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Comrade Boekhom

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Everything posted by Comrade Boekhom

  1. ah yes, there were never any civilians in scp lore
  2. -support mans be revealing the e4 and doing some quite nsfw acts bad
  3. We can even have like "reporters" If they see to much funky shit coming from the foundation they go to report on it? We can just put in motd "sarkics cannot sacrifice citizens"
  4. listen, i'll eat you
  5. The mossberg is a pretty popular SF weapon, for riot control seems, eh
  6. Job Name: CI Longshot Adding: tfa_csgo_mp5sd Job Name: CI Trap Expert Adding: tfa_csgo_mp5sd Longshot only has its sniper, Trap expert only has its pistol
  7. that means he was almost dead already Big F
  8. -Support Honestly, this is completely useless
  9. thats literally just a link to the scp page, the CORRECT format for scp suggestions is this -> Post name: “SCP’s Name - Suggestion” 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: 2. Link(s) to player models: 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 5. Why should we add this SCP? 6. Basic summary of the SCP: 7. Extra information: So i'd recommend you follow that.
  10. Uh, whats the point of the scp? What does it do in the server? Literally theres a format
  11. well i mean, mac10 is still a primary smg, but sure i guess
  12. if you want a technical secondary smg, you can always use the tec-9
  13. Im good with everything but this Job Name: Security Sniper Weapon Change: tfa_csgo_cz75 --> tfa_mp5 mainly the cz, as it looks your just changing the secondary to another primary correct? I see as the cz75 is a great secondary in my opinion, and changing it to a mp5 is uneeded
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