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Everything posted by Phillers

  1. Forgive me if i am wrong, because i dont have every role, but as far as im aware all if not most Donator/Staff ulx Roles dont have acces to chat commands like /y, /w, /looc ect. This is rather annoying sometimes, and it would be great if it could be fixed.
  2. I think everyone would be happy enough if it just wasn't allowed for GenSec to rush back into D-Block then.
  3. What you want to see? - A rule that bans running into a spawn room / D-Block to hide from a RP Scenario. Why should we add it? - As of current, whenever i encounter (Mostly) GenSec / Research Staff as a hostile SCP, they will see me, and then run off into spawn / D-Block. This is simply unfair, as SCP's are not allowed in there, so i have 2 proposals : 1. Ban entering spawn rooms when you are engaged in RP, for obvious reasons. 2. Allow SCP's to follow people into D-Block if they decide to run into it while engaged with an SCP, or ban entering it while engaged with an SCP all together. What are the advantages of having this? - More fair gameplay Who is it mainly for? - SCP's/CI Links to any content - N/A
  4. Okay 2 things, First, @Cryolast Yes, 076 can kill groups easily, but thats due to how the swep works. It only works well if both you and your opponent are standing still/moving very slowly, as then it actualy registers the hit. In a group scenario people have a tendency to stand still/bodyblock eachother from moving, making killing easier. However, in a 1v1 scenario people can simply keep hopping around 076 while shooting him and you can not hit them, basically forcing you to run. So, for the group scenario's, this would barely have any real effect. For the 1v1 scenario's, it makes it actualy possible (Also more fun, as there would be less running away) Also, even if this was more effective, im also suggesting a whole 1K Reduction in 076's HP, which would more then balance that out. Second, @Gunther No, altough the models are similair, they are different SWEP's.
  5. What you want to see? - For 076's HP to be lowered, but for his SWEP to be replaced with the Damascus sword (With some edits). As of current the SWEP 076 has is utter garbage, it has the worst hit-reg out of all the weapons ive seen, and is simply all around bad. The Damascus Sword on the other hand, has actualy workable Hit reg, so what i suppose doing is replacing the 076 Swep with the sword, and upping the swords Damage to around 200-300 per hit. The Sword can only be swung when not sprinting however, so i propose buffing its mobility to +- 110% - 120%, This also makes sense lore wise, as he would be able to walk faster then baseline humans. I do however realise that this would make 076 more powerfull then it is. Thats why i propose a further nerf to its HP (Maybe 2.5K or something of the sort) to keep it fair and balanced. Overall, i believe this would keep him on roughly the same difficulty grade to recontain, but would make it a lot more enjoyable as there would be less messing around with actualy trying to hit someone has 076. Why should we add it? - It would be less glitchy, while not making him much more difficult to RC. What are the advantages of having this? - A better player experience, and seeing how 076 is a Gold+ Class, if he gets a bit easier to use, maybe more donations for the server. Who is it mainly for? - MTF/076 Players. Links to any content - N/A
  6. Big +Support, these guys are pretty much just slightly better D-Class as of current.
  7. + Support, it can currently 1 shot GenSec OFC's/LCPL's, and 1 shot all Utility staff.
  8. What you want to see? - The salary for the Pro Class D job to be increased to atleast 150$, but prefferably more. Why should we add it? - As of current the Normal D-Class Salary is 50$, and 150$ For Class D Expert (A Bronze+ Class) Yet Pro CLass D still has the standard salary of 50$, i think this is not as it should be, as the Pro Class D is a diamond+ Role. What are the advantages of having this? - Better worth of donator's money. Who is it mainly for? - Donators. Links to any content - N/A
  9. Senior Janitor role doesn't have accses to the /foundation channel.
  10. "Dont need guns" > are always in the area were there are near constant eldritch beasts trying to kill them, Escaped D-Class trying to kill them, or CI trying to kill them.
  11. Eh, +Support but a bit more HP Maybe? 1 Person with a Negev or 2 with PKM's, and its an instant Game Over
  12. Seriously can we stop this guy from making these BS suggestions? It should be quite obvious by now that he is trolling/minging.
  13. +/- Support, i do have to admit that 999 steals a lot of Medical's job, Simply because its faster. 999 can just swep you up and you are good, if you go to medbay you are looking at (In the worst cases) 4 minutes of RP just to get 30% HP back. So, maybe instead of nerfing 999, buff medical?
