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Everything posted by J0LT

  1. J0LT

    Lefty bann appeal

    -support HE CALLED ME A BUM OMFG jk +support
  2. -support this is what logs are for: Raid logs interrogation logs medical logs ECT
  3. -support combat healing is hard enough to track, cloaking will be much harder. and people could just shoot in a room and start combat to make them uncloak too many possible ways to abuse this
  4. Accepted! Your application has been reviewed, and we have decided to accept it for a training! Please contact me via the discord below, so we can get you set up with an FTO! Discord: Benslaki_II#1776
  5. J0LT

    J0LTs LOA

    Name: J0LT Rank: Major Callsign: G6Y Date of LOA Leave/Return: 12/26/20 - 1/3/21 Reason (if private write N/A): going to my dads for New Years, and my laptop cant run GMod, i will still be active in Discord and can be in TeamSpeak if need be
  6. +support lol ik you doin this for your shotgun thing but aight nothing too bad lol
  7. J0LT

    Jay global 48HR

    crying man ='( you better keep snapping me >=(
  8. -/+, leaning - i see no reason that this couldnt happen, if its like a constant stream of it though i could maybe see it as a problem, but its a really good strat
  9. -support use them if they so good
  10. J0LT


    Accepted! Your application has been reviewed, and we have decided to accept it for a training! Please contact me via the discord below, so we can get you set up with an FTO! Discord: Benslaki_II#1776
  11. Accepted! Your application has been reviewed, and we have decided to accept it for a training! Please contact me via the discord below, so we can get you set up with an FTO! Discord: Benslaki_II#1776
  12. +/-support + fair for MTF - would have to be heavily monitored
  13. +support omg he broke MOTD BAN HIM PLEASE!!!!
  14. Accepted! Your application has been reviewed, and we have decided to accept it for a training! Please contact me via the discord below, so we can get you set up with an FTO! Discord: Benslaki_II#1776
  15. -support riot control are enough and having them pass during partial is just chaotic, you already have people camping the elevator and swarming the side, you dont need more
  16. +support is a very good pog champ. def fit for the job
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