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Everything posted by Leww

  1. Grade: 100/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Exceeds Expectations. Super good test log keep up the good work! Overall: 100%
  2. Grade: 97/100 Efficiency: 24/25 Insight: 23/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Exceeds Expectations. Really good log keep up the good work and logs! Overall: 97%
  3. Grade: 97/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 23/25 Presentation: 24/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Exceeds Expectations. I wish it was a little longer that's why I put it a 97. Overall really good test Overall: 97%
  4. Grade: 99/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 24/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Exceeds Expectations. Really nice log keep up the good work! Overall: 99%
  5. Quote Grade: 89/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 24/25 Presentation: 23/25 Writing: 23/25 Extra Notes: You can make it longer so it can be better and make it a 90% but i like the interrogation log good job and keep up the good work!
  6. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Extra Notes:Exceeds Expectations
  7. Grade: 98/100 Efficiency: 25/25 Insight: 24/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Additional comment: Exceeds Expectations Nice good i love this Overall: 98%
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/13P0jNQzYPKlpKDt2q_yBICSTggFnWvOREPtrLgISYrY/edit?usp=sharing
  9. +1 -super good person -knows what he is doing -was command
  10. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1atM7vaJ7GGEnhygsPMW6wgDVC1b25uabaiLSpOu69sU/edit?usp=sharing
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W0iytwur_9mP3eSk5kndC1qmXzBCM-gGZCrrRMfaCs4/edit?usp=sharing
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11XiTkBeZTn3kpXLxOFtecCd5srb4mJKdmvSgBndn-NQ/edit?usp=sharing
  13. Leww

