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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also Rawr X3.
  2. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also Rawr X3.
  3. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also Rawr X3.
  4. Name: Mind Rank: DHOS SteamID: [DATA EXPUNGED] Current Sub-Branches your in: All of them Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): A furry must always be in HCMD or the branch will die. I don't make the rules I just follow them. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Sixx has rat fursona. Jack S has floppa fursona.
  5. I don't think this is correct. If however it is, this needs to be changed.
  6. As the end of my school year comes to a close, final projects are being assigned and I need to focus on them. I'll be in game late at night but much less during the day.
  7. -Support Bruh you blatantly dissed my branch and actually meant it and called wardens useless.. I see absolutely no reason why this should be appealed. I see no regret for your actions. You were banned yesterday and need more time.
  8. What was I doing with the shotgun?
  9. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also Rawr X3.
  10. +/- Support This has been suggested and denied before. The addition of this would most likely cause lag. Branches have different NLR (e.x: Security has 2 minute NLR and MTF has 3 minute NLR). Overall, it would be convenient but could cause issues.
  11. +Support Cool. What could possibly go wrong having Dr. Bright 2.0?
  12. If you think we are going to CMD blacklist you or something you are mistaken. Being a member of CMD is difficult at times and with IRL things it can be like a job. I hope you enjoy utility! Arrivederci.
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