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Everything posted by Kev

  1. +Support -Knows how to lead -Great guy to talk to -Easily handles problems -Would make a great officer in RG! Note: Even though I am a VCMDR of Draytons battalion from a unbiased opinion I still believe he would be a amazing officer to have
  2. Kev's ID10 Commander Application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Agent Gideon Hask IF2 / Kev 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Inferno Squad 3. Why do you want to be a Commander of this branch? I want to be the Commander of Inferno Squad because I believe I can help our current Commander (Drayton) run, manage, and improve the Inferno Squad battalion thrive to a sufficient standard. I believe I can help with any problems that may occur inside and outside of the battalion whether that be with Reserves, Transfers, Battalion-High Command relations and Battalion-Battalion relations. Furthermore, I would like to bring help further improve the Inferno Squad member's experience more than I have already as a whole especially by improving the communication from within the Battalion. Moreover, I want to be Commander is because I genuinely enjoy being in the Battalion, I am passionate, and active. Doing missions, try-outs, SIMs, and participating in events alongside my fellow Inferno Squad. I believe all of these things help the to Battalion grow and improve. I want to be Commander of this branch so I can make sure it continues on and improves on the path it currently is on, because we have an active command team, excellent officers, and good NCO's however nothing is perfect so if i were a Commander, I would do my best to make sure that the VCMDR's are looking after the officers and making sure they are doing their job right because I know that they aren't always as serious as they should be. I want to make sure that the Battalion stays as a respectable and liked Battalion as best as I can, one way I can achieve this is by becoming Commander , I can work with the Command team to bring updates to the battalion to make sure it stays "fresh" to players inside IF and make sure Officers and VCMDR's are setting a good example daily as well as, helping Drayton in his work making things way more efficient. I believe that if I make things more efficient as a Commander I could improve everyone's experience, both in and out of RP and both in and out of IF. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? (Due to me changing my name battle metrics says I have multiple accounts) based off the tab menu I have 12 weeks+ 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The Main purpose for a Commander is to make sure the Vice Commanders are doing their job and behaving and to make sure they are active and responsible as this sets a example for Officers, which then has a positive Domino-Effect to the NCO's Another purpose of the Commander is to make sure the battalion is in order an example would be to make sure roster is updated correctly as this makes sure no mistakes happen, and to makes sure the battalion is active. Ways to do this are: 1. To be active yourself because when people see the commander is online it usually inspires them hop on because it could lead to a promotion or a fun activity, 2. Enforce activity through announcements, try-outs and sometimes bigger SIMs with more activities to do and to be done. 3. The commander can do a roll call to clear out inactive people and create free slots for new people to join the battalion and keep us, Inferno Squad always growing. The final purpose of a Commander is to get criticism from outside battalions or inside the battalion to assess what needs changing / fixing inside the battalion and make sure the VCMDRs are communicating with members to let them know that they do have a voice and an input for the Battalion's future and that everyone is valued and important. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : You should trust me to be a Commander as I have had previous Commander experience (I was the Commander of Imperial Commandos) I know how to behave and conduct myself, And I know what to do to fix and manage a battalion. Another reason you should trust me, is over my 1 Year on Gaming Light I have never got a warn on Imperial RP or any other Gaming Light Gmod server or affiliated server, showing I know the rules and how to abide by them. Finally you should trust me to be a Commander because I have worked alongside Drayton in the past, so we know how to work well as a team, have good synergy, and have built a good working relationship with each other which would help strengthen the already strong command team. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be on almost everyday for a good amount of hours. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : No warnings.
  3. Kev's IF VCMDR Application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Vur Vermin (Used to be Kyle Thorn) 2. What Regiment are you applying for? IF 3. Why do you want to be a (Vice) Commander of this branch? I want to be Vice Commander because I want to help IF thrive it is already in a really good position however I'd like to do more for the battalion e.g. increase battalion relations and make more things for IF to do around ship e.g. recently I have been asking battalions if they need any help a example of this is have been sending IF to help guard Brig or Bridge when shock is low on numbers. Another reason I want to be Vice Commander is because I am passionate about the battalion and want to help the current command team and bring some thoughts of my own to the table. Finally I want to become Hask because I'd like to help the battalion as a whole e.g. changes through criticism or discussing with the command team about the next change for IF. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 800 Hours + (my battle metrics show multiple accounts with different hours for every time I've changed my name) Tab in game I believe shows 10-11 Weeks however I've been told that's not accurate 5. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice commander for a branch? The Main Purpose of a Vice commander is to make sure the battalion is active by pushing for try-outs if necessary and making activity pings on a regular basis if needed and making sure the battalion is in order this means making sure Officers are doing the right thing which then shows the NCO's what to do which leads down to enlisted. Another purpose is making sure their is communication between the command team and dealing with any issues that may arise and helping the commander with anything that he needs. Finally a important purpose for the Vice commander is making sure the roster is updated because if it isn't it may cause issues and miscommunication and speaking with command / SNR CMDRs or HC if necessary about how could we improve or what should we do because no battalion is perfect. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : Ok so first of all, On GL I have left or transferred multiple times when I've been in command or close which is undisputable. Mostly I did this to improve my grades but I'm done with school now and other times I've been a idiot by leaving my position and I regret it deeply. I realise that I have made a big mistake by leaving them positions in the past but I believe I've changed from leaving battalions when I get Command and I'd like a chance to prove it. Secondly I have command experience because I've been a IF SL, IC CMDR, Second Sister and 501st CPT so I know what to do in the VCMDR or CMDR positions and how to act / how to be a good VCMDR / CMDR as well I am currently the highest IF Officer showing I'm capable of leadership. Finally you should trust me is because I have never had a warn or a sit against me which in my 1+ year on and off of GL shows I know the rules and I don't break them. 7. How often can you be Online? : Almost every day 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0
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