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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. hello baguette nice to meet you
  2. I'll post a response after hearing Travis' side of the situation.
  3. -Support As much as I like the idea, giving the ability to use the custom car dealer to any job will make new players think they can just drive them.
  4. ^^ Ragle would be a good fit for staff!
  5. Drippy

    Haha Meme

    yooo he got this man backed into a corner rn
  6. Drippy

    100 big Pog

    wish i had that many posts
  7. Drippy

    Spoon SWAT LOA

    Noted, thank you. In the future, please put your LOAs in the loa chat on the TAC discord.
  8. +Support https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561197960610531
  9. -Support Could just buy more charges, you are kind of supposed to make sure you're ready to go on patrol. (Although I'd love to see a Premium option to buy like 5 taser shots at once or something)
  10. Glad to hear you're having fun on the server Philosophy!
  11. -Support Regardless if its cop bait or not, you admitted that you stole a gov car. You should not be driving any government vehicle whilst on crim.
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