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Everything posted by Dakota

  1. Name: Dakota Rank: SNR SA How would you rate your activity 1-10? 5 Anything else we should know? Can I have permanent excusal from meetings? I have other meetings that overlap with the FBI's.
  2. Overall Grade: 73/100 Lore: 25/25 To my knowledge, all the lore surrounding 1424 is correct. Creativity: 13/25 Not a very creative test, this basically just goes over "What is 1424?", and has been done multiple times before. Presentation: 22/25 I like the color coding of differing people when talking; however, some mistakes on separate dialogue lines not being spaced out. Also, not changing some of the basic stuff (site 05, Case File Number ,etc.) Writing: 13/25 Multiple spelling and grammatic issues; however, the test log still is readable and comprehensible. Additional Comment: A lot of spelling and grammatical issues. Make sure you change things like site 05, the case file number, etc. Highly suggest making sure everything is spelt right and looks pretty. Good work on keeping it focused on lore. Test Quality: Meets Expectations
  3. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 All of lore seems correct. Creativity: 25/25 Good test creativity, never seen this type of test before. Presentation: 25/25 Great presentation. Like the idea of stolen Foundation documents. Writing: 25 /25 Great writing. No major grammatical errors. Additional comment: This was a great test, both the log and the in-game test itself. Also, I personally prefer color coding text to specific people when they are talking in the log (makes it looks prettier and helps people differentiate between who's who a lot easier; however, due to the extremely large amount of people in this test I won't be deducting any points. Test quality: Exceeds Expectations
  4. Name: Dakota Rank: PVT | SVR Discord ID: Soviet Spy#2486 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200164653 Ideas for CI: None How do you think command is doing; if you are command how do you think you are performing? Doing Great! Keep up the good work
  5. Name: Dakota Rank: CI PVT/SVR | E11 1LT | MA Duration: 10/29-11/2/20 Reason (If Private That Is Fine): Going on a quick weekend long vacation. (will still attempt to make meeting on phone if possible)
  6. 1. What is your In game Name: Dakota 2. SteamID : STEAM_0:1:200164653 3. Rank: MP 4. Time on server: 4 Weeks 5. Total strikes ever received: 0 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Gordon 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 6 9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words): I believe I am fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha because I and well versed in roleplay and the Maintenance rules and SOP. I am currently a 1LT in E11 and a SVR in CI RnD, with these positions I have learned both leadership and roleplay; I believe both of these make me fit for the position of a H.L.P.R Bot. I am truly excited for this fun, interesting, and unique roleplay experience, I am mature enough to have fun on such a fun job without minging or breaking the motd or SOP. 10. CI is raiding, and you see them breaching a keter SCP. What do you do?: I would immediately get myself and any maintenance to safety, and defend myself or the other maintenance if necessary. Once in a safe location I would call if out over Foundation comms so MTF can hopefully deal with it. (Edit: Changed rank to MP due to promotion)
  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jEva2OkPZbNFS_TysqiFueQY5VZ-VBqsgKDOT973ILo/edit?usp=sharing
  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hbxzgSfEGXZ8GquDq7S1CEylAoG1sPMA5qBLyDWy8qU/edit?usp=sharing
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1o3er2NTjvh7JLAAvlL30Chl8pnRK8vOAN_H3CQXNrTk/edit?usp=sharing First Video Log. Really Enjoyed doing this.
  10. Uh, who even are you? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kc9Vvz1N1OsZLAPVEs9rEgQRtCbKz_V2ag3Qm5FICp8/edit?usp=sharing
  11. This was a lot more of an interview than a test per say, but I believe the results can be useful. (first one I've done hope you enjoy) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E7fLvVSkmLsjWjfl1tIC31m3zI5LgwDcw3yXnpZE8Ds/edit?usp=sharing
  12. +1 Great guy, good with rp, dedicated (loved the app.)
  13. Oh God..................... I'm contacting the UN. I was forced to 'consent'. Clef I swear you'll pay. (but like on god that was fire you know, if someone wants to send that to like American Idol or something be my guest )
  14. -SUPPORT -a pk...really... those are used for punishments not for rp -this is weirdly worded, rule one states that it MUST BE A D-CLASS, but rule 3 basically says or it cant be like you can't say it must and then change it to it doesn't have to be
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