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[GL] Fizz-y Soda

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Everything posted by [GL] Fizz-y Soda

  1. What are you suggesting? - Allow 1 chance to roll 90+ at the beginning of an interrogation to "Intimidate" the hostage for the duration of the interrogation, giving you +10 on each roll. (Subject to change) How would this change better the server? - Make interrogations a tiny bit more interesting. I was just thinking to myself, "what if intimidation was a thing?". So here we are. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Get more information from these dudes. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anyone doing interrogations.
  2. +Support "testing servers limits" - This true? I mean do you have your results now? It just doesn't benefit
  3. -support Target the mech if it has it. ALSO, if you wanted AN SOP RULE. Talk. To. High command.
  4. As long as you strive to improve on this, I will consider supporting your next application. But I can't this time.
  5. I came back from reserves and only noticed you spamming in OOC everytime you got upset... Not a staff attitude. Not a good first impression either. -Support
  6. But it's still on his record
  7. +support Ive never heard of anyone getting warned for this. People just get demoted. This new?
  8. Lmfao. Honestly would be better if this was a temp ban not perma. Just watch what you say. So +support
  9. I think he meant he was shot by all weapons in a span of 11 hours. Like he spent 11 hours going through all the guns. Not 11 hours per gun. That's outrageous lol
  10. +Support Something needs to be done at least. There have been several times where the window pops up in the middle of combat and it causes me to get killed. I agree staff needs feedback but what if we had a delay before they get sent back so they have a second to rate the sit. That way they don't have to get interrupted once they get sent back since sometimes you return to a combat scenario. Those 2 seconds mean the world sometimes since you'd be a still target.
  11. Seen this happened several times before. There's just too many people doing it though. As a dclass, i don't care. But all the security there probably have a hard time hearing orders from command, and vise versa. @Eevee, next time make a staff report or player report if you want further actions taken since it wasn't handled properly in game. Make sure to have evidence.
  12. Completely irrelevant to the suggestion. You're suggesting to change the NLR of a job to justify the damage adjustment of a donor item? That makes zero sense.
  13. Th sounds good because D class have a huge advantage because they have no NLR, they can keep going up and getting infected. Keeping the spread going constantly, it's harder for the others to contain it because they wait only to get infected again. An issue i see with this tho, is people just purposely dying after getting infected so they can get back to containing the SCP faster. +Support though because 610 breaches in LCZ pretty much dominate. Taking all the fun out of 682 if you manage to make it to LCZ also
  14. I've seen him around several times last week and this week on d class and CI. It's possible the time did glitch out. But you're still too new, sorry. -Support
  15. +support Only use it if i accidentally pull it out during a fight. Which results in death. (MY death)
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