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Everything posted by MJTHEOG

  1. and saying the F slur is not a funny joke
  2. -support Not needed The hud we use looks better in my option
  3. +support I have used these keypads before there easy to use but I think we used to have these but they got removed
  4. Rank You are Applying For: Colonel In-Game Name: MJTHEOG SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526631405 Current Rank: Major How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 months What timezone are you in?: EST How many Warns do you have?: 0 (https://imgur.com/a/KdxQgut) Permission: Solomon Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): The reason why I should be promoted to the rank of Colonel inside the PD Command team is for many reasons. The First reason is I feel like I can be very trustworthy with the rank of Colonel because I am Deputy Chief inside EMS and have been for 3+ months maintaining my position. Next is that I am SRT Command which is a pretty big position to hold also a bigger one than that is Senior Admin in Staff. Senior admin in staff is a rank away from Management. Second Thing I wish to add to this application is my activity. My activity within PD. Everyday I spend countless hours on PD helping other command, and other enlisted/supervisors while active on Major. I get on at late night to help officers that are unable to get the help they need at late night like 1AM or 3AM. 3rd Reason I wish to add to add to this application is my respect. I respect every single person on the server at all times. I always remain Professional while doing so and being professional in front of everyone. My main goal as a Major is to give PD a good name and also show my dedication to others. I feel also within these last 3 months of being a Major I have learned a lot and also learned from higher ups in PD. 4th reason is that I have a good reputation with the community and that I am ready for Colonel. This is whereI will end my application for Colonel, thank you for reading! You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
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