What are you suggesting? -To increase the 2 lifes to three lives before you -support wait what I am saying is only 2 of your lives may be in CMD and one as a NCO/Enlisted depending on branches
How would this change better the server? - Because people want to explore more branches while still holding the ones they love for me and example is I want to MTF but CI takes a life and Security and I am only a Enlisted and NCO and that means I cant become a NCO in MTF what I am suggesting is yes you may only hold 2 CMD ranks but can be a NCO at MAX in a different branch.
Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Well you might have a little bit of a inflation in branches but that's kinda good!
Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone in the community of SCP RP
Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -N/a