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Some Weeb

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Everything posted by Some Weeb

  1. -Support As far as your app tells me, your highest combatant rank is RCT. Since I enforce the same kind of criteria for everyone you need higher ranks (SSGT/MSGT+) - RRH Guardian Alpha 6
  2. +Support Immaturity is a frequent scene with you. However I think that when people actually tell you to fucking sack up and listen up you do it thus I feel putting you with an RRH squad would be more than enough to keep you in line. Other than that no concerns and is an excellent applicant! -RRH Guardian Alpha 6
  3. -Support Completely unnecessary and will only promote intentional or unintentional abuse of power. If should ever be called for an event team related issue you should solve it on the job not off duty (sorry bout the bold texts its cringy like @Yato Sensei)
  4. Whoever is saying no on the poll but not actually responding 1. Grow some balls 2. Get some bitches As for the app +Support
  5. Yes we have my issue is more of the consistency of it. However now that I understand why you do that I will say +Support Just, try to make sure everyone knows you ain't mean it badly.
  6. Not to be a Karen but you shouldn't make these types of posts.
  7. That's not even a fair Comparison my g. D class don't have thermals period GenSec do at SGT+.
  8. -Support Not ready. - get higher ranks - more forum activity - better establishment in community
  9. +Support You are all around a fun guy Shit at combat 100% -RRH Guardian Alpha 6
  10. Upon a discussion and review I have decided to +/- this applicant While I think they, personally, are ready for it, due to the people that are often associated with this person I cannot agree that I fully support this applicant. Thing being, the people Cecil most often works with are all completely lacking in respect and other qualities. While Cecil is different being around such an influence detours me from supporting. - RRH Guardian Alpha 6
  11. I don't think this warrants anything really harsh. Mainly cause he isn't like going into to much detail. That only matters in this case because it's really up to one's own opinion how they take the comment "getting strapped on the bed" even though I think people with an IQ above 10 know what that means... +/-
  12. I can testify as a lone d class I was able to kill 2 of these mf's no problem. (No offense) +support
  13. Well I pray for your reputation but that's the most I can do. -Support
  14. So, I guess I have some explaining yes? Well, in short, my immune system combined with my mental health has seriously deteriorated. Not because of this server but due to IRL problems. This being the case, I want to leave in a respectable fashion. I also do hope all of you view this as respectable as as well. I would've loved to help out for a little bit longer but my health doesnt permit. ~ Mentions ~ - ~ Site Admin ~ Igneous - Father Coltable - I respect you very much Mr.Duck man Jayden - Igneous is better at RL, prove me wrong I dare you Dang - There is a pipebomb in your mailbox srry Skela - I WANT MY PFP! ~ Research and Development ~ @Vindertech - Still cringe @BOx- I literally joined just to help you and make sure that R&D was gonna be good. That is literally it you better remember this cardboard boy. @Cloaker - Invisible and nonexistent just like his activ-, For real though you are awesome @Yohan Drinker of Booz- Good luck in the army! Dont get pipe bombed! @Pure - His name is NOT his personality @Gordan- GORDAN!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!!! @Protege - No Protegay @Catalyst - Joined right as I left, cringe. @Geeko - You will always be inactive no matter how much you play Redacted - One of the OG's with me and Geeko (not pinged cuz hes redacted) This mention list is significantly smaller because this isnt a global resignation so if you weren't on here (Sixx ) dont feel like I dont care. I probably am just looking for a proper way to fuck you over before I leave (not really). ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
  15. -Support As much as I do not wish to do this, you really need to get ahold of your community relations. Cause it's not so good right now. As an RRH you must represent and with all the things circulating right now you would fail to represent.
  16. -Support As of the moment I have still seen lackluster activity. 1 week of balls to the walls constant activity does not prove anything when you disappear afterwards. However I myself can no longer criticize that without being hypocritical. Though it is very apparent through the opinions of my fellow R&D that you need to once again get your activity up. - RRH Guardian Alpha 6
  17. Some Weeb

    ZJ's Warn Appeal

    The staff should get punished for abuse if anything.
  18. You are always responsible for what happens in your events this is what the event team SOP says and scaling someone as low as .1 is completely irrational. I will switch to +/- a retraining is due at minimum
  19. The evidence only shows him leaving?
  20. Time to turn good ol scprp into SCPRP: The Metaverse +Support
  21. I really don't want to deal with 250/225 classes again... because then everyone just plays them and every class below 150 150 is insignificant. There was a lowering of hp and ap for a reason, because every damn branch update had a hp and ap increase until it was just ridiculous. -Support
  22. I have known you since the beginning went from minge to politically correct But still regardless of him being an admin and site admin he shall always be a minge at heart
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