    Lews CI RnD app

    In-game Name:Lew SteamID:STEAM_0:0:104939087 DiscordIDLew#7528 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D) : RnD How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? I have looked at so many story lore and video lore on the SCP FO. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I should be in RnD because I am super good at test logs and super active when I need to be. The next reason I should be in RnD is because I love SCP RP lore and I know some key things in SCP lore. Even though I am not good at combat I am really good at coming out with really good test ideas and I think I can implement them really good. I should be in CI because I think I can be a really good help and make CI RnD good! What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I have really good understanding or the lore and i have been playing on the server for a year. How active can you be? 3 hours a day Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days
  14. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iEZPIPv9yjXu_J5B7RTxNYhugLoSGjXEa_vvcy_aTnE/edit
  15. In-game Name:Lew Rank:Scientist Idea:What happens if you get SCP-049 to cure a D class and then see if SCP-1025 can "REALLY" cure the D class Basic Description of what you will do: First I will get a random D class from D block and go straight to SCP-049s CC. After SCP-049 "CURES" the D class I will take the D class to SCP-1025 and see if "IT" can cure the D class Hypothesis:I think the D class will be SO SO "CURED" but will have some DNA of SCP-049 Observations (can be a video or audio): When the D class got "CURED" it looked like the D class had some speech but it was really hard to hear but SCP-049-2 said *******Level 2 personal or higher ONLY********"I AM THE CURE" Detailed description of what happened during the test: First we took the D class to SCP-049s CC and put the D class in the CC . SCP 049 was talking to the D class for about 2 minutes and then we hear a scream. We knew I knew it was the D class So the Security when to go check up on the D class and he was gone he was turned into a zombie ******also known as SCP-049-2******* the security and I knew that this was the chance to get him. I yelled at the security "GET SCP-049-2 OUT OF THRER!!" He opened the door and I handcuffed SCP-049-2. Lastly we took SCP-049-2 to SCP-1025 and then we had SCP-049-2 read the book and then SCP-049-2 fell to the ground and died Conclusion:Hopefully I can get a better Observation of the D class getting turned next test on SCP-049-2 Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:No it was not What did you learn?:Not to use SCP-1-25 on SCP-049-2 How Can This Benefit Medical?:no to rely on SCP-1025 as it is dangerous....
  16. In-game Name:Lew Rank:Resident Scientist Idea:What will happen if I get a D class with internal damaged lungs and see if SCP-500 can fix the D classes lungs Basic Description of what you will do:First i will get a D class and a escort and then go to SCP-500 CC and give the D class SCP-500.After I will take him to MedBay and check out his lungs. Hypothesis:I think that SCP-500 wont fully heal the D classes lungs Observations (can be a video or audio)After taking SCP-500 the D class seemed to breathe a lot better and that he feels young again. Detailed description of what happened during the test:First we took the D class to SCP-500's CC I asked the D class "so you said you had internal damaged lunges right?" the D class said "yes and it is very hard to Breathe" (takes notes on paper) so the Security gave the D class SCP-500 and then the D class swallows SCP-500 after 10 minutes of eating SCP-500 the D class said that he feels better and that he feels young again. After eating SCP-500 we took the D class to Medbay and the put him in the Surgery room and then scanned his lungs with a X Ray. When we looked at the X Ray it looked like SCP-500 cured his damaged lungs. Conclusion: We can use SCP-500 to cure almost everything Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:No What did you learn?:That SCP-500 can heal peoples lungs How Can This Benefit Medical?:This can benefit medical because this can help people with lung cancer My escort was Sec Eilish
  17. In-game Name:Lew Rank:Resident Scientist Idea: hurting a d class and then take a sample of SCP 999 to see if the d class will feel better Basic Description of what you will do: ok so First we will hurt the d class and then take a sample of 999 and give it to the d class so he can eat 999 Hypothesis: my Hypothesis is that the d class will feel better and not feel the pain of the wound Observations (can be a video or audio):i saw that the d class felt better after 10 mins of eating SCP 999 and not in pain anymore Detailed description of what happened during the test: First we got a D class from d block then we took him to SCP 999. We took a sample of 999 and then Smokey took the sample and then ate it himself. Next I had to take another sample of 999 and then gave it to the d class and the d class took the sample and ate the sample after 10 minutes the d class felt really good and the pain stopped. Conclusion:SCP 999 will help with wounds and heal the wound to my understanding. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:Yes What did you learn?:That 999 can make people feel better if they have wounds How Can This Benefit Medical?: This will help medical because this can help wounds feel better and not hurt. my escort was Smokey thanks for stealing the sample
  18. In-game Name: Lew Rank: Scientist Idea: trying to mix 10ccs of ketamine and 10ccs of Morphine and give it to a d class Hypothesis I think the d class will get some side effects but will not kill him Observations (can be a video or audio): the d class started choking and me and gordan tried to save him be we failed. Detailed description of what happened during the test: if you mix ketamine and morphine Basic Description of what you will do: So me and gordan got a d class and took him to the back room and gave he 10ccs of ketamine and 10ccs of morphine. After that I scanned his body for any side affects and come to find out he was dying quickly . Me and Gordan tried to save him but he dyed in the process. Conclusion: I wish I could make this test successful Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:no What did you learn?: dont mix ketamine and morphine How Can This Benefit Medical?: it can help by NOT MIXING IT Credit to Gordan UWU by escorting me
  19. Name : Lew Rank : Scientist SteamID (REQUIRED-Invalid if not given) : STEAM_0:0:104939087 Activity on a scale of 1-10 : 7 Anything which you'd like to note? :
  20. ya I am leaving I really didnt want to but I was thinking about and here I am. I always said I wanted to be Commanded but I messed it up and decided to go inactive. These are people I will be missing ... Coggs/Coggers: you are one of the best people i ever met in my times as a Janitor and always found out that I did something stupid. Borealis: you will be remembered as one of the funniest guys I met and i will always look up to you. Crystal: ......... you a minge>:3 jkjk you are one funny guy and keep up the good work my friend. Lantard: Future OS keep up the good work . Andro: you will be remembered as my Drill instructor. Gordon: I will miss smoking in medbay but here I come as a Surgeon.
  21. Gordon all I have to say is....... I smoked in medbay come get me.
  22. 1. What is your In game Name:Lew 2. SteamID :STEAM_0:0:10493908 3. Rank: Maintenence Expert 4. Time on server: 2 weeks and 4 days 5. Total strikes ever received: 0 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 4 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Cogs and Andro 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?:8 9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words): i think i am fit for H.L.P.R bot because I think I have what it takes and I think I will be a good addition to the H.L.P.R bot team. My second reason I think I will be fit is because I am well known in Maintenance and Iam really active and I think i will do the best as I can. 10. CI is raiding, and you see them breaching a keter SCP. What do you do?: first i will repair the keter CC and then when I am done i will call out CI
  23. Name:Lew Rank:cpl Current FTO Rank:N/A Current RCF Rank:N/A Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words):N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  24. Leww


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