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Everything posted by Tomato

  1. sad not mentioned tomato noises
  2. No, No, No, No, No Site-05 had the worst LCZ. No
  3. This test has been done to death. This and the 096 mirror test are the basic tests people do. Im not gonna knock yours though. It was fine, However in the future don't be afraid to do more creative testing. Overall 80/100
  4. Hi. As the servers avid DogeCoin owner, i would like to request that DogeCoin be added as a payment option through coinbase. This would make it more convenient for me to spend money on the server and support the wonderful people at gaminglight. Remember, Do Only Good Everyday! -Tomato
  5. This......this is just my hamster wheel test but changed a little. I published this test log like 2 months ago. So here is what ill say.... Option 1. If you didn't know that, then great job. this is very creative and id like to see more of it. 90/100 (its a bit short) Option 2. If you knew i had posted the test log, then shame on your for copying.
  6. Fun test log. I like this idea and would like to see it expanded on more. The only issue im seeing is you have some spelling and grammar issues. They are fairly consistent so im going to deduct some points. Overall, good job. 85/100
  7. A cute test. I like cute tests. Well done. I like that 1424 kept trying to eat 1048. Very funny. Only thing is its a bit short. Overall no spelling or grammar mistakes. 95/100
  8. Top Quality right here. I can tell alot of time and effort went into this test. Very well done jummy. No spelling or grammar errors i can see. 100/100
  9. We dont have access to the actual SCP wiki. We cant actually add this info into it. I mean dont get me wrong its well written and detailed, but we cant do anything about it. We are not partnered with the wiki.
  10. I love a good video test, and this one hits all the right notes. I love it when research go the extra mile with their testing. Well done. 100/100
  11. Good job. Lore and information seems right. No spelling or grammar errors. Only issue is the length. It's a bit short. Other than that great job. 90/100
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pAzKybgvyB4NiQn8pVzrjIG04-6_L6BQleQqu4tZJXo/edit?usp=sharing
  13. Sad to see you go Vlad. Im proud of you and the progress you made. Hope to see you back someday!
  14. Well done. You only look points for it being a bit short. Other than that its quality. No grammar issues as far as i can see. 90/100
  15. Lore Name:Tomato Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26407310 Rank: Foundation Doctor Activity Level: 10
  16. Not really a test log so i wont assign a grade, but i am a fan of anyone who attempts to create their own SCP. Well Done!. Keep up the good work!
  17. Overall a fun test but not very original. Also there is some grammar mistakes. The visual stimuli is a nice addition though. Points for that. Overall: 80/100
  18. A quality test. Well done. Good grammar and detail. Only losing points because the document is a bit bland. Other than that its great. 90/100
  19. Very fun test. Very stylized. Well done. This test gets a 95/100. You only lost 5 points due to length. Other than that its a great test. Well done.
  20. This isnt a test log so im not gonna give it a formal grade, but i love the idea of research coming up with their own SCP's. This one is well written and very descriptive. Well done!
  21. NGL, there could be way more to this. I want a extended version of this because i feel like there is so much more you can do. Overall good quality and no spelling errors. 80/100 (simply because of length)
  22. I love this concept for a test. Please make a much longer test log out of this. I would love to read it. This document is rather short and leaves alot to be desired. Overall 80/100 (simply because of the length, nothing else was wrong)
  23. 95/100 only issue is the document is a bit short. i would have loved to hear more detail about 343's "reverse curing" and such. Other than that its a great log. Well done. No spelling/grammar errors that i can see.
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