it to DMs if you must. -Support the warn was just and fair
  4. Don’t argue here, take it to DMs
  5. Carrot gang I’ll miss you Zeus, come back to us.
  6. Kinda neutral as of right now until @Sammie tells his side of the story. However, I am kinda leaning towards a +Support.
  7. Grade: 90/100 Lore: 20/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 20/25 Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: N/A
  8. Mary

    Ban Appeal - Robin

    Plus you used the staff restriction format not that ban appeal one
  9. Mary

    Ban Appeal - Robin

    You were in a sit while I was giving you the warn. You left which is considered LTAP, or leaving to avoid punishment.
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