  14. +/- Support, for the MTF limitation, sure, do it. BUT then lower the required playercount for self breaching. As for the Janitor/Technician rule, simply no. This would prevent nearly half of all SCP's from Self Breaching if those classes are not on, and thats just stupid. This was implemented so that Technical/Janitorial would have something to do and force them into activity, removing that is not a good idea IMO.
  15. +Support, the dispensary is honestly stupid. I understand its practical use just fine, but what these guys are literaly doing is locking players in a room (Most often 049's old CC) and having them handcuffed there. There is literaly no way to escape from the room, and you cannot swap jobs because of the Handcuffs. This is a terrible way to treat players and ive seen people simply leave the server and log back on to escape it (Which i am aware, breaks the rules, but its the only way to get to do something entertaining) if you want (Specificaly new) players to leave the server, this is a great way to go about it.
  16. -Support, First off, its a Keter Class SCP, he shouldn't be easy to RC! Second off, its not like 682, 682 can simply always attack you making him a bigger treath. If you have some awareness, you can group up a big squad of MTF and simply gun 076-2 (Certainly with LMG's, those will shred him). And he can be easily outrunned by literaly just running away. Ontop of all this, his HitReg is absolutely terrible because most of the time you simply cannot hit anything with it. So no, i understand he might have more practical HP then 682, but i think thats absolutely justified seeing his limitation in engaging Foundation staff.
  17. -Support, 939 Is a Keter Class SCP, recontaining him is already laughablely easy as of current, literaly all MTF has to do is hit him once, and even if he runs after that, you have a solid 45 seconds to find him. I can understand that might be annoying if you are alone, but if you are with a squad (Which MTF is most of the time) you can easily find him within that time period.
  18. +/- Support, Yes, the heavy is tanky as the seven hells, but they are heavy's, that is to be expected. The issue is how fast they can move with the PKM IMO, it allows them to very quickly close the gap and be right on top of you simply gunning into you with a PKM, which allows them to murder you easily. That, combined with that it often takes 2-3 guys to take down just 1 heavy (And im assuming normal loadouts here) makes it a tad unfair. But, CI does deserve to have a tanky class, so i reccomend simply giving them a different LMG which slows them down while they have it out, it would give others a better chance at killing them. (Oh P.S. to all the people who say "But they can easily be killed with a negev" thats not really applicable, MTF isn't even allowed to purchase the Negev untill they are CPT+, Research/Utility cannot have it either, D-Class are friendly to CI most of the time, and GenSec wont be in their way, this gives us a grand total of : 22 people on the Server's Foundation side who can be expected to run into CI and MIGHT be carrying a negev (And this includes Site Administration and O5's, who wont really be fighting CI often, and does not include CC's because they are not always avaible)
  19. -Support, simply because this would make 106 a special case, we dont have to roll against other SCP's, so why would we have to roll against this one?
  20. +/- Support from me, Yes, Bright is mingey, but it is a Donator Class, and all donator classes have minges on them some times (Think Nu7 Juggs/RC Spec's, or SEC HVY's). Also, once again, its a donator class. People paid money for this class the way it is, changing that is not a good move IMO. What i can stand behind however, is making the rules regarding Bright clearer. as of current i hear a lot of people telling brights that they have to follow Research SOP, the issue with this is that most brights do not HAVE the research SOP because they are not a member of the research branch, and it nowhere in the job description or rules say that Bright has to follow Research SOP.
  21. +Support, same reasons that the rest have given.
  22. All Hail Plankton Rank: Researcher Clearance Level: 3 List of Personnel involved in testing: Technical Manager Mike, Researcher Falxen, MTF Nu7 SM Kiddo EI8T, MTF Nu7 CPL Susel SUS3, MTF [REDACTED] CR2, MTF [REDACTED] NC12, MTF [REDACTED] SI26. Level D personnel involved: 1 SCP: 096 Errors and/or safety hazards: Due to 096's Properties, the windows of the testing chamber were shut using sheet metal. Question: If 096 is presented with 2 paths to get to 096-1, which will he pick? Background Research: It is well known that SCP-096 can/will break trough materials to get to 096-1, but not wether it will prefer jumping over things over breaking them. Hypothesis: It will jump over, it is more then capable of doing so, and it would take less effort then breaking trough. Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Outer testing chamber | Shown : Technical Manager Mike, D-6826 Inside of testing chamber, (Before 096 was placed inside). Note the hole in the wall, this was sealed once 096 was inserted. Inner testing chamber, main room. (Before 096 was placed inside), Note the hole in the wall, this was sealed once 096 was inserted. Analysis and Conclusion: Testing chamber was laid out with a wall (Behind which 096 would be kept) and a small ledge in that enclosed space (To allow 096 to jump over the wall). D-Class at the opposite side of the chamber would be given a small satchel containing several pictures of SCP-096 (Later Incinerated). D-Class was instructed to look at the pictures, after which 096 entered a rage state. 096 decided to break trough the wall rather then jump over, which was the, altough shorter, more difficult option of the 2. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No, i expected 096 to take the less exerting path, but it took the shortest.
