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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. Accepted tEDDY Miller Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  2. +Support I would love to see this player model in the server, and being used on the mafia boss job. It fits RP perfectly
  3. -Support Like others have stated on your appeal, warn threshold bans are not appealable. Regardless of past behavior, you had 40 chances, and you blew all of them. There's no one to blame but yourself.
  4. +Support - Active - Works well with others - No warns I think Conrad would make a good fit for event team!
  5. +Support There seems to be a whole lot of confusion on whether you need to advert assist or not if you're family member is being shot at, and it really needs clarification. I would say its perfectly fine, and you were in the right to do so. It's much like defending yourself, you would obviously shoot back if you're being shot, so why not defend a family member who is being shot/killed? You have the same family name for a reason. I don't see a reason to advert assist to shoot someone. (Unless they're being arrested or something along those lines.) This is the closest rule I could find pertaining to engaging in combat with /advert assist "If your family was involved in committing a crime and a family member is actively being arrested you may type /advert assist to assist that family member, you must follow all rules with NLR and FailRP." No where else in the MOTD does it state you're required to advert assist to defending a family member. This whole "required to advert assist to defend family" thing popped up out of no where. It wasn't a thing, and no one did it a few months ago, I'm not sure why people are thinking its a rule now. I personally have never adverted assist to engage in a gunfight with people attacking family, members and I know a bunch of other people haven't either. With that being said I feel this warn should be removed.
  6. -Support - I've seen you like once - High warns - Low forums posts - Also you literally changed your in game name to "AFK FILLING OUT A STAFF APP" which in of itself is kind of advertising your staff application.
  7. Drippy


    Should post this in Bug Reports not General
  8. +Support I was wondering when you were gonna post your staff app lol Techy would be a good fit for staff tho
  9. Oh of course man! Here's my setup!!
  10. +Support https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199095772703 Update: He's at 40 warns now and should receive his permanent ban.
  11. +Support Admin who gave out the warn said it was an accident.
  12. -Support I had asked John Newsom to ban you because I looked into the logs and you Mass RDM'd in spawn. There wasn't anyone "lying" about it.
  13. Now I cant vibe with all of my 109 homies... Sad day.
  14. +Support User has had 20+ chances to change his behavior.
  15. What you want to see? - The rule "You must /advert carjack" I feel it should say something along the lines of ""You must /advert carjack (player name) An example of this would be "/advert carjack Zeeptin." Why should we add it? - It would help staff and criminals with confusion whether they were car jacked or not. It's hard for staff to know what happened unless they were there, or someone has video. When someone simply just adverts "carjack", no one knows if its their car or not, unless they're standing nearby their car. I know some players already advert the owner of the vehicles name for that exact reason. I just feel that this rule should be tweaked to help. What are the advantages of having this? - Less confusion overall. Who is it mainly for? - Staff & Crim Links to any content - N/A
  16. -Support Yeah the flash grenade is shit but whenever it is used, it blinds Gov more then it does the crims. It's very rare that it works correctly, but when people actually plan out a flash, then a push, it works very well. I think its fine as is now, I would just recommend more training on how to use it.
  17. Accepted Ice Requis Denied Packard If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
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