1. Questions: N/A
2. Your In-game: R AO Rear Admiral RJ
3. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:64780926
4. The admin's name in-game: EO Commander Lasky
5. The admin's steam name (If you know it): STEAM_0:1:114047100
6. What warning did you receive: "Leaving the IF behind"
7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://prnt.sc/uknsv3
8. Why do you think this warn was false: So, first of all he did not make a sit and or bring me at all and just warned me without any context, warning a player for leaving somebody behind is not warnable. He is only a Gamemaster which means he is not allowed to warn therefore he is breaking his own SOP.
9. Any extra information: N/A