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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. I agree with Spoon, but I'd say give this guy a shot. He may be new, but I think he'd do a good job. +Support
  2. In-Game Name: Drippy Steam Name: [GL] Drippy SteamID: STEAM_0:0:125117392 What is your staff rank and the server you work in?: Police RP - Admin How often are you online on the forums?: I browse the forums daily, checking the forums roughly every couple of hours. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?: I believe I'm qualified to serve as a Forums Diplomat due to several reasons. For starters, I have prior experience when it comes to moderating forums within communities, and I am well versed in the forums rules on here. Secondly, I always try to remain respectful, and professional when taking reports, or dealing with situations in game on PoliceRP whether it be on staff, or a report on someone in a department I am in. Thirdly, I would consider myself a trusted, and respected member of the community, as I am currently an Admin on PoliceRP, as well as the SWAT Co-Commander. Based off of prior experience, and the current positions I hold in PoliceRP, I feel that I would be qualified to serve as a Forums Diplomat. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?: I do consider myself to have a good judgement, and I keep a level head when it comes to making important decisions. As a Co-Commander of SWAT on PoliceRP I have to deal with any command reports that may arise, and recently we had a pretty difficult decision to make. There was a command member who acted unprofessional, and messed around in another department, resulting in him being removed from command and receiving a strike in SWAT. He then proceeded to act immature, and unprofessional in one of the SWAT channels, and I gave him one last chance to change his act. He was placed on a 3 week DNP, striked again, and was told he would be removed if his behavior persisted. One of the main reasons he wasn't removed is because of the good work he had done for the department. The individual had waited out his 3 week DNP, changed his behavior, and is now back into command in SWAT. He definitely changed, and has improved his act. This was probably one of the more difficult decisions I've had to make on the PoliceRP server, because this individual worked very hard in SWAT, and always wanted to help out. I'm glad that this was the outcome because the individual is back in command, and doing good work just like before. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?: I would first find out what server the user in question is banned on, and them proceed to privately message them on the forums. I would direct them to the correct place to appeal their ban if they wish to do so and telling them that spamming posts is not the way to go about getting a ban removed, and if they continue to spam posts/topics I would hide their posts and inform the Head Diplomat. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?: I would make a post on the topic where the users are arguing, letting them know to keep their responses to a +Support or a -Support or else the topic would be locked. If anything was posted that violates the Forum Rules, I would hide the post and inform the Head Diplomat. If the arguing persists after my response, I would lock the thread, and once again, inform the Head Diplomat of the situation.
  3. +Support Omfg yes. Please. Budda dog
  4. -Support Don't lie on your appeal
  5. Accepted SupremeLord FIRE Denied N/A If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks. Also SWAT will be hosting tryouts on April 2nd, at 3:30 PM EST. You must at least CPL+ in PD or SSA+ in FBI to attend the tryouts.
  6. Drippy

    Event suggestion

    You could either suggest an event to an event team member directly, or put event ideas on this post
  7. +Support User should receive a permanent ban as they've hit 40 warns on PoliceRP.
  8. Drippy


    You could post a suggestion here https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/89-suggestions/ Just make sure you follow this format
  9. I agree with Magic, people would just give out a ticket every time instead of taking them to jail. It's not like $100,000 in game is a lot of money anyways.
  10. +Support Would be nice to see, player count starts to drop in those hours and this could maybe increase them.
  11. Breaking traffic laws in Rockford is a very serious crime
  12. Drippy

    PD or SWAT

    I hear SWAT is pretty cool, I've been thinking about joining it
  13. -Support I believe Dark had looked in logs and reported you saying the N word. I had spoken to Magic and got his opinion on the matter, and he agreed a warn should be given out, but not a ban. I would have spoken to you, but you had already left the server so I was unable to. The N word shouldn't be used on the server, in any context, regardless of your race. It's a rule of the server, which you broke. You may not have been "racist" but you still said the N word on the server which is not allowed.
  14. I would assume you're talking about PoliceRP? If so, we had drugs previously, and a drug dealer job, but they were removed. As for the cars, it wouldn't make sense to make donator cars available to non donators. Also if you're wanting to make a suggestion make sure to post it here and follow the format. https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/89-suggestions/
  15. +Support Not much needs to be said. 20 warns, 20 chances.
  16. Drippy

    Almost to 101%

    I think that Burger burger guy got like 3 level
  17. -Support The point of the AFK job, is to be AFK on it.
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