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Everything posted by Leww

  1. In-Game Name: Lew Steam Name: [GL] Thomas SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104939087 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Mod, SCP RP How often are you online on the forums? I am on every day. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I am qualified to be a forums diplomat because I want to strive farther and because a better staff member. I have been a staff member for SCP-RP for a good while now and I want to expand my horizons and become a better staff member overall so my skill can better help SCP-RP. I am both active on SCP-RP and active on the forms checking for updates and or checking reports just to help out. Seeing as these applications are out I felt like it was a perfect time for me to help out my community more. Thought my experiences in staffing I have understood the punishments and rules of the server and on the forums. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? I do believe I do have good judgement. In my time of being staff I have done a lot of sits each of them being different and difficult. In each of those sits I always don't let bias get into my sits. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? First, I would hide the post and make sure I have evidence to back it up. Second depending on what they said i would decide what punishment to give them. Third I would message the person that was spamming the post and message them that spamming is against the rules of our forums. Third I would direct them to the appeal section of the forums where they could appeal their ban. If they keep on doing it, I would contact my senior. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? First, I would give a verbal warning to both of them. If it keeps getting heated, I will give them the "Forums Diplomat Message." So, it could inform them that in the post that any further arguing/rule infractions will be punished. If they kept on doing it, I would give them a warning/restriction and lock it until SMT reviews it.
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