  23. Rank: Researcher Clearance Level: 3. List of Personnel involved in testing: Researcher Falxen , Security SGT Dogo, Security SGT Kerfuffle, MTF Nu7 2ndLT Tumz, MTF [REDACTED] P14, MTF E-11 MAJ Warge, Dr. Slime, Lead Engineer Doggo, MTF E-11 MSGT Swole, Lead Researcher James Dark. Level D personnel involved: 4 SCP: 096 Errors and/or safety hazards: Due to this being an 096 test, all non D-Class personel never actualy saw 096 while it was not bagged, and the testing chamber was outfitted with pressure pads and laser detectors, and the chamber's window's were sealed off using sheet metal. Note : Major breach of safety occured during the removing of SCP-096 from its Containment Chamber and moving it to the Testing Chamber, Security/MTF forces slipped up and saw 096's face, MTF forces who came to assist then also saw 096's face, untill it could eventualy be contained by MTF Epsilon-11. a total of 11 Security/MTF Officers/Operatives died because of this. Question: Does 096 respond if seen trough a mirror (i know that this might be somewhat weird to ask, but it has never actualy been tested as far as im aware), Will SCP-096 calm down if injected with amnestics after entering a Rage state. Background Research: It is commonly known that SCP-096 will respond by entering a range state and killing its victim if the victim sees SCP-096 trough picturres, video recording, ect. It has now however been determined wether the same result will show if 096 is observed trough a mirror, and while this might seem odd to ask if all other methods do trigger a response, however, we have plenty of SCP's whose effects only trigger/dont trigger if seen trough a mirror, so its worth ruling out. As for amnestics, well, there's no real research into the area, we know amnestics cause someone to forget things, and maybe it will cause 096 to forget who saw its face? Hypothesis: For the mirror, it will most likely just trigger as per normal, however, it is worth an attempt to see if it will hold any effect. For the amnestics, i assume it will work, i mean, if it cant remember who saw its face, then it should not trigger, right? Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Inner testing chamber, SCP-096 situated behind divider, mirror on the left, and infared sensor in the back left. Outer testing chamber, MTF Operatives Tumz and [REDACTED] shown, Also shown : Dr. Slime and Lead Engineer doggo. Analysis and Conclusion: For Simplicity, this will be divided into the 2 tests that were done. 1. Mirror test. 1 D-Class was situated on left side of divider (Closest to the door), and 096 on the other side. Mirror was placed on the wall to allow D-Class to see SCP-096. D-Class was blindfolded before entering chamber, and was instructed to remove the blindfold once the door was closed behind it, D-Class was (Trough PA system) instructed to look into the mirror, D-Class reported disgust upon seeing SCP-096. SCP-096 entered a rage state near immediately, and [REDACTED] the D-Class. Notes : Well, that was expected. 2. Amnestics test. 2 D-Class were placed in the chamber, one infront of 096, and one behind. Both were blindfolded. The D-Class infront SCP-096 was instructed to remove his blindfold and look at 096 over PA, while the D-Class behind 096 was instructed to inject SCP-096 with amnestics once it entered its rage state. (D Class had previously been equipped with a Syringe holding 10CC's of Class A Amnestics (Roughly enough for erasing 30~ minutes of memory in a baseline human)). Once D-Class saw, 096, it entered its usual rage state, D-Class behind 096 injected it with amnestics, this seemed to confuse 096, as it took significantly longer to stop crying and [REDACTED] the D-Class, second D-Class survived without injury and was later recovered. SCP-096 was recovered from the testing chamber after this test, and was returned to its containment chamber. Notes : Altough not what was expected, this did show results. It took 096 a lot longer to respond then usual, possibly we simply didn't use enough amnestics. I will have to redo this test with some of the highest grade amnestics i can find... Can someone ask MTF for some Class C? Do your results align with your hypothesis?: For test 1. Yes, it did as was expected. For Test 2, no, i had hoped that the results would be better, but did show some effect. Further testing will need to be done.
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