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Everything posted by Drippy

  1. Accepted Burner Denied N/A We also had tryouts today, congratulations to Jon & Weilian on passing! If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks.
  2. -Support I think you forgot the application
  3. +Support User should receive a permanent ban for hitting 40 warns.
  4. Drippy


    Grats Conrad
  5. -Support I asked you repeatedly if you had said that, and even quoted you. You told me no, and only admitted to it after I showed you the video. You as a staff member should know better then to do stuff like this on the server. Had you been honest with me at the start, it most likely wouldn't have resulted in a formal warning. You also admitted to breaking the rule in the appeal, and provided the evidence of you breaking the rule. Also here is the evidence of the warn:
  6. +Support - Active - Friendly - Great staff member - Works well with others - Good app I would love to see ICE on the event team!
  7. -Support User only has 4 warnings on PoliceRP.
  8. Accepted Vital Pimp Denied Weilian If Accepted please contact any FTO+ for training within two weeks or be removed. If you were denied you may reapply in two weeks. Also SWAT will be hosting tryouts on April 2nd, at 3:30 PM EST. You must at least CPL+ in PD or SSA+ in FBI to attend the tryouts.
  9. +Support Active Chill Friendly I think Vital would make a good addition to the event team!
  10. Drippy


    Hello, nice to meet you!
  11. +Support Active Good Staff Member Friendly Overall I think he would make a great addition to the event team!
  12. +Support User should receive their 10 warn, 20 warn, and 30 warn bans.
  13. -Support? You're not even banned... Are you trying to appeal a warn or something? You can appeal warns here, just make sure you follow the format.
  14. +Support User should receive a 1 day ban for reaching 10 warns.
  15. +Support User should receive a week ban for hitting 20 warns.
  16. +Support They need their 20 warn, and 30 warn ban.
  17. -Support Refer to this post for my reason
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